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Employment environment

To complete this PDP Assignment:
� Complete the last part of your PDP – Reflecting on your Professional Development Portfolio.
� In formulating your PDP Assignment, consider the following questions:
o What do you now see as the most likely drivers for change in your own employment environment
over the next 3-5 years? What type of opportunity and threat will be created by those change drivers?
o In what areas of the organisation�s operating practice do you believe that the most significant
changes will be required? Who will be the main (external and internal) stakeholders whose views will
need to be taken into account during the process of change?
o What are the core skills required of the change agent who is ultimately entrusted with the primary
responsibility for achieving successful change? To what extent do you believe that you currently
possess each of those core skills?
o What will you do over that 3-5 year period to remedy any perceived shortcomings in your current
skills profile?

What do you now see as the most likely drivers for change in your own employment environment
over the next 3-5 years? What type of opportunity and threat will be created by those change
At the moment, there are various drivers for change at my company. For example,
mobile devices such as phones are widely sort by clients when it comes to searching and
buying fashion products (Banks 2014). This can be attributed to their convenience. Another
change driver is the intelligent use of data to increase efficiency. In addition, there is the rapid
expansion of multi-channel stores that integrate brick-and-mortar and electronic stores
(Mawby 2011). However, these change drivers are likely to create not only opportunities but
also threats. With respect to opportunities, the retail business will be able to establish multi-
channel store. This will enable customers to order and pay products through online platforms.
Multi-channel stores would supplement the firm’s brick-and-mortar store.
Another opportunity is that through intelligent use of data, the retail firm will be
efficient because it will be able to collect information to help it in creating good buying
experience. On the other, the retail company may face threats such as competition from its
rivals. Owing to the fact that fashion sector is highly competitive, there are no economies of
scale for large companies (Laksmana & Yang 2015). Again, if the retail company expands
than its rivals, it is likely to incur fixed expenses, which are financially unrealistic. The
competition would also make the fashion firm homogenous as it will lack the incentives to
differentiate its fashion items. Homogeneity minimises the necessary incentive to invest in
R&D, since it will be reluctant to invest as it might think that it will be doing the entire sector
(Wood et al. 2015).

In what areas of the organisation’s operating practice do you believe that the most significant
changes will be required? Who will be the main (external and internal) stakeholders whose views
will need to be taken into account during the process of change?

Demography: The retail company will have to considerably change its target
demography. This will be important in reaching a wider clientele base. During this process,
the main stakeholders to take into consideration will be customers of all ages and workers
particularly, the sales people. Location is another area that requires significant changes. In
retail sector location is vital therefore, the retail organisation will have to open more branches
in high-end streets and improve its branding to remain competitive.
What are the core skills required of the change agent who is ultimately entrusted
with the primary responsibility for achieving successful change? To what extent do you
believe that you currently possess each of those core skills?

Some of the main skills required for change agent include trustworthiness, conflict
management, coaching, facilitation, persistence and resilience, advanced communication
skills, good listening skills, empathy, team building skills, and analytical skills. Furthermore,
a change agent should be disciplined, well organized and flexible such that she/he is able to
addressing evolving priorities and work-related challenges (Tan & Kaufmann 2015). I am
able to organize employees in small groups to work towards realizing a common goal.
Moreover, I have been on the forefront to resolving conflicts among employees who would
rather disagree as a matter of principle. My outstanding listening and communication skills
have enabled me to communicate change effectively across the organisation. Through team
building I have been on the forefront to instil confidence among employees an aspect that
makes most of them have a sense of belonging and feel valued and this is paramount for
effective change process.
What will you do over that 3-5 year period to remedy any perceived shortcomings in
your current skills profile?
To address my perceived shortcomings, I would improve my communication skills.
An effective change agent must be able to communicate well with stakeholders.

Communication plays an important role during change process. This is because
communication is critical when it comes to preparing the retail company transition from its
current to future state. Effective communication is necessary in helping meet the retail firm’s
objectives (Tan & Kaufmann 2015). Therefore, as the change agent, it is of great importance
to be able to communicate effectively across the firm. Moreover, I would improve my
listening as well as interpersonal communication skills. This would involve seeking to engage
in dialogues, listen and talk only when necessary.

Banks, S 2014, Drivers of change: Retail industry in Australia, SIES Journal of Management,
14, no.1, pp. 3-8
Mawby, E 2011, How to succeed in the retail industry. Journal of Business & Retail
Management Research, 6, 2, pp. 1-12
Tan, A., & Kaufmann, WH 2015, making good change agents: Attitude, knowledge, skills.
Academy Of Management Journal, 55, 2, pp. 381-398
Laksmana, I. & Yang, Y. 2015, “Product market competition and corporate investment
decisions”, Review of Accounting & Finance, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 128.
Wood, Y.I., Sturny, A., Neill, L., Brown, A. & Aprea, R. 2015, “The “New World” and
international pâtisserie competition”, British Food Journal, vol. 117, no. 4, pp. 1226-

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