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Consumer insight

Table of Contents




The research conducted focused on exploring more on the impact of the social media
posts about lifestyle and dining on the outcomes of marketing communications and the responses
given by the clients. The study focused on identifying the effects of the creative marketing
communication strategies for the lifestyle or restaurant services. The male vs. female
Instagrammer and the male vs. female consumer were used in the collection of the essential
information. The visual stimuli experiment method was used following a randomized
fashion.200 participants aged between 18-59 years were used in the study (Pitt et al, 2017). A
summary on the participant’s passion about foods, brand attitude, and foodie consumer was
conducted on part one followed by an experimental study. The major finding is that envy

influences the brand attitude of the Instagrammers. In this case, it should be considered as an
essential marketing aspect of various products and services.


Based on the results acquired it was found that the Instagram post factors do not impact
the response of the consumers. Envy was also not influenced by the consumer segment or the sex
of the Instagrammer. Envy is not seen to be influenced by most of the factors of interest. The
brand attitude is influenced by various factors of interest that were used to test the relationship.
Envy was seen to have a little influence on the brand attitude while Instagram post attitude
influenced the brand attitude in a significant manner (Pitt et al, 2017). Despite envy having a
marginally small significant influence on brand attitude, the influence is said to be positive in
nature which implies that it can be used as a predictor of the post or brand attitude while also
considering other factors simultaneously. The consumer segment also has an effect on the
influence of envy on the post attitude and brand attitude as found through Instagram. Based on
the result after carrying out a multiples regression model, the foodie consumer segment was said
to have more envy on the Instagrammers as compared to the non-foodie consumers. Since envy
has a positive influence on the brand attitude, consequently brand attitude also increase among
the segment of the foodie consumers. Envy has a major role when it comes to predicting the
attitude of the particular consumers towards a particular brand (Pitt et al, 2017). In this case,
social media marketing should consider it as a crucial aspect when it comes to assessing the
attitude of consumers towards various products or services which form the brand. Because the
influence of envy on brand attitude increase based on the segments, it would be advisable to
consider different marketing strategies for particular target consumers.

Communication and advertising strategies can be useful in evoking envy through the
promotion strategies which would try to sell the positive benefits of brand attracting more
consumers to test irrespective of their segment (Yeung, 2014). Marketing communications
research is essential on campaign developments. Through marketing communication, the focus
on the particular segment of consumers is made possible while it offers the perfect chance to
transmit the benefits of a particular brand accurately.


It is important to adopt the best marketing strategies to ensure the brand’s name is well
promoted to all the potential consumers. Based on the results and findings acquired from the
research study, better insight about the marketing communication has been efficiently gained.
Factors such as envy and source liking are found to have some great influence on the brand
attitude. I would recommend that the right and specific marketing strategies such as the right
communication channels are adopted during campaigns for different brands (Shen et al, 2016).
The specific marketing strategies based on the particular target consumers of interests is
necessitated by the fact that the brand attitude and envy vary based on the segment of consumers.
Other factors such as post attitude and the consumer preference should be considered during the
social media marketing. The consideration of the factors and different aspects that influence
brand attitude is essential in designing the right marketing communication strategies.



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Yeung, H. F. (2014). Consumer Food Safety Insight: Pre-and Post-Survey Analysis of
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dissertation, University of California, Davis).

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