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New Service Proposal

New Service Proposal

so we start a new business in australia. all those service in one business/store
New Service Idea:

Animal Resort
Mobile vet
Day spa (grooming) – mobile grooming
Delivering – pickup/dropoff

Offering an Animal Resort service that incorporates a day spa and mobile vet with a pickup/dropoff

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Executive Summary
Located in Port Melbourne VIC, Australia, the Creature Care & Clinic is a start-up
business. The Creature Care & Clinic provides a wide range of pet-related services at
affordable prices. Some of the main services offered by the Creature Care & Clinic include
pet boarding, pet care and grooming and pet vaccination. In addition to in-house pet
grooming and vet service, the Creature Care & Clinic also offers mobile grooming and
mobile vet services to those customers seeking the convenience of at-home animal services.
The target customer for the business includes the professionals who have the desire to
provide quality care to their pet while they are busy in their work. Also, the Creature Care &
Clinic positions itself as a superior alternative to the Kennel. Given the highly competitive
business environment, the business venture uses both the skimming pricing strategy and the
competitive pricing strategy. For availing mobile vet and grooming services, the clients will
be required to pay an additional charge for a house-call fee; over the normal prices. Besides,
the Creature Care & Clinic uses a mix of promotional tools including the traditional as well
as electronic promotional techniques. Moreover, the business venture provides a pet-friendly
atmosphere wherein each pet feels highly comfortable. Furthermore, different staff members
will be hired including vet doctors, human resources and administration manager, pet
groomers and trainers, mobile practitioners and veterinary technicians. The staff members
will be hired using social media platforms and will be offered with requisite training to
ensure utmost customer satisfaction.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2
Introduction and Business Overview 4
Background of the Organization 4
Introduction 5
Positioning 5
Analysis of the New Service Concept Idea and the Marketing Plan 7
Product (and Branding) 7
Price and Revenue Management 7
Distributing Services 8
Promotion and Education 9
Service Environment and other Physical Evidence 10
Process 10
People 11
Conclusion 12
References 14

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Introduction and Business Overview
Background of the Organization
The Creature Care & Clinic is a start-up business located in Port Melbourne VIC,
Australia. It is a partnership business owned by the three members who have recently
graduated from the university. The Creature Care & Clinic will provide all-around services
related to dogs and other pets. Accordingly, the Creature Care & Clinic aims to provide
commercial pet services and provides the right treatment for pet and dogs at the professional
level. The key services offered by the Creature Care & Clinic include pet boarding, pet care
and grooming, pet massage, pet vaccination and open plays for a pet. There are no other
operational pet care services providers in Port Melbourne VIC, Australia that offers the
combination of the services.
At the same time, mobile pet grooming and the mobile vet is ascertained to be
increasingly becoming popular in Australia. Strong demand from the pet owners seeking the
convenience of at-home pet services is also increasing. Correspondingly, to meet these rising
demands from pet owners, the Creature Care & Clinic also offers services related to mobile
grooming and mobile vet. The Creature Care & Clinic provide superior quality care facilities
for pets. The atmosphere in the Creature Care & Clinic is highly conducive for all categories
of pet wherein plenty of individual care, and attention is laid on each. Accordingly, the
facility and procedure are designed keeping in the minds of different pets and has also
formulated professional ethics that guide the activities of all individuals associated with pet
care in the Creature Care & Clinic. The pet-friendly atmosphere and the trained staff further
reassures the pet owners regarding the quality of the services and alleviate their all their

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The Creature Care & Clinic offers an array of pet services including dog care, cat
care, fish care, bird care reptile care and other small pet care. Whether it is a spa day, play
date, training class or veterinary care, the Creature Care & Clinic provide the best care
services. The Creature Care & Clinic had highly trained and devoted professional, who make
sure that the pet companion of the customers receives the best services in its state of art
facility at the cost that is affordable to all class of customers. The Creature Care & Clinic
follow rigorous safety standards and provide personalized care and services that the
customers can trust completely. The Creature Care & Clinic know that each pet has unique
health needs and requirements and the professionals in the Creature Care and have designed
facilities and hired professionals who have a better understanding of the unique and varying
needs of each pet so that each pet receives customised services and care.
The services offered by Creature Care & Clinic keeping in minds the today busy life
of people where they hardly can give time for pet care and grooming. In fact, pet lovers find
it challenging to address the needs of their best friend and take out time from busy schedule
to care and groom their pets. However, customers now do not have to worry about their pets,
as the Creature Care & Clinic offer a complete range of pet care and vaccination services at
unbeatable costs.

