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Effects of Human Resource policy in an organization

Effects of Human Resource policy in an organization

Policies are human constructs, and therefore not infallible. There can be many reasons why HR policies
do not serve an organisation as well as they should, from issues with alignment to poor implementation.
HR leaders who strive to design and implement good policy can learn a great deal from ineffective
In this Key Concept Exercise, you will draw from your experience to identify and analyse a �failed� HR
policy that may have negatively impacted you, your co-workers or the organisation as a whole.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

�Read the PDF files which sent by email.
�Identify an example of an HR policy that was detrimental to an organisation you know well. This should
not be a policy for which you were responsible � ideally, it will be a policy that impacted you or people
you know as employees of the organisation.

Effects of Human Resource policy in an organization

Primarily, organizations that uphold discipline as a virtue in the organization benefit the
most. Ideally, discipline involves training the personnel in the organization to follow the rules.


Notably, most organizations that do not uphold the rules and regulations within and without the
organization tend to be a source of conflict (Budhwar et al. 2013). This essay seeks to explain
how the lack of clear policy regarding discipline affects an organization.
Outstandingly, the organization did not directly provide the jurisdictions in which the
employees should relate and as a result, the level of discipline within the organization
deteriorated (Bratton, et al. 2014). Apparently, there was poor time management, low level of
adherence to the rules in the organization, and poor personal liaison between people of the same
rank. Consequently, there was lack of respect for the belongings of other people in the
In addition, the deficiency of the precision in the rules regarding the personal freedom in
the organization made the situation worse. As a result, the lack of good personal relationship
among the employees in the organization had an adverse effect on employee motivation. In this
case, the lack of respect for other people’s property was due to lack of discipline in the
organization, and this often led to an increase in the number of theft cases within the
organization. Consequently, the suspicion among the employees regarding the loss of their items
led to a culture of mistrust; hence, this affected bonding among the employees. .
Apparently, there was a failure on the side of the human management because there were
no clear strategies for dealing with indiscipline cases in the organization (Purce, 2014). More
often than not, the issues of indiscipline in large organizations are unavoidable because of the
individual difference. In an organization, other employees may feel more superior to others;
hence, they tend to ignore the rights of others.
The problem with the discipline policy in the organization was the deficiency in the
procedure with regards to administration of discipline. In most cases, a good policy would


provide for measures to correct the wrongs of lawbreakers (Ulrich, 2013). Notably, if the policy
would have been implemented in an organization where respect is one of the organizational
cultures, the policy would be effective. In this case, the organization did not have a positive
implication because of the lack of respect of the rules.
Apparently, the lack of clear goals in the organization contributed to the deterioration in
the level of discipline in the organization (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). As a result, there was
poor time management and the failure by different departments to complete the assignment.
Consequently, the motivation of employees to work was negatively affected; hence, the high
employee turnover. In the same vein, the competitive advantage of the organization in the market
was negatively affected because there was production of poor quality products.
In conclusion, it is clear from the essay that discipline is one of the vital human resource
policies. However, if the there are poor methods of disciplining the employees in the
organization the success of the organization will be negatively affected. In addition,
organizational cultures contribute to the effectiveness of the human resource policies. For
example, an organization that upholds courtesy and respect will benefit from the discipline
policy. More often than not, the good personal relationships in the organization promote
teamwork and proper coordination of work in the organization. However, the deficiency of
discipline not only affects the peaceful coexistence of the employees in the organization, but also
the success of the organization at large.



Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management
practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers.
Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. eds., 2013. Human resource management in developing
countries. Abingdon:Routledge.
Bratton, John, and Jeff, Gold. 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New
Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.
Ulrich, D., 2013. Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering
results. Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press.

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