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Peer review on Privacy and Confidentiality

Peer review on Privacy and Confidentiality

Using the Google scholar website, locate a peer reviewed
article about privacy. Write a critical evaluation of the article; make sure to include three to five key
points that you thought were important. All of the key points should be written in your own words, and
the article must be properly cited using APA-style. Your work should include at least
two references.

Peer review on Privacy and Confidentiality

The article by Hattingh, Knox, Fejzic, McConnell, Fowler, Mey, Kelly and Wheeler
(2015) about “Privacy and confidentiality: perspectives of mental health consumers and
carers in pharmacy settings” was first published by the International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice on April 25, 2014. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice published the
journal. The primary objectives for this study were to explore in a setting of community
pharmacy practice, the opinions of stakeholders in mental health about their past and current
privacy experience, support and confidentiality and their needs and expectations about
confidentiality and privacy. The authors ensured clear objectives to guide their study and
provide new information in the field of privacy and confidentiality concerning pharmacy
The research Hattingh et al. used research methodology that was effective to gather
information for analysis and drew recommendations for both current and further application
of data confidentiality and privacy in pharmacy context. The study used in-depth interviews
as well as focus groups for three states in Australia to gather primary data for analysis.
Therefore, linking up the objectives to the data collection techniques, they were useful and
gave accurate information about the past and current experiences in confidentiality, privacy,
and support, and allowed practitioners as well as stakeholders to give their needs and
expectations regarding confidentiality and privacy. The methodology ensured that the study
had an in-depth analysis of the topic and provided an accurate picture of confidentiality and

privacy in perceptions of mental health in a pharmacy setting. Besides, the journal has a well-
written abstract that provides precise information about the content of the study. The abstract
has brief information about the objectives, research methodology, findings, and conclusion.
The information on the abstract makes the case study authentic for publication in the
international pharmacy context.
The peer-reviewed publication by Hattingh et al. (2015) had a deep tone that gave the
direction of the study. Besides, authors had well-documented footnotes for all the references
that ensured the paper was accredited for publication. Footnotes were used to back the list of
references for the journal. However, the journal fails to give complete credentials of the
authors for verification if they were qualified to research the field of mental health
concerning the past and current experiences in the context of pharmacy and the perspectives
of carers and consumers.
The privacy and confidentiality article by Hattingh et al. (2015) specializes in the
perspectives of carers and consumers in the pharmacy context for mental health. This allows
the authors to have an in-depth analysis of the gathered information using the interviews and
focus groups. The authors established that there is a necessity for improved staff awareness
and protection for confidentiality and privacy. Therefore, the findings showed that there is a
requirement for training pharmacy staff on the benefits of confidentiality and privacy as well
as enacting strategies that comply with pharmacy practice requirements. Hattingh et al.
provided new insight on the need for developing training materials for staff to effectively
help clients with sensitive issues.
Therefore, the article is original research done by the authors to establish the perspectives
of mental health carers and consumers in pharmacy context. Thus, this article by Hattingh et
al. (2015) is written for the people in a pharmacy setting with past and current information

concerning their information privacy and confidentiality. Hattingh et al. ensured that the case
study is divided into sections with clear headings for easy reading and well documentation.
The work by Hattingh et al. had data analysis that indicated the ensuring confidentiality and
privacy in community pharmacy to provide the open setting. Thus, the findings provide
valuable insights into carers and consumers’ confidentiality and privacy demands. This can
help in developing more advanced and improved techniques, packages for training and
programs for mentoring pharmacy staff in a community. Thus, it will promote healthcare
consumers and ensure improved health outcomes.



Hattingh, H. L., Knox, K., Fejzic, J., McConnell, D., Fowler, J. L., Mey, A., Kelly, F. &
Wheeler, A. J. (2015). Privacy and confidentiality: perspectives of mental health
consumers and carers in pharmacy settings. International Journal of Pharmacy
Practice, 23(1), 52-60.

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