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Discovering Emerging Technologies

Assignment:Discovering Emerging Technologies

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Analyze the educational setting into which you wish to introduce an emerging technology (i.e., K-12 or an
adult learning environment). Next, discuss one (1) substantive manner in which the setting in question is

deficient in at least three (3) characteristics that comprise meaningful learning.

Describe the desired scenario into which you propose introducing an emerging technology. Identify the
content you wish to address. Analyze the student population that you plan to address. Summarize the
goal of the scenario in one (1) sentence (Note: Follow the examples provided in Appendix: Lesson

Scenarios of the Smaldino et al. textbook).

Analyze three (3) emerging technologies which are potentially compatible with the educational setting and
the scenario that you had previously introduced. Discuss the attributes and features of each emerging
technology, and demonstrate one (1) reason why each technology would be appropriate. Provide a

rationale for your response.�

Word Count: 845


The K-12 is currently adopting emerging technology to foster 21 st -century skills in new and
innovative ways. With the change in the use of technology, teachers are also required to change
their teaching methods and techniques. The increase in technology has resulted in most students
having access to sites such as; Flickr or Picasa, Google, YouTube, Twitter, online library, and
LinkedIn. This fact has enabled students to be able to learn more and be able to associate
themselves with other learners.
They have also been able to cluster materials into categories from teachers to themselves. At the
same time, students expect guidance and training from teachers in the effective use of technology
required for their course work (Dahlstrom, 2012.p.23). Some of the emerging technologies that
have been adopted by the K-12 education sector include social learning networks; cloud
computing, and mobile learning.
The New Media Consortium (NMC)’s Horizon Report: 2013 K‐12 Edition estimates that within
the next12months, cloud computing will become an integral part of K‐12 education. Currently, it
is one of the most commonly used types of technology in the K-12 education sector. This type of
technology consists of Internet-based tools that are not found in an individual device, and it
allows the students to access materials that they store in the clouds at any time.

With these, students can access their homework assignments, reading, and support materials at
any time using cloud devices such as Drop Box and Google Drive. This type of flexibility makes
this technology to be the best for distance-learning programs because of its flexibility (NMC
Horizon project sector analysis, 2013).
There are three main categories of cloud computing, and these are infrastructure-as-a-service,
platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and software-as-a-service (SaaS). Infrastructure-as-a-service
includes virtual machines, bandwidth, and storage capacities; platform-as-a-service describes the
environment in which development and delivery of applications occur whereas software-as-a-
service describes software created for a specific need of the organization. Cloud computing has
large available applications and is virtually compatible with all types of applications hence
advantageous regarding the reduction of costs associated with non-cloud technologies (Johnson
et.al. 2013).
Mobile learning is another emerging technology that is common in the education sector. The fact
that mobile devices are portable, powerful, and intuitive makes them useful educational tools.
“Tablets, smart phones, and mobile apps have become too capable, too ubiquitous, and too useful
to ignore, and their distribution defies traditional patterns of adoption, both by consumers, where
even economically disadvantaged families find ways to make use of mobile technology, and in
schools, where the tide of opinion has dramatically shifted when it comes to mobiles in schools”
(Johnson et.al. 2013).
Students and teachers use mobile Apps in their learning. In fact, e-books, e-magazines, and
interactive textbooks have been optimized so that they can be accessed through mobile devices
and platforms. In most schools in the country, students have been allowed to come with their

laptops and tablets to the classroom environment. The necessary academic software has been
uploaded to facilitate learning. Students are also encouraged to submit their assignment in soft
copy format to allow fast marking and recording results.
Social learning networks are another emerging technology that is being utilized so that students
can learn skills in a controlled environment. SLNs allow students to use online networking to
create online portfolios and resumes to connect with peers for project‐based learning
opportunities (Spoelstra, Van Rosmalen, and Sloeps, 2014,p.41). The networks enable the
students to get academic assistance not only from their schoolteachers but tutors in different parts
of the globe.
Technology has synchronized learning an aspect that enables teachers to improve their teaching
practices. The improvement of teaching practices ensures that the students ‘comprehend the
material taught in their curriculum. Furthermore, it does reduce memorization and helps students
to develop practical skills especially in science-applied subjects (Dahlstrom, 2012, p.24).
These networks have been in existence for the past years, but with the advancement of
technology, there have been new advancements such as Edmodo and Nimbus. Edmodo enables
students to collaborate with each other on their classroom contents hence giving students control
over the students’ learning. Teachers access their students’ discussions, give them assignments
and grade them. Afterward, they post files and give comments about the discussions on the site
(Spoelstra et al., 2014, p.42).
Nimbus offers an instructional community in which teachers, parents, and students can work
together to enhance skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving skills. At the same time,
this network can enhance creativity and innovation (Spoelstra et al., 2014, p.43).



The introduction of technological innovations has enhanced learning among students, especially
in the K12 system. As discussed in the essay, it provides an opportunity for students in different
parts of the globe to interact with each other. Interactively learning does not only enhance
remarkable performance in their exams but also sharpens their creativity. Furthermore, the
technology innovation enhances teacher-student interaction, which goes a long way in boosting
the morale of shy students. This shows that technology is pertinent in the educational and student




Dahlstrom, E. (2012). ECAR National Study of Undergraduate Students and Information
Technology, 2012. EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research.
Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & Ludgate, H. (2013).
Technology outlook for the community, technical, and junior colleges 2013-2018: An
NMC Horizon project sector analysis (2013). Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.
Cover photo by Tom Haymes, Houston Community College ISBN, 978-0.
Johnson, L., Adams, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & Ludgate, H. (2013). The
New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report: 2013. Higher Education Edition.
Spoelstra, H., Van Rosmalen, P., & Sloep, P. (2014). Toward project-based learning and team
formation in open learning environments.

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