The Creature Care & Clinic provide daycare facility and medical services for catering
the needs of the professionals who have the desire to provide quality care to their pet while
they are busy in their work and hardly have any time to provide adequate care and attention

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to their pet. The key aims and objectives of the Creature Care & Clinic are to provide the
professionals with finest foster care service for their pet companion. The Creature Care &
Clinic promise to provide set finest pet services to customers beyond their expectations.
Besides, it has been ascertained that the pet care industry is rapidly growing and large
numbers of pet lovers are now willing to spend some part of their monthly income on pet care
and treatment. It has been noted that more than $12 billion is spent by Australian pet lovers
on pet care that include pet food, grooming, vets, and insurance every year which makes the
pet care industry a significant growth hot spot for the business sector in the years to come. At
the same time, it has been estimated that there are more than eight million pet owners who
primarily includes pets like dogs and cats. This figure signifies that Australia has one of the
highest numbers of pets across the world, which offers great opportunities for the business
like The Creature Care & Clinic (Murdoch, 2017).
Nevertheless, given the huge opportunity existing in the pet care industry, there are
numbers of competitors, which are already operating in the pet care industry. Some of the
major competitors working in the pet care industry include Petsmart and PetCo. Accordingly,
it can be argued that the Creature Care & Clinic more likely to face intense competition from
its competitors operating in the given market. Thus in such a competitive market, it is crucial
for the Creature Care & Clinic to differentiate its services with that of its competitors.
Correspondingly, the Creature Care & Clinic position itself as a superior alternative to the
kennel in Port Melbourne VIC, Australia. To compete effectively, the Creature Care & Clinic
offer better facilities along with more personalized care than any other pet service providers.
Besides, the Creature Care & Clinic has trained professionals who are well aware of the
specific needs of each pet. Also, the Creature Care & Clinic use computer-based records of
all pets regarding their vaccination as well as make sure the pets of the customers is treated as

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one of the family members and is comfortable with the officials in the Creature Care &

Analysis of the New Service Concept Idea and the Marketing Plan
Product (and Branding)
The Creature Care & Clinic offer a wide variety of pet-related services that lie within
the scope of the pet industry in Australia (The Australian Veterinary Association Ltd, 2017).
The fundamental intention behind providing an array of services to pet companions of the pet
owners is to provide client’s pets with a healthy environment and grooming even when the
clients are busy with their work. Besides, to the basic services including animal resort, pet spa
and vet services, and the Creature Care & Clinic offers three supplementary services
including pet training, dog walking and pet health check-ups at the end of every month. The
Creature Care & Clinic use ‘C’ logo which defines the core objectives of the business that is
‘creature,’ ‘care’ and Clinic to generate awareness among the target customers and as a brand
strategy. Also, the Creature Care & Clinic have developed a slogan, ‘care beyond
expectations’ to attract potential customers and to make them feel the personalized services
offered by the business.

Price and Revenue Management
Pricing is the most crucial aspect of any new business venture planning enters the
market. Failure to adopt right pricing strategy can eventually contribute to the collapse of the
business. Given the pet industry is highly dynamic and new players are always entering the
market, the Creature Care & Clinic use both skimming pricing strategy and competitive
pricing strategy (Singh, 2013). The competitive pricing strategy is adopted because there are
numbers of competitors offering similar products and services at the given market. Thus,

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competitive pricing strategy would help the business to compete effectively with the
competitors and attract customers towards its services. In the similar context, skimming
pricing is adopted for the new products and services because the services are mainly designed
to cater the needs of the high-end high market. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that
penetrating pricing strategy is avoided as it tends to influence the brand equity of the business
venture. At the same time, no discounts will be offered to customers at the launch of the
business, as customers often perceive and relate low price with low quality.
In order to ensure effective revenue management for improving the sales of the
services to customers, value-added services will be offered to client’s pets rather than
lowering the prices for the services offered, offering additional services such as free health
check-ups of the client’s pets is anticipated to draw more customers towards the services
offered by the Creature Care & Clinic. With respect to the mobile grooming and mobile vet
services, the Creature Care & Clinic will charge house call fee in addition to the normal costs
associated with pet grooming and veterinary care. In this regard, the call fee of $50 will
usually be charged from the pet owners those who want to avail the home services offered by
the Creature Care & Clinic. However, this charge may vary depending on the distance.

