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Worlds of Music

Dynamic Symmetry Course Materials: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World�sPeoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer,2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes 3 audio CDs). A minimum of 250 words for each threaded discussion is required for your answer to each discussion question. Students may post anytime during […]

Understanding Music

Course Materials: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World�sPeoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer,2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes 3 audio CDs). A minimum of 250 words for each threaded discussion is required for your answer to each discussion question. Students may post anytime during the week […]

Music-Goralski Dance

Music-Goralski Dance Required text: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World?sPeoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer, 2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes3 audio CDs).Listen to the Goralski dance suite from the rural Podhale district of Poland, recorded in 5 short sectionson CD 1:25-29, textbook pp. 154-163.A. Each […]


Music Course Materials: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World�sPeoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer,2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes3 audio CDs). A minimum of 250 words for each threaded discussion is required for your answer to each discussionquestion. Students may post anytime during the week to […]

Music: An Analysis of Shaghal Excerpt

Music: An Analysis of Shaghal Excerpt ourse Materials: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World�sPeoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer,2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes 3 audio CDs). A minimum of 250 words for each threaded discussion is required for your answer to each discussion question. Students […]

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