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Logistics and Operations Management

Logistics and Operations Management: Has the improvement in High St. Retail Logistics made us all more loyal Customers? Logistics and Operations Management 2 Table of ContentsIntroduction 3Findings and Analysis 4Cross-functional Integration to Cross-Enterprise Integration 4Evolution of Market Mediation from Physical Efficiency 5Focusing on Demand instead of Supply 5Evolution of Collaborative Product, Process, and Supply Chain […]

Australian Asylum Policy

Using examples from an area of Australia public policy that has had significant news coverage during thecourse examine and discuss the role played by public affairs practitioners involved in lobbying and activism in this policy area. Australian Asylum Policy Australian government statistics show that between 2012 and 2013 more than 18,000 people arrived inAustralia illegally […]

Supply chain

Question #1 In the article written by Anderson, Coltman, Devinney & Keating (2011) there are ten factors that accountfor 75% of variation in 3PL choice decisions in the minds of customers. Identify these factors and thenexplain and rank them from the most important to least important. Make sure you justify your answer with external research. […]

Forward and Reverse Logistics Integration

Forward and Reverse Logistics IntegrationQuestion #1 Why should companies be focused on the integration of their forward and reverse logistics chains? Answer Question #2 According to the authors Weeks, Gao, Alidaeec & Rana (2010) how does the strategy employed inbusiness affect the product route efficiency of reverse logistics and profitability? Business organizations are optimizing their […]

Conflict and Perceived Unfairness

1#Opportunism, Conflict and Perceived Unfairness Question #1 In the paper written by Samaha, Palmatier & Dant (2011) would you necessarily consider conflict,opportunism, and perceived unfairness as avoidable in logistics management? Also how do you think these factors affect relational behaviors? Answer Question #2 As you can all see from the article written by Samaha et.al. […]

Logistics Performance Dimensions

Logistics Performance Dimensions After reading �Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Differentiation� identify and explain Question #1 the underlying dimensions of logistics performance. Answer Your answer goes here Question #2 Why do you think the authors of the paper �Logistics Performance: Efficiency, Effectiveness, andDifferentiation� came to the conclusion that logistics managers need to compare their logistical […]

Customer Relationship Management in Reverse Logistics

Customer Relationship Management in Reverse Logistics Explain what customer relationship management is and what the correlation of customer relationshipmanagement and information technology is as part of reverse logistics concept of the supply chain. Use one of the four management philosophies to help frame your answer. Find an example from a real company and include some […]

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