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Reverse Logistics

Reverse Logistics

Explain how you would build a virtual organization that would support the functions of reverse logistics.
Defend your answer with support from the readings or other outside material. The paper should be 2-4
pages in length and in APA format. Your paper must include (cite and reference) at least one current

peer-reviewed article about your selected topic.

Explain how you would build a virtual organization that would support the functions of
reverse logistics.
A virtual organization in respect to reverse logistics seeks to provide staff with an
appropriate platform at their respective locations to undertake the various functions involved in
the process. Essentially, reverse logistics involves the utilization of already used materials to
recapture their value or ensuring proper disposal. Thus, a virtual organization would focus on
various approaches for collecting already used materials to recapture their value or ensure proper
disposal. Since reverse logistics involves a series of functions such as moving of materials from
their final destinations, restoration process, and manufacturing, as well as selling of the final
products and management of surplus, a virtual organization would be required to provide an
appropriate platform for purposes of coordinating and controlling such activities to maximize on
economic profits.

In regards to supply chain management, a virtual organization would be required to
coordinate activities and to move of goods and services within the supply chain. A virtual
organization would aim at providing clients with a platform for returning defective goods or
inadequate services rendered by the organization. According to Ji (2008), a virtual organization
would provide a proper communication line to promote and enhance effective service delivery.
Also, the platform would help to address complaints from customers effectively and thus
promote customer satisfaction. Thus, reverse logistics is a means of ensuring that the complaints
from customers are adequately addressed, and this increases customer satisfaction levels. A
virtual organization would ensure coordination of such activities in different locations in which
the real organization undertakes operations.
Reverse logistics ensure that goods are moved from one position to another (Stephen,
Bloomberg, & Hanna, 2002). Thus, a virtual organization is required to ensure effective
communication and coordination of functions between the different points of transit. It would
also provide for the remarketing of products which would have already been refurbished or
returned by customers due to defectiveness and insufficiency in satisfying the particular needs
and wants of customers. A virtual organization provides a platform for collecting independent
partners within the organization’s network. Thus, the virtual organization would ensure proper
communication and coordination of functions between the partners (Gudehus & Kotzab, 2012).
This is a very vital aspect in ensuring the maximization of benefits from the coordination of
activities among the partners of the organization.
A virtual organization would also ensure that proper lines and channels of
communication are established to provide a platform for timely fulfillment of the needs of
partners. Thus, an active communication line is one that enhances trust in such relations, which

are conducted through virtual means such as telephone and Internet calls. Trust is an essential
virtue in ensuring the fulfillment of the roles of the different partners and for the overall
achievement of the organization’s reverse functions. Furthermore, proper delegation of roles and
responsibilities to all the partners promotes the achievement of the goals of the organization for
the respective benefits (Gudehus & Kotzab, 2012). Partnerships that are bound by contractual
agreements are deemed as the most effective in maintaining the relationships between the
organization and respective partners, as the organization will rely on the contracts for propelling
the achievement of goals and objectives.
A virtual organization would operate through virtual teams, which are established to
achieve specific common targets and goals. Nevertheless, the virtual teams are usually intended
to be dissolved upon the accomplishment of the common goals. A virtual team may be tasked
with a particular function of collecting materials from specific regions where the organization
operates. Hence, the team would collect the materials from various points and deliver to the
The success and effectiveness of a virtual organization are dependent on the presence of
adequate finances to drive reverse logistics. Also, there is a need to ensure a proper scope of
roles for the different players in the respective functions that drive reverse logistics. The scope of
roles should be appropriately communicated to the management as well as partners. This will
ensure that all the partners understand and appreciate the different points of independence and
interdependence on each other. Thus, communication plays a significant role in ensuring the
effectiveness of the operations of a virtual organization. When establishing and operating a
virtual organization, it is crucial also to formulate and implement elaborate channels of
communication as well as infrastructure.

In conclusion, the effective operation of a virtual organization can be achieved through
the establishment of proper partnerships and availing specific roles and responsibilities to
partners tailored towards the realization of the goals of the organization. Furthermore, an
effective virtual organization is one that has proper channels of communication between the
organization and its customers, partners, and staff as well as management. There is a need to
promote the specialization of labor so that every player is delegated roles based on their expertise
and capabilities. A virtual organization in line with reverse logistics aims at ensuring that the
various functions in the process are achieved through the establishment of clear channels of



Gudehus, T., & Kotzab, H. (2012). Comprehensive logistics. Springer Science & Business
Ji, G. J. (2008). Reverse Logistics Operation Management Based on Virtual Enterprises and
Complaint Service Manage-ment. Journal of Service Science and Management, 1(01),
Stephen, L., Bloomberg, D. J., & Hanna, J. B. (2002). Logistics.

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