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The role of music in Love Story (1970)

Im instructed to evaluate a movie from a musical perspective.create a review of the movie describing howmusic flows trhu out the movie.mention special themes,authors,any leitmotifs,or characteristics. you can choose any movie that satisfies the year range instructed. these are the instructions by my professor. Project 1: Discuss the role of music in a single film […]

Australia Society (History)

Australia Society (History Sociological imagination is one of the ideologies associated with Wright Mills. This termdescribes the understanding of the relationship that exists between private occurrences and thebroader society. Based on this definition, the key concepts of sociological imagination revolvearound such societal factors as motives and norms. History, social structure, and biography arethe key aspects […]

U.S. History

U.S. History 1) From the movie or any source, write down who Robert “Bob” McNamara was.2) Write down the eleven (11) “lessons” that organize the narrative as they appear. (It’s easy–they popright up).3) Describe what McNamara MEANS by each “lesson.” To what is he referring? (Your answer will belonger than a single sentence and reference […]

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