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Stakeholder groups

How good is the Argument Choose an issue discussed in the required studies relating to one of the three stakeholder groups(i.e. school boards, teacher unions, or government associated entities) and do the following: Evaluate one claim made from both proponents and opponents. Write a 2- to 3-paragrah concise evaluation of each claim by proponents and […]

Roles of technology in education

Technology. This is a term that has become viewed by many educators as a double-edged sword. Itprovides teachers and students with endless possibilities�but with those possibilities comes a newset of potential issues. The world is basically at our finger-tips. There is now Wi-Fi in schools,computer access for students, virtual classrooms, flipped classrooms, social media, just […]

Present high school curriculum

One of the primary values associated with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is collegereadiness. Develop a PowerPoint presentation that argues for or against college readiness drivingschool curriculum. This argument should follow the Toulmin Model for Argumentation (Wheeler, n.d.)explained below:ARGUMENTS AGAINSTCOLLEGE READINESS INDRIVING SCHOOLCURRICULUMPROBLEMThe present high school curriculum isinadequate in ensuring readiness of highschool students […]

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