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Planned Evaluation Approach For Schools

PlanneWrite a four (4) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the planned approach as it applies to the object of the evaluation.
  2. Explain your rationale and provide research support for the approach.
  3. Describe three (3) major areas with a question for each and provide three (3) sub-sets of questions for

each major question. There should be a total of 12 questions altogether.

  1. Provide a rationale and research support (external references) for the question areas.
  2. Describe the stakeholders, analyze reasons they should be involved, and ways to obtain their

involvement.d Evaluation Approach For Schools



Project evaluation is a process that entails collecting and analyzing information that
answers to all questions that regard a specific project (Rossi et al., 2004). For a successful project
evaluation, planning is essential as this outlines the process and the questions to be used in the
process. The planning process entails creating a focus for the evaluation, collecting essential
information to use, defining how to use the information and management of the evaluation. A
school evaluation program is required to help ascertain the value or worthiness of a project. Such
projects may be complex or simple, but the evaluation planning process takes the same course in

Different Methods of Evaluation School Programs

School projects are tailored to address the educational and social-emotional needs of the
students. Different methods may be applied in this undertaking owing to some factors among
them the magnitude of the project. It is for this reason that the evaluation process needs to be
planned accordingly and in such way ensure that every step is reflected and desired results

  1. Assessing the needs
    Within the school community, different needs are prevalent among the students. To
    undertake this assessment, a survey needs to be conducted to ascertain the direst needs among
    the students. It is through identification of the problem that a solution can be designed. In this

regard, the measurable effects of the need at hand are also determined through the survey. The
evaluators engaged in the process use this information to ascertain if the project can address the
prevailing needs of the school community.

  1. Assessment of the program design
    Every project must be implemented through a set logic or model. This entails taking a look at
    the different processes designed for implementation of the project and whether it can achieve the
    set targets of the project. Evaluation of the project logic also helps in identification of the
    challenges that may not have been foreseen at its inception. This is alongside the consequences
    that may arise after the project is fully implemented. This is used to develop a model to test the
    impact of the project evaluation. Complete design of the project is vital to oversee its full
    implementation and assessment of the program theory helps ascertain if this was done
    accordingly (Rossi et al., 2004).
  2. Measurement of project outcomes
    There is always a set target that needs to be achieved through each project. This is achieved
    through detailed planning and provision of resources that work towards the success of the
    project. Changes in the circumstances under which the project is designed or implemented can
    affect the overall outcome of the entire project. Evaluation approach in this respect works to
    ascertain if there are underlying changes that might affect the outcomes and whether this is
    positive or negative (Shadish et al., 1991).

The Role of Evaluators In Evaluation Of School Programs

A successful evaluation process needs to be conducted by individuals with a full
understanding of the project alongside the appropriate evaluation approaches. In the school
projects, both internal and external evaluators play a vital role in the process. An evaluator in this
respect is a specialist with an understanding of the project and with the capacity to unearth any
impending discrepancies within its design and implementation (Mertens & Wilson, 2012). The
internal evaluator may be sourced from the school staff and play a crucial role in gaining an in-
depth assessment of the project. Being part of the stakeholders, they quickly gain access to
relevant information for the project evaluation. They undertake a less costly evaluation of the
process, and in such way, help save on costs. External evaluators are professional in the project
field. In such way, they have the skill and expertise that define the project. With expertise and
experience, they provide with alternative approaches that may be employed either to gain more
from the project or reduce the overall costs. Being professional evaluators, they have the time to
take all considerations into account and therefore provide with a more detailed report from the

A Program Evaluation Plan For Education

Evaluation programs for schools require different skills that encompass the different
disciplines within the education sector. Common areas in this respect include educational
psychology, administration, statistics and developmental psychology (Bamberger, 2000). It is for
this reason that different skills are required to ascertain the effectiveness of programs in each
discipline. For each of the undertaking, however, the program entails some steps as stipulated

  1. Setting explicit goals

The goals of the evaluation process must be clearly stipulated. This defines what the
evaluator seeks to identify in the process of evaluation. The process may entail developing
questions for project developers and seeking for an understanding of the intended purpose of the
project. In this process, the evaluator designs questions for the developers alongside other
stakeholders in the project with the intent to have a clear and defined strategy to this effect
(Shadish et al., 1991).

  1. Measurement of the program impact
    With the outcomes of the project, there are the desired results and the actual outcomes that
    the project achieves. In the educational sector, the major aim is to improve the overall
    performance of the student through the provision of learning environments that are healthy and
    promotes learning. The evaluator in this regard takes into consideration the projected outcomes
    and the projected implementation process to ascertain if the two have the potential to produce
    similar outcomes.
  2. Working in the field settings
    Settings where the project is to be implemented also need to be evaluated accordingly. This
    may take into consideration the available physical structures and resources that are intended for
    use in the process. This further takes into account the required workforce in the implantation of
    the program, and the qualification of the target implementers as this defines the ability of the
    program implementer to produce fulfilling results (Bamberger, 2000).
  3. Analysis of the data collected

After collecting the information required for the evaluation process, an analysis is then
conducted. This takes into account all the gathered information in the process. In this process, the
evaluating team compares the findings from the evaluation to the available plans by the
educational institution or department alongside the findings from the evaluation process
(Mertens & Wilson, 2012).


Education is vital to every community. It forms the basis that younger generations are
trained and coached into aspects of life alongside a platform to develop academically. It is
through this sector that essential members of every society are developed. To keep pace with the
changing time, need arises for creation of projects that are intended to embrace these changes
and enhance educational development. With every project, evaluation is essential to ensure the
project runs within the stipulated limits and ascertain its viability to achieve the purpose for
which it was intended.



Bamberger, M. (2000). The Evaluation of International Development Programs: A View from
the Front. American Journal of Evaluation. 21 (1): 95–102.
Mertens, D. &Wilson, A. (2012). Program Evaluation Theory and Practice: A Comprehensive
Guide. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Rossi, P., Lipsey, M.W., & Freeman, H.E. (2004). Evaluation: a systematic approach (7th ed.).
Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Shadish, W. R., Cook, T. D., & Leviton, L. C. (1991). Foundations of program evaluation:
Theories of practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

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