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Review the Week Five Final Project instructions. You will research and analyze how two different
empires developed in two world culture areas in the premodern world (between the Bronze Age to
1600 CE). These world culture areas include Europe, the Near East (also called the Middle East),
India, Africa, the Americas, and Asia.

For this Final Project Preparation assignment, you must conduct preliminary research to generate an
annotated bibliography to serve as a list of sources that you will use for your Final Project, develop a
preliminary thesis statement, and construct an outline to help you organize your ideas and materials.

Refer to the HIS103 Research Guide website for help selecting appropriate sources.

Refer to the HIS103 Final Project Preparation: Step-by-Step document for further guidance.

Your preparation must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
It must include


This paper will highlight three major items. First, the paper will look at the different
empires that reigned during pre-modern world (between the Bronze Age to 1600 CE). These
world culture areas included Europe, the Near East (also called the Middle East), India,
Africa, the Americas, and Asia. The papers will also highlight the history of these emperors,
there architectural designs, trade and the total area they covered.
Most of the emperors that reigned during pre-historical times were enormous in size,
covering vast volume of land. In this way, the empires were able to hold many people thus
boosting their workforce. Due to their immense size, most of these emperors like the Roman
Empire were able to raise a large army that helped in controlling other smaller kingdoms.
Unfortunately, most of these emperors were so vast that at times it became difficult to
manage them. This eventually made them split and later break into small empires that could
be easily managed (Bury, 2013).
Emperors such as the Mongol Empire had a very long history (Rösch, Fischer, &
Märkle, 2005). It took a lot of time and energy to develop these huge emperors, which were
run by kings. The history of this ruler affects even the current world. Rickman (1980) once
stated that some of the historic buildings exist up to date and attract numerous tourist from all


over the world. In addition, many of the people living within territories where these emperors
still practice the traditions that existed thousand of years ago.
As the paper will illustrate, most of this emperors existed earlier that others .at time’s
emperors like the Mongol Empire became impossible to control and manage, leading to their
fall while other new ones loose to power (Zerjal et al., 2003). Most of this emperors came
into being decades ago and developed vast kingdoms that left remarkable influence that is felt
up to date. The lifetime of this emperors depended on the leadership skills of the kings that
ruled them. Unfortunately, poor rulers lead to the downfall of most of this kingdom that were
once vast empires.


Bury, J. B. (2013). History of the Later Roman Empire, Vol. 2: From the Death of Theodosius
I to the Death of Justinian (Vol. 2). Courier Corporation.
Rickman, G. E. (1980). The grain trade under the Roman Empire. Memoirs of the American
Academy in Rome, 261-275.
Rösch, M., Fischer, E., & Märkle, T. (2005). Human diet and land use in the time of the
Khans—Archaeobotanical research in the capital of the Mongolian Empire, Qara
Qorum, Mongolia. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 14(4), 485-492.
Zerjal, T., Xue, Y., Bertorelle, G., Wells, R. S., Bao, W., Zhu, S., … & Tyler-Smith, C.
(2003). The genetic legacy of the Mongols. The American Journal of Human
Genetics, 72(3), 717-721.

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