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Comments and Constructive Criticism

Extraordinary organizations possess certain characteristics about their culture, behaviors, and
performance expectations. Ordinary organizations may miss opportunities for learning, may fall in step
with the status quo, and stifle innovative thinking. By contrast, in the following paragraph I will discuss
three characteristics that serve as markers for extraordinary organizations: (a) possess a learning
orientation, (b) employ systems thinking, and (c) have leaders who embrace killer questions. Using these
as guidelines, leaders can create an extraordinary, project-based organization.



Comments and Constructive Criticism

Ordinary versus Extraordinary Organizations and Guidelines for Creating a Project-

Based, Extraordinary Organization

As detailed in the material, the author subsequently depicts the manner in which
extraordinary organizations posse’s particular tenets that relate to their cultures, performance
expectations and behaviors. The element of learning is constituted as an essential in enhancing
the process of innovative thinking that aids in undertaking and managing the complexities of an
organizations issues that require the inclusion of a systemized approach of thought in problem
solving (Sherrer, 2010). It is however significant that the author of this material would have
considered giving a brief definition of an extraordinary organization and the manner in which
learning impacts its functions.
It is essential to consider that a systematic thinking approach remains fundamental and
purely different from other forms of analysis, an aspect that needed to be distinguished in the
article (Hornstein, 2015). In traditional analysis, primary focus is drawn towards the separation
of individual pieces on the elements being studied unlike system thinking that focuses on how
the elements being studies interact with other components of the system since these elements
interact to initiate behavior. In other words, the material needs to initiate the need and use of
system thinking within an organization to establish the manner in which behavior is modeled.
The author of the material clearly gives an indication of how team learning is an integral
element in accomplishing organizations objectives. This point would have been supported by

depicting the role of leadership in initiating such developments within the team and the skills
applied in leadership to capture an affective team spirit (Paul, & Whittam, 2015). On the other
hand, the author clearly indicates the actions that need to be applied in establishing the process of
learning by clearly giving a personalized example on how this is initiated as experienced in an
institution. The author therefore needs to consider providing more examples and definitions in
order to build this study as a strong thesis.



Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change
management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33, 291-

  1. Paul, S., & Whittam, G. (2015). The show must go on: Leadership learning on Broadway.
    Organizational Dynamics, 44, 196-203. doi:10.1016/j.orgdyn.2015.05.005
    Sherrer, J. A. (2010). A project manager’s guide to systems thinking: Part 1.
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