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Personal Reflection for Effective communication

Personal Reflection for Effective communication


start with a concept or theory that we touched on in class.

give your opinion re: what was discussed. do you agree? disagree? is it valuable? why or why not?

Give an example to illustrate or demonstrate your opinion/point of view

Remember that the overall goal is for me to hear your voice – what you think and how you relate
personally to the chosen topic.

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Personal Reflection for Effective Communication

Effective communication is an integral component of sharing information. Every manager
desires to see the organization work efficiently through effective communication and
coordination of activities. However, to ensure proper communication, managers must learn
components of effective communication to keep employees committed to assigned tasks.
Considering that my career ambition is to grow at top management level, it is essential to

learn the importance of effective communication. My expectation through the course was to
gain valuable knowledge and experience on management skills.
Communication is becoming an integral and an essential component of modern
competitive age. Therefore, communication must be clear and compelling to avoid
inefficiencies and activity disruptions. Effective communication encompasses the efficient
process of sharing information through attentive listening, non-verbal communication,
understanding ability and controlling emotions as well as managing stress. The non-verbal
communication skills enable managers to effectively use body language in expressing a
desired message and meaning. Body language ensures the practical use of facial expressions
as well as moving body parts such as legs, hands, posture eye contact and voice tone.
Practical use of body language can pass information such as opposing someone else opinion.
Attentive listening establishes a healthy and safe environment for communication as well as
negating any negative emotions. Controlling and understanding emotions creates effective
non-verbal communication.
My experience has an intern in customer care service department gave me critical lessons
on the importance of effective communication. The experience was essential in setting my
future goals in management. I learned that effective communication is an essential
component that enables managers to cultivate positive employee relations, encourage
employees to set goals and to limit turnover as well as setting strategic direction,
implementation, and effective leadership. However, communication has been a challenge in
the socially diverse world, and the human resource managers must ensure effective
communication and resonant relationships within organizations (McKee, 2014). Besides, my
ability to effectively solve customers’ complaints in time enabled me to gain abilities in
sharing information and influencing workers. I learned that it is crucial to communicate
values effectively and inspire employees by creating resonance in relationships for improved

performance. Moreover, being a leader demands stress management skills which assist in
controlling emotions.
The benefits of globalization have increased the challenges to communicate. It is evident
that many aspects of culture affect communication in a diverse workforce. During my
placement in the customer service department, I was faced with issues related to age, gender,
and cultural diversity which are essential for group identification communication. However,
it was challenging to manage a diverse working environment, especially in the modern
organizational setting. Therefore, to ensure organizational success, I learned that effective
communication is an essential aspect for managers to motivate employees under diverse
backgrounds (McKee, 2014). Basing the fact that I desire to grow in top management, it is
essential to learn diverse backgrounds and practical communication skills that will enable me
to pass clear and understandable message in right language (McKee, 2014).
Employees’ attitude is an essential component that managers must thoroughly understand.
Work environment and attitude have a significant impact on effective communication.
Communicating effectively with diverse groups enabled made me realize the meaning of
work and helped to gain additional insight into distinct cultural differences, attitudes, and
values. As a manager, I will ensure explicit sharing of information and that feedback is based
on an appropriate channel that will create an interactive environment for improvement.
Managing an organization means I should establish a collective social unit where actions will
be coordinated to attain both individual and collective goals (McKee, 2014). Motivational
incentives such as professional career development, time off, job security, pay raise, financial
rewards and intrinsic values should be communicated effectively.
I also learned that it is essential as an HR manager to ensure effective communication with
employees of labor laws and workforce data. Labor laws and workforce data will ensure fair

treatment of employees and the information can impact the organization’s ability to succeed.
It will be essential to inform employees of their rights as well as gather and communicate
information about their engagement. As a manager, it is essential to improve communication
and build resonant work relationships. The understanding of barriers to effective
communication makes managers pass information creates the desired outcome such as
changes, strategies, and propositions.
In conclusion, effective communication is one of the critical components that ensure
managers are on employees’ checklist. As a manager, it is important to evaluate the message
to convey, determine the appropriate channel, adjusting language to match the audience,
creating a level of trust that will make others feel conformable through the hierarchy of needs
and authority. Besides, it is essential to practice empathy in communication as well as
accurately reading peoples’ responses to help understand your message. The channels of
communication are changing due to technological advancement; however, effective
communication remains an essential tool for executing work.



McKee, A. (2014). Management: A Focus on Leaders: Pearson New International Edition.
Pearson Education Limited.

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