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Data analysis lesson plan

Data analysis lesson plan

Part 1
This week, you will focus on writing a lesson plan to incorporate data analysis strategies, including the
four-step process. Use the text (Van de Walle et al., 2013) (I have uploaded Chapter 21 to review) to
assist you, as well as any other information from the required studies or your personal research. In 2-
3 paragraphs preceding your lesson plan, please answer the following:

� Why did you choose this specific data analysis concept to address in your lesson?
� Explain how this lesson will move away from �doing math� and toward �doing statistics�?
� Were there any challenges with incorporating the four-step process in your lesson? If so, what
were they and how did you overcome them? If not, what about this lesson leant itself to incorporating
this process?

Part 2

Write your lesson plan using the CU Lesson Plan Template (I have attached the template). If you
have a lesson plan format you use already, you are welcome to use it if it addresses all the same
areas used in the Concordia template.
In your lesson plan, explicitly note where the four-step process is being utilized. You may do this by
labeling each step where it occurs in the lesson.

The data analysis that will be used is the scatter plot incorporated with the line of the
best fit that falls within graphical data analysis category (Van de Walle, 2013). The reason for
selecting this is because it enables different concepts to be analysed within one data set. It is
used to establish correlation, regression, and association between the variables. The lesson
will move from doing math towards doing statistics by the use of inferential statistics in
analysing the data sets for the independent and dependent variable.
In incorporating the lesson, the challenge arose when it came to determining ways that
the students could interpret the data without confusing the concepts. Correlation and
causation are concepts that are closely related and might end up confusing the students. I
overcame the challenge by breaking the establishing the connection between the two to help
the students understand the analysis.


Concordia University Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Name: Graphical data analysis- Scatter plot and line of best fit
Teacher: School Site:
Subject: Statistics Unit: Correlation Grade: 8
Lesson # (1 of 3)
 Illinois statistics standards
 Chicago statistics standards
 Mathematics performance for the students in the grade

Lesson Goal

I am teaching students in middle schools in grade 8. The goal of the lesson is to enable them
to understand the concepts of correlation by using the scatter plot and line of best fit to
analyze the data graphically.

All Lesson Behavioral Objectives
 The students will demonstrate the comprehension of the unit by preparing a video
presentation that covers the entire topic at the end of the lesson.
 The students will compare and contrast the relationship between correlation and
causation through their group class discussion.
 The student will apply the concepts of the topic in an assessment in the form of a
written test that will be provided at the end of the lesson.

Integration of Language Arts, Math, and other Subject Areas
 Reading will be used as the students will actively participate in class activities like
reading important aspects in the class text book.
 Language is important in the assessment and the video presentation that the students
will prepare during and after the lesson.

 Math is integral in the class as the students will be required to apply concepts on
mean, mode, and median in understanding the concept of correlation.
Differentiation Strategies (explain the special considerations for instruction for certain
 504 Plans
o Use of power point presentation and audio-video materials in the class.
o Providing them with preferential seating arrangements
o Extended time during class assessments
 English Language Learners (ELL)
o Have reading exercise in the classroom
o Use of real life experiences to create interest
o Build-text specific knowledge by providing students with materials to read
before class session

 Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
o Providing them with alternative presentation plans by presenting only to the
o Understanding the behavioral cues that stand out for the students
o Providing them with alternative ways to do their test like use of diagrams to
explain the concepts
 Special Education (SPED)
o Providing the students with extra lessons to ensure that they comprehend the
o Use of pictures to enable them to understand the material
o Use of flash cards to summarize the concept for ease comprehension of the
correlation concept
 Talented and Gifted (TAG)


o Encouraging independent learning
o Grouping them in the classroom with other students to assist them
o Compacting the concept of correlation for the students

Safety Considerations

The students are given a guideline on how to prepare the video presentation to ensure they do
it correctly.
Resources Needed for the Lesson (list all in APA style)
 McKellar. D. (2009). Kiss my math: showing pre-algebra who’s boss. Penguin.
 Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K.S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2013). Elementary and
Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (8th.ed). Boston, MA:
Pearson Education Inc.

Equipment and Materials Needed for Lesson
 Power point presentation
 Video presentation
 Flash cards

Prerequisites: student prior knowledge or skill(s) needed for this lesson
 Mean, Median and Mode
 Identifying independent and dependent variables
 Standard deviation and variance

Implementation: include time estimates for each section
Motivator (no more than 5 minutes)
The teacher will group the class into groups. There should be three people in each
group. The presenter will action the word given by the teacher based on the picture that the
teacher has on the slide presentation. The members of the group will have to guess the word

within a minute. The winning group will get 5 points.
Procedures (class period length minus 10 minutes for motivator and closing)

  1. The teacher will review the power point presentation slides with the students focusing
    on the concepts of correlation and causation.
  2. After the lecture, the students will be divided into groups where they would establish
    the relationship between various diagrams on flash cards based on the topic
  3. The students will then be given a short writing prompt that will focus on the
    independent and dependent relationship in correlation.
  4. The assignment will focus on students coming up video presentation that focuses on
    the concept of correlation using real life examples

Closure (no more than 5 minutes)
1.The teacher will show the class a video clip on ways to come up with good scatter plots to
represent the data.
2.The teacher will provide the students with the formulas that can be used to interpret the
correlation relationship in the data set.

Karl Pearson correlation

r = ∑d x . d y
nסּ x . סּ y
3.The next lesson will focus on the regression analysis that is a build up from the statistical
correlation analysis of data


Reference List

Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K.S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2013). Elementary and Middle
School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally (8th.ed). Boston, MA: Pearson Education

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