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Classroom Management and Communication with Parents

Classroom Management and Communication with Parents

While there is the global change of culture, Krasnoff (2016) pointed out that there is a
change in the classroom. A lot of what learners relate to culture is from one another in the
classroom. As such, educators of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students should

strive to build a community within the classroom of mutual respect and assimilate to one
another’s cultural and linguistic diversity (Krasnoff, 2016). In this paper, the classroom
setting for the unit is described. The paper also analyzes activities that are planned for the
unit, and an explanation is provided on ways of providing a culturally responsive classroom
environment. The procedures and rules used in the classroom are stated and rationalized.
Finally, the paper recommends three ways of communicating with parents and guardians and
obtaining their involvement.

Classroom Setting

Flexibility in seating is of great importance. The seating arrangement will match the
lesson purpose. Flexibility in room arrangement facilitates various instructional formats to be
used, for instance, individual work, student pairs, small group, and the whole group. Lessons
in a classroom designed for independent work, for instance, tests and seatwork, would be
supported by arrangement in rows or pair rows. An arrangement in groups would support
lessons designed for collaborative work or group work. All in all, the classroom would be
arranged in a manner that accommodates student discussion for an educator to learner and
from learner to learner. When computers are used in the classroom, every student will have
one. If there were 12 students, there would be 12 computers. The teacher will also have her
computer. The arrangement of tables and computers would be made in such a manner that it
allows the teacher to see every screen. This will prevent the students from doing other
unnecessary things with their computers while the class is in session, for instance, playing
Furthermore, meaningful bulletin boards that involve culturally diverse images would
be included in the class to enhance the learners’ sense of cultural membership in the
classroom. Visuals such as instructional materials, displays, and other bulletin boards would

reflect the cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds represented by the students. Besides,
various visual aids and props would be utilized to support student learning. The bulletin
boards and walls would be designed in such a manner that all cultural subgroups in the
classroom are visible. The classroom will feature various colors, which are pertinent to
different cultures. An inclusive learning environment would be created in which every
student feels ok to be him or herself.
Additionally, a seating chart with the names of every student on it would be included.
This seating chart is not only for remembering names or taking attendance but will also be a
tool for recalling particular names basing upon cultural preferences. Most culturally and
linguistically diverse students prefer to be called by their name. Learning the names of each
student brings together the community of the class, despite how dissimilar they might be
from one another. While it might sound simple, knowing or pronouncing the names of CLD
students could significantly alter the outlook of the learner. It helps to develop respect and
trustworthiness amongst everybody (Krasnoff, 2016).
Activities Planned for the Unit

Various activities are planned for the unit. These include activities that promote
critical thinking about diversity, activities which foster cultural sensitivity, as well as general
multicultural education activities. These activities are selected because they are conducive to
the cultural and academic needs of the students. Other activities are recommended, including
student competition and collaboration activities.
In competitive activities, the learners compete with each other for the teacher’s
recognition and better grades (Webster, 2015). These activities are necessary because they
encourage the students to do their very best; children are faced with the real-world challenge
of competition, and independent effort and thinking are promoted and rewarded. Besides, the

students could work in teams and compete against other teams, which will significantly help
in enlivening the classroom environment (Webster, 2015). In collaborative activities, the
learners are split into small groupings, and then the teacher encourages them to cooperate to
make the most of their learning, as well as the others’ in the team. Collaborative activities are
essential because learners tend to learn better when they also help teach other learners and
students learn vital cooperative social skills which they might require later during their
working lives (Hattie, 2014).
A culturally responsive classroom environment would be provided by encouraging the
learners to care for each other and be responsible for one another both outside and inside the
class; holding high academic expectations and standards for every student; and the teacher
committing herself to knowing all the learners well, not just academically but also
emotionally and socially. This includes learning about their interests, cultures, and families
(Hattie, 2014). The educator should also recognize her own cultural identity, biases,
ethnocentrism, and their consequences.

Rules and Procedures used in the Classroom

The rules and procedures used in the classroom include general rules of conduct. They
outline the following: treat other people as you would wish others treated you; every student
is responsible for his/her learning; respect other students and their properties, and stealing and
hitting are not allowed; do not disturb students who are learning; come to class on time;
present assignments on time; laugh at no one, but instead laugh with anyone. The
consequences for breaking these rules are also outlined. The rationale for using these rules is
that they contribute to an orderly environment and successful learning. They also ensure a
safe learning environment and allow the learners to recognize the boundaries when it comes
to classroom behavior.

Teachers involve students in decision-making by asking them for ideas and involving
them in creating classroom rules and procedures. Involving the learners in creating classroom
rules and procedures is essential in making them want to follow them (Krasnoff, 2016). The
conflict resolution methods used entails: speaking to both of the conflicting parties separately
to understand each side of the story and get to know all facts; setting up a time for the three of
us to meet together where I will act as the mediator, and then asking what each party needs
from the other. When a person is sharing, he/she cannot be interjected or interrupted. Each
one of them would have a chance of sharing their feelings and views. Lastly, each party
would express his/her requests in the spirit of reconciliation and healing.
About rewarding desired behavior and disciplining unacceptable behavior, my
approach entails acknowledgment and giving specific positive reinforcements for desired
behavior. The positive reinforcements include giving effective praise, sharing a high five, and
smiling. Sometimes small rewards such as prizes or stickers are given to the students who
demonstrate desired behavior, for instance when an older student ties a younger student’s
shoes. Guiding and managing the behavior of a child rather than using punishment disciplines
bad behavior. The student is given the consistent response from the caring teacher, and
sincere attachment, trust, and a sense of being wanted develop in the child, which in turn
forms the starting point of effective discipline and ethical behavior.
Ways to Communicate with Parents/Guardians and Obtain their Involvement
Communicating with the guardians or parents of the students is a critical
responsibility that teachers have in their line of work (Berger, 2015). To communicate with
parents and obtain their involvement, the following recommendations are made. Firstly is to
use notes and forms that the teacher gives the students to send home to inform the parents
about how their child is doing. Notes/forms may include quick notes saying that the child did

something good today, volunteer letter that requests the guardians/parents to come to school
and assist in the classroom, notification of a failed assignment, and classroom newsletter
(Berger, 2015).
The second recommendation is for the teachers to use technology to their advantage.
It takes a short period to send an email to guardians/parents to tell them how well their child
performed on a particular project or generally how they performed in class. At the start of the
school year, the teacher should send home an email address request form, and
guardians/parents who choose to have emails sent to them would appreciate that the teacher
follows through on doing this at least once a month (Rybicki, Edwards & Flath, 2013).
Thirdly, it is recommended that teachers should capitalize on the teacher-parent
conferences to communicate with parents. At these conferences, the teacher will have
information to share with the guardians/parents. Parents and guardians would also have
questions to ask. The teacher should give them time to convey their opinions and views. If
there is a situation that cannot fit into a teacher-parent conference timeframe, the teacher
should strive to meet with the parents at a better time when he/she can give them his/her full
attention (Rybicki, Edwards & Flath, 2013).


Berger, E. H. (2015). Parents as Partners in Education. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, Inc.

Hattie, J (2014). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to
Achievement. Abingdon, Routledge

Krasnoff, B. (2016). Culturally responsive teaching: A guide to evidence-based practices for
teaching all students equitably. Portland, OR: Education Northwest.

Rybicki, C., Edwards, J., & Flath, S. (2013). ECE 127 Parent-Teacher Interaction Module. 
St. Louis Community College.

Webster, C. (2015). Competition and collaboration in teaching and learning. Enhancing
learning in the social sciences, 4(1): 45-53

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