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Work with Diverse People


Determine the legal and ethical factors that need to be considered regarding to discrimination, human

rights and rights and responsibilities of workers, employers, and clients.

explain the impact of theses factors on individual workers and explain the likely consequences of:

Breaches of discrimination legislation

Infringement of human rights including the universal declaration of human rights
Not supporting client, worker and employer rights and responsibilities in the workplace.

Work with Diverse People

Working with diverse people requires monitoring of involved activities using the law.
Thus, this essay seeks to establish legal factors, along with ethical aspects that opt to be well

Work With Diverse People 2
thought-out as regards to discrimination, workers responsibility, employers’ rights, clients’
responsibilities, and human rights.

Task 1
Legal factors, along with ethical aspects for consideration
In employment, it is illegal to discriminate employees due to any form of disability they
may be having. Additionally, all employees have the right to be offered reasonable
accommodation and working place by their employer (Dezmar-Krainz 2015, pg 139). Notably, it
is illegal to question a job applicant about being disabled, or subject the applicant to any form of
medical examination in advance of making an offer for a job (Botha 2016).

Task 2

Impact of Legal Factors Considered
When employees get discriminated due to disability, they tend to develop anxiety and
deep sadness which may result in depression and eating disorders (Dezmar-Krainz 2015, pg
142). Additionally, when job applicants get questioned for their disability, or get subjected to
medical examination, it results in the applicant developing guilt and feeling empty. However,
when employees offer reasonable accommodation and working place to their employees, the
employees feel more valued and hence become more productive in the workplace (Botha 2016).
Consequences of breach of discrimination laws
When an employer breaches discrimination laws, he/she is likely to be issued with a
police caution before being taken to a court of law to answer charges (Potocan, and Nedelko
2014, pg 232).

Work With Diverse People 3

Consequences of violation of human rights
Violation of human rights by employers may result in governmental declarations or
philosophical musings (Botha 2016). Thus, an employer may be subjected to persecution.
Consequences of failing to support legal responsibilities at the workplace
Failing to support client rights may result in the business being subjected to government
agency conducted audits, which may eventually result in fines (Potocan, and Nedelko 2014, pg
235). Furthermore, failing to support worker rights and employer rights may lead to lawsuits and
dissolving of the business entirely.


The law is an important tool to consider when working with different people. Some
actions may result in discrimination. Notably, discrimination has legal consequences, such as
police cautions, court charges, and heavy fines. Furthermore, extreme cases of failing to adhere
to the law may result in the dissolving of a business entirely.

Reference List

Botha, M. (2016). Responsibilities of Companies towards Employees. Potchefstroom Electronic
Law Journal/Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad, 18(2).

Work With Diverse People 4
Dezmar-Krainz, K. (2015). Enhancing the wellbeing of employees through corporate social
responsibility context. Megatrend review, 12(2), pp. 137-153.
Potocan, V. and Nedelko, Z. (2014). A New Socioeconomic Order: Evidence About Employees’
Values’ Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility. Systems Research and Behavioral
Science, 32(2), pp. 230-239.

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