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Learning theory

You have several choices to make in this assignment:

  1. Identify your focus audience�students of a particular age or parents.
  2. Determine what product you would like to create. The possibilities are open, but could include materials
    such as:
    o A lesson plan for a lesson about how we learn that you might like to do with your students at the
    beginning of the year
    o A welcome letter, handout, or brochure for parents explaining how learning theory is informing your
    pedagogy for the year
    Your final assignment submission should include:
    � A short explanation of what you have created and why you chose to make that particular tool (this can
    be a short, 1-page paper separate from the actual product)
    � The actual product you will use with students or parents


Lesson Plan Tool

It is important to properly develop a tool that would be efficient in explaining the
learning theory to the students or the parents. There are various materials that can be adopted in
preparing the material or model for learning in a class setting. In this paper, the tool developed to
help the students in learning is the lesson plan. The lesson plan developed provides the
suggestions for adoption by the middle school students. The social learning theory would be
explained in the lesson plan where the main aim is to teach the students the social skills which
are highly relevant in a class setting and throughout their school life. The focus audience is the
grade 6-8 students who are mostly in the age bracket of 11-14 years and also their parents or
guardians. The lesson plan considers the ability of how the students overcome and learn from
There are different objectives that would be achieved by the students at the end of the
learning duration. The major objective is that the students will learn the social skills and
application of the same while learning. The characters of the children and their attitude towards

studies are said to contribute a lot the achievement of the set objectives (Carey, 2014). Another
objective that is to improve the conversational knowledge and classroom language of the
students. Another major objective that would be achieved is the improvement in the
communication skills as well as impacting the peer interactions of the students in a positive
There are various instructions that would have to be followed by the students while
ongoing with their class activities. The students would be required to use the appropriate tone
while communicating with others. The students would be expected to generate creative solutions
to the tasks provided which act as the problem (Carey, 2014). It entails ensuring they have polite
conversation features in their language by incorporating terms such as “thank-you” and “please”.
The students are supposed to communicate at the appropriate speed while also taking turns while
communicating with others in the classroom. Time is a crucial factor when executing the
instructions where the number of hours put in learning and practicing the instructions matters a
lot. The students should be able to express their thoughts in a variety of way and ensure their
interaction style is effective.
The determination of the student’s characteristics and their behaviors that influence their
learning would be an essential step adopted in the lesson plan. Capturing the attention of the
learners is vital modeling their behavior throughout the learning duration. The students would be
questioned on what motivates them better such as the frequent test like activities which shapes
their skills. Offering the feedback and assessment in response to the way the students conduct
their activities and also incorporating peer-review in the class would be essential measures in
providing personalized and comprehensive learning to experience to the students.

There are various performance objectives that are developed with the aim of assessing
whether the tasks learned by the students are properly mastered. The students would be required
to differentiate between the school language and the playground language. The notion of putting
more effort and time on the major tasks in the class would be emphasized while learning since it
is vital in the performance of the set objectives (Carey, 2014). The students are required to
request for more information while conversing with other students. The students would also be
required to initiate, properly maintain and also ensure the conversation ends appropriately which
is an indicator of proper acquisition of the conversational knowledge.
There are various assessments that would be carried out to find out whether the students
have effectively mastered the required skills. Using questions to assess the understanding of the
students would be an essential technique for evaluation. The formative assessment that includes
practical where the groups of students would be asked to converse to check whether they have
acquired the necessary communication skills would be used in the evaluation process.
The instructional strategy adopted during the learning process is the grouping of students
so as to assist each other while practicing the lessons taught in a class setting. The instruction
would be simple since the brain of the students is said to store facts and ideas which would
bubble up as time goes by thus making it necessary to provide students with the time to adapt.
The presentation to be used in assessing the students would focus on the storage strength of the
students in remembering whatever has been taught (Carey, 2014). In this case, the retrieval
ability and how quickly information learned before comes to mind would be considered. The
presentation of what has been learned in front of the class which would be practical and easy in
nature by taking a test form would be efficient in determining whether the students acquired the
necessary information concerning the social learning theory. The students would be evaluated on

various aspects such as their attending behaviors to conversations, their listening skills and also
the self-monitor nonverbal communication skills. The instructional materials to be used include
books about social learning theory, communication skills and the appropriate use of language.
Instructional aids such as the printed material with diagrammatic expressions and pictures would
be essential instructional materials in explaining the social learning theory.
The formative evaluation would entail identifying the problems faced by the students
throughout the learning process while coming up with the effective solutions to the problems.
The students would also be encouraged to carry out self-examination which is an effective
learning way where they would try to connect everything learned through active engagement of
their minds (Carey, 2014). Feedback would be provided based on the performance of activities
after the assessment of the students. The summative evaluation would be done through awarding
the marks to the students where scores would determine if the desired outcomes were achieved at
the end of the learning process.

Explanation for Creating and Selecting the Lesson Plan Tool
The tool created for explaining the learning theories is essential since it impacts the
learning process positively. The social learning theory has been put into use through the creation
of the activities and lesson plan for the classroom setting. The lesson plan has considered what
the young students would learn and the specific outcomes expected at the end of the learning
process. The tool developed for explaining the learning theory is important for the students since
it helps in learning the content deeper and also has positive impacts on their future learning.
Through the lesson plan, the crucial questions would be posed while also engaging the students
using tests with the aim of investigating the challenges facing the students and also providing
them with puzzles to sort. Such activities developed in the lesson plan helps the students to be

actively engaged in learning the particular concept in the class. I chose the lesson plan since it
makes it easy to understand the requirements in the developmental learning theory. The lesson
plan offers the opportunity for the students to learn from each other and share ideas in class
because of the activities incorporated into the lesson plan. The lesson plan would help the
students to attain their personal and class objectives easily. The lesson plan tool would also offer
a sense of direction about what should be done throughout the learning process. In this case, the
learning tool was selected since it is an important basis for future planning.


Carey, B. (2014) How we learn: The surprising truth about when, where, and why it happens.
New York, NY: Random House.

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