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Comments and Constructive Criticism

Comments and Constructive Criticism

It is important to note that each paper will be responded in one paragraph with a minimum of 2 references
making it 2 paragraphs for the 2 articles with 4 references. each paragraph must clearly be separated to

show the 2 articles.

The writer will react to each of the two articles in two separate paragraphs and each paragraphs must
contain in text citations and references. The writer will react by addressing one or more of the following

summative considerations that pertain specifically to this week�s topic:

�How is each of the article potentially valuable for research in the field?

�Are there any important gaps (e.g., contradictions, arguments, disagreements, or areas of divergence)

within this set of readings that point to potential topics for future research?
�How would you follow up to extend or explore these gaps?

Running head: COMMENTS 1


Comments and constructive criticism

Article 1
This article is concise and insightful. The article is as well credible as a result of intensive
research carried out. The scope of research is in-depth and arguments are well supported with
credible sources such as A guide to the project management body of knowledge (Project
Management Institute (PMI). (2013). In project management, it is important to understand the
dynamics involved to achieve high level of success. The project management procedures and
practices adopted by a company such as Citi may have inconsistencies that may actually affect
its successful completion (McGuire, 2013). It is therefore, important for leadership to come up
with appropriate management procedures and practices to achieve objectives of the projects. The
PMO in a box is one of the project management practices that help to achieve consistency and
efficiency at the Citi project. The practice addresses vital issues such as risk, scope, time, work
breakdown structures, risk categories, problem escalation among others.
Even though the article is intense, one visible gap is failure to provide clear roadmap on
the implementation of the PMO box. This is a gap that would be appropriate to consider in the
future research work. Researchers should provide a clear roadmap of project implementation to
ensure that the project is implemented and completed successfully. One way to follow up on this
is to read widely and consult other successful projects to learn more on appropriate project
management practices and procedures.



McGuire, D. (2013, October). Citi’s PMO in a box brings consistency and efficiency to
initiatives. Retrieved from http://www.pmi.org/Business-Solutions/~/media/PDF/
Project Management Institute (PMI). (2013). A guide to the project management body of
knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (5th ed.). Newton Square, PA: Project Management
Article 2
The article is valuable to the research field because of the ideas and contents it provides
to leaders. It provides insights on the appropriate leadership and management of entities to assure
high level of success. The leadership strategy and the business strategy adopted by William Gore
of the Gore-Tex is outstanding and has resulted to its success. Researchers can actually learn the
value of treating associates well, remaining commitment to their brand, and trusting in
partnerships (Hamel, 2012). It is also important to have a culture that fosters knowledge sharing,
collaboration, diversity, encouragement, and that which shapes emerging leadership (Gore-
Tex’s, 2016).
One issue I feel leaves some gaps in relation to future topics is ideology of freedom
management approach. This approach even though has been applauded to foster innovation, it is
important that appropriate structures are put in place to ensure that employees remain committed
to the organization values and missions. The gaps can be explored or followed through
subsequent research in other companies.



Gore-Tex. (2016). Experiences.
Hamel, G. (2012). What matters now: How to win in a world of relentless change, ferocious
competition, and unstoppable innovation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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