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Why changes are important in organizations

Why changes are important in organizations
�Executive Summary–a description of the topic and its importance, the research question and how
you have answered it, and what your results indicate. 250 words or less.
�A reference and appendices section citing all of the sources you used in your paper. References
and Appendixes may exceed 1 pg. and the 5 page total when doing so is a consequence of the
volume of either.

 Organizational change refers to the
actionsIntroduction or
measures that have to be
Organizational change refers to the
actions or measures that have to be
adopted by companies’ managements
to enable firms respond effectively to
the wider socioeconomic environment
via the turnabout of
systems/structures, processes and
behaviors that target at the
advancement and development of a
 Firms should ensure that they adapt to
volatile external and internal business
environment to enable them compete
favorably with their rivals, and expand
their operations.

 This paper aims at investigating the
significances of change to firms, why
employees resist change and ways of
overcoming resistance to change.
 adopteHowever, employees often
demonstrate resistance to change
 Approximately 70% of significant
changes that are executed by firms like
quality improvement initiatives and
mergers often end up failing (Drew &
Wallis, 2014)
 Employees always resist change as
they are satisfied with the current
state of events in their firms and are
afraid of the new alternations that
often accompany change.
 There needs to be an investigation on
the significance of change in
organizations to help avoid issues such
as resistance to change
 d by companies’ managements to
enWhy Change is Significant to

Organizations and Employeesable
firms respond effectively to the
wider socioeconomic environment
via tChange helps organizations in
many ways
 Change helps firms adopt to new
 Ensures that companies restructure
their systems and operations with the
aim of getting rid of obsolete
technologies or activities
 Helps firms foster good relationship
with consumers
 Change ensures that employees
improve their skills and
 All these factors are vital in ensuring
that firms increase their productivity,
attract more consumers and generate
more revenues alongside competing
favorably with their competitors

 he turnabout of systems/structures,
Employees/Individuals Resist
Change and behaviors that target
at the advancement and
development of a firEmployees often
fear change due to reasons such as job
lay-offs, increased tasks and new
methods of executing duties.
 50% (3 respondents) considered job
lay-offs as the most feared aspect of
 33% (2 participants) of the
respondents argued that the most
feared aspect of change is the need to
adopt new methods of performing
 17% (1 participant) of the respondents
claimed that the most feared aspect of
change is increased duties that often
accompany change.
 m.

should ensure that they adapt to
volatile external and A Graph Showing the Most
Feared Aspect of Change
How to Make Employees Comfortable With


 business environment to enable
thFirms can make workers comfortable
with the process of change by involving
them in change implementation process,
informing them of the benefits of change,
training employees and considering the
interest of employees.
 50% of the participants argued that
training employees is the most effective
method of overcoming resistance in
 33% of the respondents argued that the
most effective mechanism of overcoming
resistance in organizations is engaging
workers in the process of change
 17% (1 respondent) of the respondents
considered the consideration of

employees’ interests as the most effective
method of overcoming change.
 em compete favorably with their
rivals, and expand their operations.
 This pConclusionaper aims at
investigating the signiChange ensures
that companies cope up with new
innovations, rectify their mistakes and
improve their organizational cultures.
 Change often ensures that workers enhance
their skills and competitiveness.
 However, employees often fear change due
to uncertainties that accompany it such as job
lay-offs, increased tasks and need to perform
duties using new methods, which are not
known to employees.
 Firms should focus on overcoming resistance
by training employees on intended changes,
informing workers about the significance of
changes to them and to the organization,
engaging employees in the process of change
and considering the interests of workers
during the implementation of change.

 ficances of change to firms, why
resist change and ways of
overcoming resistance to change.
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 Nasir, M & Zafar, F. (2014). Four Factors to Influence Organization & Employee Commitment
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 Rashid, H & Zhao, L. (2010). The Significance of Career Commitment in Generating
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 Savolainen, T. (2013). Change Implementation in Intercultural Context: A Case Study of
Creating Readiness to Change. Journal of Global Business Issue, 7(2) 51-58
 Sharif, M & Scandura, T. (2014). Do Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Matter During
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