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System Analysis and Design Case Studies

System Analysis and Design Case Studies

Read chapters 9 and 11 of the text and the case studies at the end of these chapters.

Answer the questions about the following case studies at the end of chapter 9:
1.)Real Estate Multiple Listing
2.)Rethinking Rocky Mountain Outfitters

Answer the questions about the following case studies at the end of chapter 11:
1.)State Patrol Ticket Processing System
2.)Downtown Video Rental System

Suggestions and Guidelines:
� Use your own words and Thoughts. Plagirism and/or cheating will result in a grade of Zero.
� Give short answers to each question (not more than 3-4 lines)
� Total page length (not more than 3 pages, 300 words per page)
� 1-inch margins, Double spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font

Answers to Chapter 9 Case Studies

  1. Real Estate Multiple Listing

As the application deployment environment a “anywhere, anytime” requirements has a variety of implications since it requires the network to be available in a wide range of regions most of which often distributed across long distances. This is attributable to the fact that different network, hardware and software architecture requirements are numerous. The major implication involves infiltration of the network which may pose a risk.

This may be attributed by a three-layer architecture using basic PCs and web browsers whereby the network can consist of both wired and wireless connections through an alternative network shown below.

The inclusion of graphical data on the network would have significant impact in terms of sales considering the considerable number of listings to be done constantly. This is mainly because including graphical data would increase the coverage extent of the sellers and buyers which is a desired result for a network.

2.) Rethinking Rocky Mountain Outfitters

Alternative deployment for RMO based on Apache web server for the Rocky Mountain Outfitters has been of crucial significant and in order to considerably improve its efficiency, an alternative deployment for the RMO would be carried out as shown below.

The alternative deployment network with the ability for the RMO customer support system would be essentially carried out make sure that there is improved efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of the company duties. This is attributable to the fact that there will improvements across the entire chain in to make sure that every party to be involved in the network would not only get value for money but also the necessary support whenever need. All aspects of the entire network have to be wholly considered to make sure that all loopholes that are often overlooked by many network developers in terms of the selected hardware, software as well as configuration architecture are tightly sealed.

Therefore, in order to make sure that the network works effectively without failures, several changes must be done in terms of client work stations as well as customer personal computers (PCs). For instance, network settings and configurations will be carried out in order to make sure that there are significant improvements in terms of security by making sure the not only the network intruders will be completely blocked from unauthorized access to the network as well as making sure that all sorts of malwares are also completely blocked from the client workstations and clients’ PCs. This is highly critical for ensuring that the network has achieved the highest possible levels of security for maximum protection of the client workstations and clients’ PCs meaning that they shall use the network without any fear of a network attack or intrusion.

There will be also some changes that will be required for the middleware as well as communication protocols. This includes changing of the security setting to make that they are in alignment with the alternative network. Moreover, a clearly laid out communication protocol shall be implemented to ensure any changes to the network can only be done by the chief administrator.

Answers to Chapter 11 Case Studies   

  1. State Patrol Ticket Processing System

Implementation of any project in a successful manner requires utilization of CRC Cards as well as DCD in order to make sure that each activity flows from the other one in a clearly outlined manner, however, the first-cut DCD is usually developed from the CRC cards. This is mainly because the CRC cards outline the role to be played be each party in the project implementation. Therefore, the CRC cards shown below are for the state control ticket processing system.

CRC cards State Patrol Ticket Processing System

In addition, the names to the identified classes in the DCD are added with regards to identified responsibilities on the basis of the CRC cards. Therefore, the eventual DCD for the State Patrol Ticket Processing System is shown below.

2.) Downtown Video Rental System

In order to design and implement the Downtown Video Rental System in a successful manner CRC Cards as well as DCD are usually required for the purpose of making sure that each of the activity within the project is clearly outlined together with an highlight of the responsibilities of each participant within the project as well as the classes and subclasses whereby both are used together, but the first-cut DCD is usually developed from the CRC cards. This is attributable to the fact that CRC cards clearly outline the roles played by all project participants. Therefore, the CRC cards shown below are for the Downtown Video Rental System project implementations are shown below.

On the other hand, the first-cut DCD developed for successful implementation of this project are shown supposed to make sure that the clear link or relationship between all the activities and classes is clearly highlighted. This plays an important role in making sure that each of the projective is carried out as envisaged since there would be differentiation of activities and classes throughout the entire project. Therefore, the first-cut DCD developed for effective design and implementation of the Downtown Video Rental System is shown below.

Reference Satzinger, J.W., Jackson, R.B. & Burd, S.D. (2008). Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

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