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New technology, social and ethical practices

(1) The emergence of a more inclusive concept of what is meant by organisational stakeholders,
(2) an increased emphasis on ethical and socially responsible corporate behaviour and
(3) a growing recognition of both the benefits and the costs of rapidly developing technology adoption.
Your collaboration activity over this final week should extend this discussion out into an assessment of
how those three themes might be incorporated into the type of philosophical perspective
were evaluated in your Week 7 Key Concept Exercise post.
To prepare for this Collaboration:
� Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 8.
� Review the Collaboration from Week 7 to ensure that the range of views that were presented in that
Collaboration is adequately considered in your Week 8 submissions.


Regardless of how new technology, social and ethical practices as well as emergency of
organisational stakeholders are executed, they will face resistance from some workers within the
organisation. Apparently, it is about their attitude and not belief system regarding the
implementation process. This collaborative activity presents a discussion of new technology,
social and ethical responsible organisation practices and emergency of how organisational
stakeholders can be integrated into the type of philosophical perspectives on change.
The integration of these three themes can be done in different ways. For instance, with
organisation stakeholders, there is need for the firm to take into account the attributes of the
change instigator, such as; collaboration, honesty, open and effective communication. These
attributes are important for the firm as they encourage workers to support and embrace change
while reducing resistance. Additionally, change leadership in the organisation facilitates an
environment for participation with all stakeholders. Another thing is ensuring that the
organisation is unitarist whereby all stakeholders collaborate to attain the target goals. Such an
organisation is harmonious with integrated structures where workers and management share
same goals and interests (Dobson, 2013).
When it comes to integrating ethical and socially responsible corporate practices, it is
necessary to carefully assess the manner in which the organisation reacts to change in accordance
to its key competencies without forgetting stakeholders’ interests (Balmer & Burghausen 2015).


Moreover, connection between the organisation and community is important in the integration of
ethical and socially responsible corporate practices. Nevertheless, these linkages must be
sustainable. Therefore, this means, changing the way in which the firm is managed, leading to
effective integration.
To adequately integrate technology into philosophical perspective, the organisation
should recruit champions to play the role of enthusiastic welcomers. These champions can be
used as channels to change the attitude of those resisting the adoption of rapid developing
technology (Long et al. 2013). In this case, the organisation purposes to transition from
management based change to a change that involves partnership between the management and
employees, which is effective in many instances to convince resistors.
Again, human resource professions can be used to help implement technology through
their efforts of restructuring the company. Since technological development is evolving at a rapid
speed, human resource personnel can hire competency workers in turn increase efficiency and
performance (Naude, et al. 2012). Nevertheless, human resource personnel should ensure that
workers recognise the firm’s main priorities. This can be achieved by explaining to the
employees the firm’s vision and the relevance of technology adoptions.
Furthermore, for effective incorporation of technology in the firm, the human resource
experts should be in a position to change by aligning the corporate activities with modern tools
that increase profitability (Ulrich, et al. 2012). Basically, the organisation must practice good
management style instead of leaving it to the senior executives to change employees’ attitude
towards change. In particular, human resource experts should take the main role in driving this
change across the organisation by being empathetic, good communicators, honest, ethical and


flexible (Bamberger, Biron &d Meshoulam 2014). Recognising the organisation can be essential
in integrating fast evolving technology; stakeholders; and ethically and socially responsible
corporate practices. In turn, such recognition will go a long way in defining an appropriate
strategy to align the management and workers towards a profitable organisation.



Balmer, J.M. and Burghausen, M., 2015. Introducing organisational heritage: Linking corporate
heritage, organisational identity and organisational memory. Journal of Brand
Management, 22(5), pp.385-411.
Belogolovsky, E. and Bamberger, P.A., 2014. Signaling in secret: Pay for performance and the
incentive and sorting effects of pay secrecy. Academy of Management Journal, 57(6),
Dobson, J.R., 2013. The theory and practice of people management: A critical review of the
British experience. Journal of Business Management, 7, pp.152-164.
Long, C.S., Wan Ismail, W.K. and Amin, S.M., 2013. The role of change agent as mediator in
the relationship between HR competencies and organizational performance. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(10), pp.2019-2033.
Naudé, M., Dickie, C. and Butler, B., 2012. Global economic crisis: Employee responses and
practical implications for organizations. Organization Development Journal, 30(4), p.9.
Ulrich, D., Younger, J., Brockbank, W. and Ulrich, M., 2012. HR from the outside in: Six
competencies for the future of human resources.

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