Distributing Services
The services will be distributed both through brick and mortar facility as well as
through electronic channels. Correspondingly, initially, the brick and mortar facility will be
located in the upscale community on the outskirts of the metropolitan area. This location is
chosen for distributing services to the customers owing to that less traffic and noise and to
provide a tranquil atmosphere for the pets to relax and play. Besides, a website for the
Creature Care & Clinic will also be developed for the distribution of the services. In this
regard, the pet owners can seek appointment and book services from the website link without
having to visit physically to the Creature Care & Clinic facility. At the same time, the client

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can choose to pick and drop facility for their pets. However, to avail this facility of pick and
drop, the client will be required to pay extra change that will be calculated based on the
distance from the facility to the destination from where the pets are to be picked or dropped.
In addition to brick and mortar, and online distribution, the Creature Care, and Clinic
also distribute its services through the motor vehicle. The distribution through mobile vehicle
is used as most of the customers in the present day have hardly any spare time to visit the
facility for pet care and treatment, it is, therefore, the Creature Care & Clinic believes that
mobile grooming and mobile vet will help these customers to ensure the highest degree of
care and treatment for their pets without visiting the pet facility.

Promotion and Education
The target customers for the business include those people who have a desire for high-
quality pet care at affordable price. The Creature Care & Clinic use integrated marketing
communication technique for promoting the services offerings (Eberechukwu, & Chukwuma,
2016). The key objectives of the use of integrating marketing communication channel are to
generate awareness among the target customers regarding the variety of the services offered
by the business. Notably, traditional media including print media as well as electronic media
will be used for communication and promotion purposes.
In this regard, information about the services offered and location of the business will
be published in the daily newspapers. At the same time, the official website will be developed
that will emphasize on the mission and objectives of the business as well as specific
information related to the facility will be communicated. Besides, Pets day festival will be
celebrated in which pet owners will be invited with their pets to participate in the event. In
this event, programs will be organized to generate awareness regarding the pet care and
health (Close, Fnney & Sneath, 2006). Moreover, pictures of thank you notes will be emailed
to valuable customers of the business. At the same time, regular education programs will also

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be conducted wherein the outside speakers will share their knowledge and understanding
regarding the pet care and health. Besides, the mobile grooming and veterinary vehicle, itself
serve as effective promotion tools that will include ‘C’ logo as well as slogan and contact
information of the Creature Care & Clinic.

Service Environment and other Physical Evidence
Particular attention is laid on providing a friendly and playful environment for the
client’s pet. In this regard, every pet will be offered with sufficient outdoor exercise as well as
daycare play. The Creature Care & Clinic also have an indoor play area with abundant of
natural light. Also, elevated beds are constructed for each suite so that each pet is
comfortable. Moreover, television monitoring is installed to monitor the pets even when they
play and exercise. Keeping in mind the health of the pets, the Creature Care, and Clinic
provides superior sanitation systems along with the temperature-controlled environment. The
day spa is constructed in the different part of the campus, wherein the pets are provided with
comfortable bath, and soothing music is played, as some pets need them.
Furthermore, for those clients visiting with their pets for their training or bathing
services only, the Creature Care & Clinic has the comfortable waiting facility and a library
attached to it wherein the clients can find numbers of literature and books on related to pets.
To deliver the at home pet services, the Creature Care & Clinic use specially designed motor
vehicle that is equipped with specialized medical and surgical equipment. The motor vehicle
is 30 feet tall and includes all necessary equipment needed for providing vet services to
different types of animals.

