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Individual learning plan

Individual learning plan 2

Essay Part 1: Accomplishments(1 to 2 pages)
� Describe the activities you implemented from your initial Individual Learning Plan for each of the
three sections: Professional Dispositions, NBPTS, and Technology Proficiencies. Share specific
information that illustrates how these activities have contributed to your professional learning and

Essay Part 2: Plan for Continual Improvement(2 to 3 pages)
� As part of your plan for continual improvement, describe the activities from your initial Individual
Learning Plan that you have not yet completed. Explain why these activities have not been completed
and share new timelines and/or revisions to the activities you had initially planned.

Individual learning plan 2
Part 1: Accomplishment
My individual learning plan dispositions, my strengths are delineated by the enthusiasm
about the mathematics subject. I value and respect this subject and enjoy every moment that I
am teaching the students. I have taught the subject for over decade, and I have acquired deep
understanding of the content through continual learning through professional development
courses, refresher courses and interaction with my colleagues with the aim of staying
informed. My teaching plan is arranged in a manner that one topic connects with the previous
topics, and try as much as possible to connect the subject into reality. I ensure that student
participates by using various platforms of assessment such as group discussion boards and
student portfolio’s. Additionally, I maintain a healthy learning environment and cohesive
learning community, which improves student participation and cultural competency.
Additionally, I integrate motivational strategies to encourage active involvement in this
learning process (Bloch & Spataro, 2014).
These disposition activities have enabled address my weaknesses. By keeping a reflective
journal, I have learnt on ways to ensure that there is equitable learning opportunity through an
establishment of an environment that enables the students reach their full potential. These
activities has enabled me maintain a persistence in promoting the student achieve the
learning outcomes. It has contributed immensely in identifying the prior unique knowledge as
well as life experiences and interests of the students and integrating them into the learning
process (Dottin, 2009).
NBPTS core propositions
I am committed to teaching and ensuring that the students are satisfied and learning
outcomes is achieved. Using the NBPTS core propositions, I looked at my strengths and
integrate these practices into teaching. This includes giving equal opportunities to the

Individual learning plan 2
students and in the content that is taught. I understand the impact of diversity of the students
based on their socioeconomic background and experiences, which has led to the development
of various teaching and assessment method to ensure that student needs are met irrespective
of the family and cultural background. The common strategies that I apply includes the
modelling, learning groups, group activity, individual assessments, portfolio’s, student
reflection, rubric and think pair share (Irvine Belson & Husted, 2015).
From the NBPTS core propositions, it is evident that I need more reading about the emerging
learning processes and the current research and issues that are affecting the American
education. I keep engaged and informed about the new issues by subscribing to education
journals and websites, which keeps on giving me alerts about the new and interesting
journals that must be read. I am also a member of the administrative management in my
institution, where we discuss strategies, do lesson plans and discuss the results and remedies.
These NBPTS core propositions has enabled me become to understand the subject, ways to
teach, learning and monitoring the students learning process. It has enabled me think
systematically about my practice and aided me in learning form experience (Shoffner,
Sedberry, Alsup & Johnson, 2014).
Technology proficiencies
The last two decades is described by increased development in technology such as
computers. These technologies have improved teaching processes in that it addresses the
diverse needs of the students. My teaching plan and implementation is facilitated by
technology, which facilitates as much as possible to connect the subject into reality. I ensure
that student participates in class work using the various technology platforms during learning
and assessment such as group discussion boards and student portfolio’s (Goodwin et al.,

Individual learning plan 2
Additionally, technology helps me maintain a healthy learning environment and cohesive
learning community, which improves student participation and upholds cultural competency.
Additionally, I integrate motivational strategies to encourage active involvement in this
learning process. This has helps in training and improving the student critical thinking
abilities. I use technology virtually in all my lessons with the aim of empowering and
preparing the students about the real world (McArdle, 2012).
Part 2: Plan for continual improvements
My individual learning plan dispositions, my strengths are delineated by the enthusiasm
about the mathematics subject; however, my main weakness is that of leadership roles. I still
feel like the level of my self-confidence is low, even if I am involved in all of the
aforementioned professional growth activities, my presence is dormant. I am more of a
follower than a leader. This is a challenge that must be addressed bearing in mind that I have
many new ideas that could improve this course learning outcomes (Arthur, 2012).
In this context, I intend to enrol in a leadership class, with the aim of boosting my
performances and roles as a leader. Additionally, I will continue to ensure that I attend my
professional development course, to ensure that the professional growth is sustained. The
knowledge in this discipline is infinite and keeps on evolving. Therefore, I will read more,
interact with other professionals and colleagues in my department. I also intend to pursue
higher studies in order to empower, and disseminate knowledge in a manner that impacts the
student’s life (Hoadley & Ensor, 2009).
NBPTS core propositions
The main challenge in NBPTS core propositions is that I am continually facing difficult
choices especially during decision making processes. Evidently, the teaching needs and
demands are not simple solution; this is because they are consistently faced by conflicting

Individual learning plan 2
objectives, forcing the teacher to compromise on what will satisfy both parties. For instance, I
face challenges in reconciling the demands for the course coverage with the demands of
students in depth understanding. For example, when teaching mathematics, I am committed
in ensuring that the students understand the conceptual basics and also to see the real world
relationships (Irvine Belson & Husted, 2015).
This calls for longer time frames to ensure that students understands these problems, solves
them, and compares the solutions with alternatives that are posed by their classmates. The
issue of standardised tests is not a solution as I have a strong idea of what math class should
look like as opposed to the type of competence it should yield. In this context, I should
explore these core competencies, to ensure that I am able to employ the professional
knowledge in teaching what makes caters for the student’s needs, interests and
simultaneously sustains sound practice. This should be done through attending professional
development courses, and should be achieved within the next four weeks (Ignico & Gammon,
Technology proficiencies
Despite the fact that I have acquired several technology proficiencies such as word
processing skills, data base skills, electronic presentation, web navigation and email
management skills; I still have some training in technology that need to be addressed. This
includes the use of smart board. This is attributable to the fact that most of the study rooms
lack a smart board. Therefore, I still require grasping more skills about the smart board
features. This will be achieved through a lot of training and regular use of smart board. With
the support from my colleagues, I should have learnt this technology in the next two weeks
(McArdle, 2012).

Individual learning plan 2
Arthur, J. (2012). Knowledge and virtue in teaching and learning: the primacy of
dispositions. Professional Development In Education, 38(5), 866-867.

Bloch, J., & Spataro, S. (2014). Cultivating Critical-Thinking Dispositions Throughout the
Business Curriculum. Business And Professional Communication Quarterly, 77(3), 249-

  1. Dottin, E. (2009). Professional judgment and dispositions in teacher education. Teaching And
    Teacher Education, 25(1), 83-88.

  2. Goodwin, A., Smith, L., Souto-Manning, M., Cheruvu, R., Tan, M., Reed, R., & Taveras, L.
    (2014). What Should Teacher Educators Know and Be Able to Do? Perspectives From
    Practicing Teacher Educators. Journal Of Teacher Education, 65(4), 284-302.

  3. Hoadley, U., & Ensor, P. (2009). Teachers’ social class, professional dispositions and
    pedagogic practice. Teaching And Teacher Education, 25(6), 876-886.
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