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comments and constructive criticism

Response to Articles

comments and constructive criticism

The writer will have to read each of this articles and react to them by commenting, analyzing and
supporting with relevant articles. The writer will have to read carefully before giving constructive
comments on the article. The writer should write a one paragraph of at least 150 words. APA and in text
citation must be use as each respond to the two articles must have in text citations. The writer will have to
use an article to supports his comments in each of the article. Address the content of each article below in
a one paragraph each, analysis and evaluation of the topic, as well as the integration of relevant

Response to Articles


Article 1
Great article! Compliance with treatment and adherence to medication affects the
ultimate outcome of disease management. Usually, poor treatment outcomes do not only affect
patients but also the health care system including nursing practice. In most cases, poor medicine
use is associated with unnecessary expenditures hence raising the cost of disease management. as
Jimmy and Jose wrote, there are various ways of improving patient adherence to medications,
and nurses, pharmacists, physicians, as well as other clinicians play centrally in implementing
them (2011, p. 155). Enhancing patient literacy is one of such approaches. As Brown and Bussell
asserted, illiteracy is a crucial patient factor that result in poor medicine use and compliance with
treatment (2011, p. 304). It is also true that proper use of medicines would rely on effective
communication between health care providers and their clients. As such, nurses should ensure
that their clients understand treatment instructions and directions.
Article 2
Fantastic! As an evidence-based practice nurse, one should prioritize on patient treatment
and management approaches that yield the best results. One of the opportunities available in
promoting desirable treatment outcomes includes facilitating the accessibility of health
information to patients, enhancing the usability of such information, and prioritizing on the
quality of education that patients get regarding their health (Schardt, 2011, p.1). Health literacy
would be effective in helping patients to make appropriate clinical decisions. It should be noted
that terminally ill patients such as those with diabetes would indispensably require information
concerning their health for them to exploit measures that would promote the quality of the lives
that they would lead. For this group, critical information includes that concerned with self-


management, self-care, and self-efficacy (Cavanaugh, 2011, p. 191). Patient education should
also include issues such as risk factors to diseases and ways of overcoming them.



Brown, M. T., & Bussell, J. K. (2011). Medication adherence: WHO cares? Mayo Clinic
Proceedings, 86(4), 304–314.
Cavanaugh, K. L. (2011). Health literacy in diabetes care: explanation, evidence and equipment.
Diabetes Management (London, England), 1(2), 191–199.
Jimmy, B., & Jose, J. (2011). Patient medication adherence: Measures in daily practice. Oman
Medical Journal, 26(3), 155–159.
Schardt, C. (2011). Health information literacy meets evidence-based practice. Journal of the
Medical Library Association : JMLA, 99(1), 1–2.

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