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Customer relationship management technologies

Customer relationship management technologies

Assignment Instructions:
This case study will cover the week one issue of the Menu Food Company (page 3 of the text).
This study will need your full attention to cover the study at hand. Evaluate the study and give a
full report of your understanding of the problem, the process, and the outcome. Also, as a
graduate student, there must be a way to practice making an educated evaluation of data placed
before you. Please remember this is an academic paper and 3rd person is required.

The case study will be 3-5 pages. The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract,
and a reference page.


This study focuses on the benefits of using customer relationship management technologies in a
menu food company. The article by Ali, Cheng and Hong (2012) namely the Role of Fast-Food
Websites in Managing Customer Relationships is analyzed to obtain the relevant data. It is
affirmed that the technologies help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.
While implementing them is beneficial, it is also vital to find ways of addressing the issues of
resistance to use technologies by the companies’ workers and clients.

RLMT630 Week Two Case Study

Achieving success in menu food companies depends on their ability and willingness to
adopt changes in operations. It is particularly true when it comes to embracing technologies that
assist them to achieve efficiency in marketing and service clients. As Dadwal and Malik (2018)
explain, the competition is stiff in the industry. At the same time, the clients are always
demanding for quality services, necessitating the firms in the industry to embrace the appropriate
technologies. The defining features of these technologies are relational, transactional, and
informational. With this in mind, a case study is evaluated in this essay. The focus is given to the
article by Ali, Cheng and Hong (2012) namely the Role of Fast-Food Websites in Managing
Customer Relationships. It evaluates the benefits of customer relationship management (CRM)
systems in Malaysia. A closer analysis of this issue indicates that implementing the technologies
is vital because it leads to the achievement of goals and objectives in menu food companies.

The Problem

By Focusing on the effectiveness of customer relationship management systems in the
food sector, it is possible for companies to create successful strategies. It is in this light that Ali,
Cheng, and Hoong (2012) research the implementation of the technologies in The Malaysian
food industry. It is asserted that the country has been profoundly influenced by the western
culture, where preparation of food from homes is increasingly becoming daunting. Reliance on
fast-food companies has prevailed. At the same time, clients have become aware of their health
needs. As Dadwal and Malik (2018) explain, customers are demanding for food with quality
ingredients as opposed to tasty meals. The companies in the sector must be in a position to gather
the data and use it to create a menu that satisfies the target market. It cannot be achieved with a


successful implementation of CRM technologies. Rahimi and Kozak, M. (2017) indicate that it is
difficult to strengthen a brand value without ensuring that trade promotions and campaigns are
executed in such a way that works for the clients. The technologies provide tools to achieve this
successfully. Ali, Cheng, and Hoong (2012) opine that the solution to the Malaysian fast food
issues is to implement CRM technologies using their websites. Their study explores the features
that the customer may prefer in a website.

The Process

In the study, Ali, Cheng, and Hoong (2012) utilize convenience sampling to find
participants. Questionnaires were administered to 120 fast food operators in Kuala Lumpur, the
capital city of Malaysia. A total of 60 questionnaires were distributed electronically while 60
questionnaires were distributed physically at public spaces including fast-food outlets. The
language used in the questionnaires was written in such a way that the respondents could
understand the concept of customer relationship management. The questionnaire had two
sections. The first one gathered details about the demographics of the respondents such as their
age and occupation. The second one focused on the question of the study, where they were
expected to explain their preferences on fast food’s websites.
The method of gathering data in the study was appropriate for various reasons. First,
questionnaires help to acquire sufficient information from the clients on a given issue
(Dzhambov, 2014). The sample size was enough to represent the views of a majority of
consumers in the area. Further, the method of sampling eliminated bias in that many people was
offered a chance to make responses. More so, the questionnaires are easy to administer. It is
different from other survey methods such as interviews, where much time is spent seeking the


data. The questions used to gather the information were also appropriate because they focused on
the issue of study.
On the other hand, it can be difficult to determine whether the respondents are honest.
Accurate data may not be gathered in this case. There are also high chances that the respondents
will fail to complete the task in time because of other commitments or when they feel that the
study is not essential. The researchers issued the questionnaires in the public spaces. Failure to
explain why the survey is essential can lead to poor responses.
The Outcomes

The outcomes of this study indicate that to be effective in creating a good relationship
with clients, it is important to gather their data. The food companies must be aware of the
elements such as the demographics and tastes or preferences (Ali, Cheng, & Hoong, 2012).
Several features are deemed necessary. The first one is the member’s login. The page keeps
records on the transaction history. It allows the client to view information about loyalty points so
that they can redeem coupons or get gifts. They can also get entertained through videos, music,
and games. The food operators can use the data from these activities to understand the demands
and expectations. The second feature focuses on online orders. Here, the customers are given a
chance to find make requests on drinks and food. They are allowed to make payments using
credit cards and debit cards. It helps the operators to reduce the errors that may occur on orders
during phone calls.
The third feature is on membership loyalty cards. It allows the clients to load credit to
their cards. The order placements and purchases processes are speeded up, enhancing the service
delivery and levels of satisfaction (Ali, Cheng, & Hoong, 2012). The fourth features focus on
customer feedback. Their complaints and compliments are evaluated with the aim of creating


better business relationships. They can provide the feedback at any place and point. An analysis
of the data will help the companies to identify areas of weakness and address them accordingly.
The outcomes of the study confirm that implementing customer relationship management
systems will lead to improved outcomes in the food industry (Dadwal and Malik, 2018). The
right processes must be utilized to implement the technologies successfully. In the case study, the
use of a website helps the fast food operators to achieve the ideal outcomes. Nonetheless, it is
also essential to focus on the people. The customers may not be ready to use such tools. It is
particularly true when it comes to an older generation, who are accustomed to using cash
payments and making orders at the counter. The employees in a company may also resist the


Indeed, the menu food companies can achieve success by implementing customer
relationship management technologies. The case study indicates that creating websites where
clients can get the relevant data leads to customer satisfaction and efficiencies in companies. The
data gathered in this case is vital in making the necessary improvement. It is, however, essential
to consider the possibilities of getting resistance to embrace the technologies by the employees
and clients.



Ali, I., Cheng, A. Y. & Hoong, C. H. (2012). The role of fast-food websites in managing
customer relationships. International Journal of E-education, E-management and E-
learning, 2 (1).
Dadwal, S. & Malik, R. (2018). Customer relationship management processes in processed food
industry. International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, 5(2).
Dzhambov, A. M. (2014). Perceived benefits of nature questionnaire: Preliminary results.
Esopsychology, 6(2), 109-15.
Rahimi, R. & Kozak, M. (2017). Impact of customer relationship management on customer
satisfaction: the case of a budget hotel chain. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34
(1), 40-51.

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