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Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 1

) 1) Outline the general management topic or problem that you plan to address in your dissertation.
Use theDissertation Proposal Proforma and refer to the Proforma Notes, located in Week 1 Learning

Resources (see ‘Handouts’ ) to help you with this.

2) Explain how your selection of the topic or problem is influenced by your epistemological


This assignment will support the draft of Section 1 of your Proposal. Remember to write concisely.

The Impact of Traffic Jam On Employees Efficiency, Productivity and Enthusiasm in Qatar:

Preventions and Solutions

  1. Aim, objectives and feasibility of the dissertation
    The Research Aim

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 2
The aim of the proposed research study is to delve into the impact that traffic jam in
Qatar has on employees’ enthusiasm, productivity, efficiency, and the probable solutions to

the issue.

The Research Objective
The objective of this research study is to examine how the enthusiasm, productivity,
and efficiency of employees are affected adversely by everyday traffic jams in Qatar. It is
notable that due to the traffic jams, some employees may be late to work when caught up in
the jam. The research will also explore the possible ways in which this problem could be
effectively solved in order to improve the enthusiasm, productivity, and efficiency of
employees in Qatar.
Research Question
 What is the impact of traffic jam on efficiency, productivity and efficiency of
employees in Qatar?
 What are the possible solutions to this problem?
The proposed research is feasible since all the necessary resources required to complete the
research satisfactorily are available and accessible to the researcher. For instance, the
researcher has access to the requisite data, consent from the organization, and willingness of
subjects to be interviewed or questioned.

Justification of the topic
The research topic was selected because of the potential benefits the findings would
present not just to my firm, but also to the industry in general. These benefits include the fact

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 3
that the effect of traffic jam on the efficiency, productivity, and enthusiasm of employees
would be understood clearly and the solutions which the company or the industry can use will
be discovered or learned through this research. Epistemology is concerned with the beliefs of
people with regard to how an individual may discover knowledge regarding the world
(Harmon & Mayer, 1986). Therefore, the selection of the topic is influenced by
epistemological perspective in that the researcher will focus on the beliefs of the study
subjects about how they think traffic jam in Qatar impacts their productivity, efficiency and
productivity. Moreover, epistemology focuses on issues concerning the creation as well as
dissemination of knowledge (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe & Jackson, 2012). As such, the
researcher will focus on issues concerning the creation as well as distribution of knowledge
about the impacts of traffic jam in Qatar on the productivity, enthusiasm and efficiency of
employees and the possible solutions.

  1. Literature review
    For Qatar in the present decade, traffic congestion is a very challenging issue in city
    management. Ongoing and fast urbanization in Qatar has led to tremendous congestion levels
    on roads and therefore extreme demands for service provision and infrastructure in Qatar’s
    urban areas (Planells & Griffin 2014). The situation has only been worsened by limited
    available space for construction of new roads, fast population growth, as well as lack of
    sufficient funds invested for the development of the country’s transport infrastructure in the
    past (Planells & Griffin 2014).
    In their study, Somuyima, Fadare and Ayantoyinbo (2015) explored the cost of traffic
    jam on the productivity of workers in the Nigerian city of Lagos. The researchers purposively
    selected road networks which are usually prone to traffic jams. Their results demonstrated
    that there is an inverse correlation between the productivity of workers and traffic jam in the

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 4
city, meaning that a rise in traffic congestion in Lagos would result in low employee
productivity (Somuyima, Fadare & Ayantoyinbo 2015).
Productivity is an essential aim of economic policy (Leeuw & Wright 2012). In their
study, David and Gregory (2011) learned that with all things being equal, an urban region in
which workers travel less time to get to their workplaces would be more productive in
comparison to an urban area in which travel times are longer. On the whole, employees in an
urban area with no traffic jam would be more efficient and more productive than employees
in urban areas with traffic jams (Weisbrod, Vary & Treyz 2011).

  1. Research methodology and methods
    The epistemological approach that would be used in the proposed research study is
    the Relativist approach. With this approach, the researcher will assume a social
    constructionist perspective by starting with research questions, use interviews to collect views
    of people which would then be triangulated and compared. From these, theories would be
    generated. The research method would be qualitative. Qualitative research is the most
    appropriate for the proposed study since it will allow the researcher to gain insight;
    investigate the complexity, depth and richness that is intrinsic within the phenomenon. Data
    would be collected through the use of qualitative interviews with open-ended questions.
  2. Timing milestones

Milestone Description Due date
1 Stage 1: Area of interest identified May 15, 2016

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 5

2 Stage 2: Specific topic selected May 28, 2016
3 Stage 3: Topic refined to develop dissertation proposal June 2, 2016
4 Stage 4: Proposal written and submitted June 5, 2016
5 Stage 5: Collection of data and information June 15, 2016
6 Stage 6: Analysis and interpretation of collected


September 9, 2016

7 Stage 7: Writing up November 3, 2016
8 Stage 8: Final draft prepared— submission of


December 17, 2016

9 Final Deadline—9 months from module start date. January 25, 2017


David, H., & Gregory F 2011, Gridlock and growth: The effect of traffic congestion on
regional economic performance. Transportation Science, 4(7): 4-18
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Jackson, P 2012, Management research, 4th ed. London:
SAGE Publications.

Impact Of Traffic Jam On Employee Efficiency: Solutions 6
Harmon, M. M., & R. T. Mayer. (1986), Organization Theory for Public Administration,
Boston: Little, Brown
Leeuw, W & Wright, DL 2012, Measuring worker productivity comparing Indiana to its
neighbors. Economic Systems Research, 16(9): 12-19
Planells, CR., & Griffin, I 2014, Traffic congestion in Doha: Causes and solutions.
Somuyima, AO, Fadare, SO., & Ayantoyinbo, BB 2015, Analysis of the cost of traffic
congestion on workers’ productivity in a mega city of a developing economy.
International Review of Management and Business Research, 4(3): 1-13
Weisbrod, G., Vary, D., & Treyz, G 2011, Economic implications of congestion. National
Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 463. Washington, DC:
Transportation Research Board. Transportation Research Board.

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