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Effects of HRM Practices on Employee Performance

Effects of HRM Practices on Employee Performance

The writer cannot just writer 3 lines, it must be a full paragraph of the annotated bibliography. The
articles cannot also be more than 5 years old, the must also not be books but pear review articles
within 5 years. It is critical that the writer follow the format of completing an annotated Bibliography to
complete this paper.
Annotated Bibliography
The writer will Provide three pear review articles for the references related to the Doctoral Study topic
in annotated bibliography format and synthesize these three references into a component of the
doctoral study rubric (ex. Nature of study, literature review, etc.).
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read carefully before sending the paper over.


Mahadevan, A., & Mohamed, F. A. (2014). Impact of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Practices on Employee Performance. International Journal of Accounting and
Business Management, 2(2), 15-25.
Best human performance goes beyond the boundaries of the welfare of the
employees. In fact, Mahadevan et al (2014) explores the underlying relationship
between training and development practices and employee performance. At the 95%
level of significance, they were confident that there exists a significant association
between these variables. In support, the researcher performed different statistical tests
like ANOVA and regression modeling, and the results were the same. For this reason,
these scholars inferred that there was an underlying coherent relationship between
HRM and employees’ performance. I strongly agree with this finding beause the staff
morale is highly correlated to the relationship they have with the management in the


Mostafa, A. M. S., & Gould-Williams, J. S. (2014). Testing the mediation effect of
person–organization fit on the relationship between high-performance HR practices
and employee outcomes in the Egyptian public sector. The International Journal of
Human Resource Management, 25(2), 276-292
Although previous research studies indicate a positive relationship between
HR practices and employee performance, further investigation is required (Mostafa et
al. 2014). In light of this, these scholars initiate a step ahead and examine job
satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) among other factors. In
an indispensable and impeccable way, the scientists developed a mediated model and
it was tested using the structural equation model. Interestingly, the study established
that there exists a significant relationship between high-performance HR practices and
job satisfaction. It goes without saying; job satisfaction is one of the most important
factors that often lead to improved employees attitudes and behavior, which
consequently results in higher staff performance.

Theriou, G.,N.,& Chatzoglou, P. (2014). The impact of best HRM practices on performance –
identifying enabling factors. Employee Relations, 36(5), 535.
In a unique way, Theriou et al (2014) empirically analyzes the underlying
relationship between the HRM practices with different factors such as Knowledge
Management (KM), the impact on organizational performance as well as learning and
organizational capabilities. The scholar states that the best HRM practices are
imperative in a institution since they can help in performing a task in an integrated

manner to meet sustainable competitive advantage and performance. However, there
is still much to be done in the field of human resource management with regards to
performance to test their causal relationship. I strongly agree with these scholars’
findings that any organization pursuing Best Human Resource Management has great
potential in achieving higher performance when factors such as Knowledge
Management and organizational learning capabilities interact with each other.


Mahadevan, A., & Mohamed, F. A. (2014). Impact of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Practices on Employee Performance. International Journal of Accounting and
Business Management, 2(2), 15-25.

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