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Leading Strategic Decision-Making

I have an assignment and just need to make sure it goes back to the same writer since she said she will
do it and I wrongfully accused her. I am sorry.

Leading Strategic Decision-Making
End of Module Coursework Assessment
 This graded assessment accounts for 90% of your final grade and comprises two separate
assessment exercises: Part A & Part B which are both weighted equally at 45% of your final grade.
You need to use this cover sheet for your assignment.
In Part B, we require you to write an essay on the following topic.
Essay Topic:
Roe (2014) argues that according to leader member exchange theory, followers who experience
high quality relationships with the leader are in receipt of higher tangible rewards, such as pay,
bonuses and more challenging assignments. 
Critically assess whether leader member exchange theory provides an effective framework for
assessing the relationships between leaders and followers.
Marking schedule for Part B:
10% of marks are allocated to the presentation of the essay. The student’s work should be typed
with clear use of paragraphs and headings. Typographical and spelling errors should be avoided.
10% of marks are allocated to appropriate referencing of content. Students should familiarise
themselves and make use of the Harvard referencing system and should cite and reference material

properly. Students should make use of a range of resources (books, journal articles etc) and the
literature used should be appropriate to the arguments made.
60% of marks are allocated to the analysis presented in the essay. Students should examine
appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks. Students should demonstrate an awareness of the
wider context and present an in-depth discussion of current issues. Better students will demonstrate
critical analysis skills and communicate their arguments in a clear and coherent manner.
20% of marks are allocated to the conclusions drawn. The conclusions should identify the key
themes or issues under consideration.  Conclusions should be well supported from the analysis and
highlight the significance of arguments, evidence and insights
Guidance Notes on Part B:
You must refer to relevant literature throughout the essay. This can be in the form of textbooks,
journal articles, or relevant web-based material. Student are directed in particular to the following
databases which they may find useful in developing their essay:
 Emerald
 ABI Inform Complete (Proquest)
 Ingenta
 Science Direct
 Sage Online
In particular, the following journals may be helpful to you in relation to the prescribed topic:
 Leadership Quarterly (Available on Science Direct)
 Leadership and Organisation Development Journal (Available on Emerald)
 Team Performance Management (Available on Emerald)
 Journal of Management Development (Available on Emerald)
 Group and Organisation Management (Available on Sage Online)
You may wish to refer to relevant theory or you may wish to cite relevant research or examples to
support your arguments. Remember all material cited must be referenced using the Harvard
Referencing system. Also please refer to the University guidance notes on the avoidance of
Please remember to structure your essay appropriate. You should use headings – and include an
introduction, main body and conclusion/recommendations sections.

While we do not specify a particular number of references/citations to be included, you should
include at least a minimum of 15 different citations/references from books and journal articles in
your essay.
Please answer the topic posed. Your essay should NOT be a summary of leadership theories. You
need to specifically address the topic and question posed.
Minimum Essay Length: 2000 words
Maximum Essay Length: 2500 words
Aside from the reference list, your essay (Part B) should not include any appendices.
Submission deadline:                          Friday 29 th August 2014, 11.59pm (UK time)               
Please note that whilst the submission deadline is Friday 29 th August at 11.59pm (UK time), you are
free to make your submission at any time before this date. You do not need to wait until this day, or
the day before or the week before.                              
Important Note:
Please ensure that Part A and Part B are submitted as separate documents. The documents should
clearly be marked Part A and Part B and your matriculation number and module code should be
clearly marked on the submission.

Coursework Assessment Feedback
Matriculation No. Date of Submission:
Module: Leading Strategic   Decision-Making
Part B: Essay Cohort:

Category                      Comment
Presentation of the essay.
Clear use of paragraphs and
  headings and the text is free
from typographical and
spelling errors.

Referencing   of content.
Consistent use of Harvard
Referencing throughout the
essay with   adequate citation
support for arguments being

Comprehensive   examination
of appropriate theoretical
frameworks and models.
Strong   arguments
presented with critical
insights and good
communication skills in  

Clear   identification of key
themes and issues. Synthesis
of core arguments and  
formulation of insights and
recommendations as
General Comments:
Overall Grade:               Marker:
N.B. the percentages are shown as indications of the relative importance of each section and should
not be taken as a precise indication of the marking scheme.

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