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Curriculum Plan and Instructional Unit

Culminating Project: Curriculum Plan and Instructional Unit

Locate a local school district�s website or other means for obtaining the necessary information below. If
the information is not available, use your text and other research to create the processes, such as
textbook adoption cycles, most appropriate for the district.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that illustrates a specific plan for curriculum development in your
chosen school district.( Broward County Florida)

Include the following:

� Describe how the curriculum plan complements the mission goals and outcomes for the district.
Include mission statements, goals, and outcomes established by the district.
� Include the textbook and supplemental material adoption cycle.
� Include the staff development plans.
� Describe the process utilized to evaluate the curriculum.
� Discuss the district�s curriculum development plan for at least 2 years.



Instructional unit
The topic selected for the teaching unit is on the First World War. The occurrence of this
world war had a direct bearing in almost all the political and diplomatic developments that have
taken place in the United States of America since then. This event took place between 1914 and
1918 and USA had long attained her independence. It is importance for students to study this
topic in because world war a major historical event that affected everybody in the world and the
effects are still being felt today. Students will be able to understand and connect how World War
1and many other historical developments in USA relate with each other. This topic will enable
the students to appreciate the significance of war as they will be able to compare each and every
scenario and at the same time identify the key personalities that were involved during the war.
This unit will also act as a foundation of understanding the subsequent wars that took place after
the First World War such as The Second World War, the Cold War and many others.

The level for which this unit has been chosen is students in the fourth gradeto enable
them has a wider understanding of the world and how the countries are related to each other
historically. This topic could be integrated with that of conflict, that is, causes, effects, ways in
which conflict can be managed. Another topic that can be integrated with that of world war that
of peace. Modern technology will be integrated in this topic thorough the manner in which the


lessons will be taught. The internet will be used for research during lessons and electronic
presentations will also be used to facilitate learner understanding.

By the end of this unit, students should be able demonstrate a better understanding of the
events that transpired during the occurrence of the First World War. They should clearly be able
to clearly prove that they are knowledgeable about the effects of the First World War by doing
the following.

a. Identifying and explaining some of the key political and economic factors that
precipitated the World War 1.
b. They should be able to identify with ease all the key personalities who
spearheaded the war, particularly the likes of Kaiser Wilhelm and Wilson
Woodrow and last but not least.
c. Being able to explain the global consequences of the war.

Lesson plans

Lesson I: The Causes of World War I


 Index cards
 Colored pencils
 “MANIACS” electronic presentation
 posters, Pictures

Instructional Activities



  1. Instruct the students on brainstorm on the knowledge they have about world war one. Their
    responses should be displayed and discussed.
  2. Give the students index cards and tell them that will be learning a new memory device to
    assist them in recalling the causes of the First World War.
  3. Tell the students to vertically write the acronym MANIACS. Display the electronic
    presentation to help the students understanding each letter stands for a cause of world war as
    shown below.

M–Militarism, A–Alliances divided Europe into competing camps, N–Nationalistic feelings
(desire for war), I–Imperialism, A–Alliances caused diplomatic failures, C–Competition over
colonies in Africa/Asia and S- Serbian assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

  1. Before the end of the lesson, pair the student so that they can memorize the mnemonic

Lesson 2: European Political Boundaries in 1914


 Prepared quiz on the “MANIACS” mnemonic
 Map showing political boundaries in 1914
 Textbook and other articles about Europe resources on Europe in 1914
 Pencils or markers
 A video clip on causes of World War I
 A video viewing guide prepared by the teacher.



Instructional Activities

  1. Issue the students with the map of Europe in 1914. Tell them to identify the boundaries of Austria-
    Hungary, Serbia Great Britain, Russia, Germany, Ottoman Empire and France.
  2. Issue them with the pencils or markers and remind that during that year Europe was divided into 2
    major competing camps, namely, the allies who constituted Great Britain, Russia and France and the
    central powers made up of Ottoman empire, Austria-Hungary and Germany. Let them color each
    country based on the alliances which they belong to.
  3. Give out copies of the guide to the video and revise it with every student then show them the selected
    clip about causes of World War 1. After they have watched the video, instruct them to make shot
    notes on the causes of world war one, show relationships that exist and finally make conclusions.
    Lesson 3: Important Figures of World War I


 Index cards with the top left corners punched with holes
 Pencils or markers
 Powerpoint presentation on five key figures of world war one.
 Textbook or other relevant articles.
 Access to the internet
 A Video clips showing WW I figures
 Other resources selected by the teacher.

Instructional Activities



  1. Issue each student with the index cards and introduce the following important people during
    the First World War.
     Vladimir Lenin
     Tsar Nicolas II
     Archduke Franz Ferdinand
     Kaiser Wilhelm II
     Woodrow Wilson
    Guide the students in creating cards commonly referred to as “biography cards” each with a
    name of one WWI figure on one side and some short notes about the person on the other
    side. Better still; let the students research on the same using available textbooks and the
  2. Show the video clips about the important WWI personalities as the students identify new
    information about them and add to the cards.
  3. Give the students any teacher-selected material or any other activity that can reinforce their
    understanding about the topic.

Lesson 4: Trench Warfare of World War I
 Slide presentation on World War I trench warfare
 A recording on sounds of war
 A movie or a clip showing trench warfare
 Video guide prepared by the teacher.
 A European map indicating the western front which was one of the battle fields.
 Sample stories about life in the trenches.



 Other resources selected by the teacher.
Instructional Activities

  1. The teacher should guide the students to role play world war one soldiers in combat as
     The room should be arranged in two parts representing the trenches.
     A projector should be set right in the middle as a show of no man’s land.
     Students should sit on the ‘trenches’
     Display the slide presentation with the war like sounds playing
     After the slide presentation, discuss the experience that the soldiers went through as well
    as how that that type of warfare is different from others.
  2. Distribute the students with copies of the video guide and revise it with them then show the
    clips from the documentary about the horrific experiences during the trench war
  3. Give the students selected reading materials to back up their understanding.
    Lesson 5: New Weaponry in World War I


 Internet availability
 Printed materials of new weapons of world war one.
 A Chart having the five main types of weapon during WW1.
 Other resources selected by the teacher.

Instructional Activities

  1. Instruct the students to us the internet or the library to find out more about the following
    weapons of World War I:



 Tank
 Poison gas
 Submarine
 Airplane
 Machine gun
Ensure that the students take notes on the effect of each weapon.

  1. Give the student an essay on new weaponry in First World War.
  2. Give the students selected reading materials to back up their understanding.
    Assessment example
  3. Between which years did World War I took place?
    A. 1898 – 1910.
    B. 1900 – 1905.
    C. 1919–1922.
    D. 1914 –1918.
  4. Who was the German leader during world war one?
    A Archduke Ferdinand
    B Wilhelm the Second
    C Vladimir Lenin.
    D Nicholas the Second
  5. Identify the spark that started World War 1?
    A 1nvasion of France by German soldiers
    B The killing of a Russian Tsar by the name Nicolas II
    C When Archduke Ferdinand and his family were assassinated
    D it was an order that was given by Adolf Hitler
  6. Who was the leader of Bolsheviks before the revolution?
    A Archduke Ferdinand
    B Wilhelm the Second
    C Adolf Hitler.



D Nicholas the Second

  1. Who were the victims of the Treaty of Versailles?
    A. Africans
    B. Americans
    C. Germans
    D. Russians
  2. Name the county that joined the allies 1917?
    A United States
    B Japan
    C Canada
    D Italy
  3. Which one of the following was not a new weapon during World War I?
    A. Poison gas
    B. Submarine
    C. Airplane
    D. Guns
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