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Introduction to macroecomincs

Introduction to macroecomincs use supply and demand analysis to explain why hotel room rental rates near your campus duringparents weekend and guaduation weekend might differ from the rates charged during the rest of the year. Introduction to macroeconomics Supply and demand is one of the economic models that help in determination of price in agiven […]


How will an increase in the birthrate affect the equilibrium price of land? Macroeconomics An increase in the birth rate results in an increase in the equilibrium price of land. Thereare various reasons to explain this and the reasons are as discussed.An increase in the birthrate results into a population increase which means that there […]

Renewable Energy Solution

Renewable Energy Solution Assignment Task� The current trend in the United Kingdom energy policy suggests an�evolutionary direction from a highly fossil fuel driven economy, to an�environmentally friendly energy policy, mainly due to the evidence of climate� change and global warming.� Using the Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) analytical tool,�critically discuss the impact of advancements in renewable energy�technologies on […]


Microeconomics Portfolio Questions This is my microeconomics coursework portfolio questions. Where we have to answer the questionscorrectly. This is a total of 40% of my final grade so please make sure the answers are direct and get rightto the point. It doesnt have to be in an essay format, simply place the answer below the […]

breast self-examination

Initial Discussion Post: Why is breast self-examination being replaced in the screening guidelines by mammography and breast magnetic resonance imaging? What are the risks associated with breast cancer screening? Do the risks outweigh the benefits? Why or why not? Base your initial post on your readings and research of this topic. DiscussionWhy is breast self-examination […]

Ocean-Driven Hydropower

The Beneficial Invention: We live in an age of great technological change. Imagine that you could choosewhat the next great invention would be. What invention would be the most beneficial for society, andwhy? Write a well-organized persuasive essay in which you explain your choice. Ocean-Driven Hydropower Necessity is the mother of invention, and inventions from […]

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