The Creature Care & Clinic have kept its process of rendering services
straightforward and systematic. In this regard, once the clients of the pet provide require with

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the customer care officer, the staff members will visit the client place to pick the client’s pets
to the Creature Care & Clinic facility. At first, pets will have to go through regular health
check-ups wherein vet doctors will assess the health of the pets. Only after the health check-
ups, the pets will be taken for a bath by pet groomer. Clients either physically visit the facility
to pick their pets or can make a phone call to drop their pets back to their destination. Trained
experts keeping in mind the safety standards of the pets perform all activities.
To avail the mobile services offered by the Creature Care & Clinic, the clients have
first to obtain an appointment. In this regard, the process of obtaining appointment has been
kept very simple, so that customer’s find is easy and convenient. Accordingly, the official
website and input their address and pet details and submit the form online to avail the benefits
of mobile grooming and mobile vet. The clients can even obtain appointment through their
handset by making a call to the customer’s relationship officer of Creature Care & Clinic.

The different staff members will be hired and will assign specific roles and
responsibility. In this regard required staff members will be recruited through social media
platforms after proper screening and interview. Social media platforms are chosen as it offers
a cost-effective method of recruiting potential talent (Rana & Singh, 2016). The key staff me
members that will be recruited include vet doctors, human resources and administration
manager, pet groomers and trainers, marketing and sales executives and accountant. Specific
training will be provided to all staff members. Particularly the dog groomers and trainers will
be offered specialized training related to pet care and treatment (Khan, Khan, & Khan, 2011).
Considering the mobile grooming and mobile vet, it will include mobile practitioners
who are, of course, a licensed veterinarian and will be accompanied with veterinary
technicians and pet groomer. The vet tech will be assisting the professionals in a medical
procedure and will be provided with specialized training for working with a mobile vet.

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At the same time, regular performance appraisal will be conducted, and the staff members
with outstanding performance will be rewarded with financial and non-financial rewards such
as bonus and recognition (Ijaz & Khan, 2013).

In conclusion, the Creature Care & Clinic will be located in Port Melbourne VIC,
Australia. The Creature Care & Clinic offer a wide range of pet-related services including pet
spa, pet grooming, pet massage and a full range of pet medical services. In addition to in-
house services, the Creature Care, and Clinic also offer a similar variety of facilities through
its mobile grooming and vet services. The target customers for the new business venture
include professionals with high disposable income and those having a strong desire for
quality pet care and treatment. The Creature Care & Clinic position itself as a superior
alternative to the kennel. Since the pet care industry is highly competitive, the Creature Care
& Clinic will provide better facilities along with more personalized care to compete
efficiently and will hire experienced and trained staff members that have adequate knowledge
regarding pet care and treatment. The Creature Care & Clinic will use ‘C’ logo which defines
the core objectives of the business that is ‘creature,’ ‘care’ and ‘Clinic’ to generate awareness
among the pet owners.
At the same time, skimming pricing and competitive pricing strategies will be adapted
to generate revenue from the services offered. In addition, the client will have to pay house
call fee in addition to normal prices for availing the mobile grooming and vet services. Also,
integrated marketing communication tools will be applied to promote the services offered by
the Creature Care & Clinic. In this regard, print media including newspaper and electronic
media such as email and website will be used. Besides, pet festival and educational programs
will regularly be organized to generate awareness and impart knowledge regarding pet care

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and treatment. The services will be distributed through brick and mortar facility as well as
through the official website of the new business venture. Also, required staff members will be
hired through social media platform after proper screening and interview. Moreover, staff
members will be offered with specialized training and learning programs so that they can
perform their assigned task efficiently.

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Reference List

Close, A. G., Fnney, R. Z., L, R. Z. & Sneath, J. Z. (2006). Engaging the Consumer through
Event Marketing: Linking Attendees with the Sponsor, Community, and Brand.
Journal of Advertising Research, 420–433.

Eberechukwu, A. J. & Chukwuma, A. (2016). Integrated Marketing Communication in
Building Customer-Based Brand Equity: A Review Paper. International journal of
management and economics invention, 2(3), 573–582.

Ijaz, M. & Khan, A. (2013). The impact of Non-Financial Incentives on employees’
motivation. Journal of Business and Management, 15(4), 37–46.

Khan, R. A. G., Khan, F. A. & Khan, M. A. (2011). Impact of Training and Development on
Organizational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research,
11(7), 63–68.

Murdoch, S. (2017). Australians are spending $12 billion a year on their pet animals.

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