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Literature Review Resources

Literature Review Resources

Annotated Bibliography.

Seino, Y., Nanjo, K., Tajima, N., Kadowaki, T., Kashiwagi, A., & Araki, E. et al. (2010).
Report of the Committee on the Classification and Diagnostic Criteria of Diabetes Mellitus.
Journal Of Diabetes Investigation, 1(5), 212-228.
The article classifies the two types of diabetes mellitus, type 1, and diabetes type. It also
discusses the causes of the various types of diabetes mellitus and the factors that are likely to
predispose one to diabetes mellitus. In making the distinction type, I am referred to as insulin
dependent diabetes mellitus associated with the destruction of pancreatic beta cells while type 2
is associated with lifestyle changes especially obesity.
Reinehr, T. (2013). Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. World Journal Of
Diabetes, 4(6), 270.
The article reviews the causes of type two diabetes mellitus in children. Specifically, it looks at
the factors that predispose children to diabetes mellitus type 2 since it’s commonly associated
with lifestyle changes. It also looks at the methods for treatment of type 2 diabetes as well as
management of children suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Ewald, N. (2013). Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes mellitus in chronic pancreatitis.
World Journal Of Gastroenterology, 19(42), 7276.
A review is given on chronic pancreatitis. It should be remembered that diabetes type 1 involves
the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas by autoantibodies.in this case methods for
detection of type 1 diabetes mellitus are outlined as well as the treatment.

Buchanan, T., Xiang, A., & Page, K. (2012). Gestational diabetes mellitus: risks and
management during and after pregnancy. Nat Rev Endocrinal, 8(11), 639-649.
The article review a different type of diabetes mellitus commonly observed in pregnant women.
It is known as gestational diabetes mellitus. It plays an important role in making a woman
susceptible to diabetes mellitus type 2. Nutritional effects as wells as the risks associated with
gestational diabetes mellitus are reviewed in this article.
Sacks, D., Arnold, M., Bakris, G., Bruns, D., Horvath, A., & Kirkman, M. et al. (2011).
Executive Summary: Guidelines and Recommendations for Laboratory Analysis in the
Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Lab Med Online, 1(4), 173.
The article looks and compares the different methods that are used to diagnose the different types
of diabetes mellitus. Laboratory guidelines and the permitted reference range values of the
results are also provided.
Litmanovitch, E. (2015). Short and long-term neurobehavioral alterations in type 1
diabetes mellitus pediatric population. World Journal Of Diabetes, 6(2), 259.
The article reviews the neurological damage that is associated with diabetes mellitus type 1. It
also discusses the emerging technology that will assist in reducing the glycemic glucose levels,
therefore, reducing the effects of diabetes mellitus, especially to the neural system.
Antonelli, A. (2014). Hepatitis C virus infection and type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
World Journal Of Diabetes, 5(5), 586.

The article identifies the relationship between diabetes mellitus and hepatitis C. the main
relationship is associated with viral effects, pro-inflammatory cytokines and insulin resistance in
the liver. It also shows how clinical trial conducted on hepatitis c patients has resulted in a
decrease in the glucose metabolism providing an important mode of treatment for glycemic
Nauck, M. (2014). Update on developments with SGLT2 inhibitors in the management of
type 2 diabetes. DDDT, 1335.
The author discusses the important role that the kidney plays in the maintaining of glucose levels
in the body via the sodium glucose transporters type 2. Use of sodium glucose transporters
inhibitors reduces the renal reabsorption of glucose, in the long run, decreasing the amount of
glucose in the body.
Igwe, M., Uwakwe, R., Ahanotu, C., Onyeama, G., Bakare, M., & Ndukuba, A. (2013).
Factors associated with depression and suicide among patients with diabetes mellitus and
essential hypertension in a Nigerian teaching hospital. Af Hlth Sci, 13(1).
The study was conducted in Nigeria to highlight the effects of diabetes mellitus and hypertension
to the normal lives of the people. Basically, two concepts were looked at. The role of diabetes
mellitus in causing suicidal and depression in patients.
Eisenbarth, G. (2010). Banting Lecture 2009: An Unfinished Journey: Molecular
Pathogenesis to Prevention of Type 1A Diabetes. Diabetes, 59(4), 759-774.

The article discusses the metabolic pathways that are involved in diabetes mellitus specifically
carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It also discusses how this pathway can be used to
block the effects of hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients.

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