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Worlds of Music

Dynamic Symmetry

Course Materials: Jeff Todd Titon et al. Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World�s
Peoples, Shorter Version/3rd Edition. Belmont, Ca.: Schirmer,2009, ISBN: 978-0=495-57010-3 (includes

3 audio CDs).

A minimum of 250 words for each threaded discussion is required for your answer to each discussion

question. Students may post anytime during the week to either discussion.

Listen to Shizhane’e’, CD 1:8, textbook pp. 51-52. The A and B sections repeat after the C section,

producing what Gary Witherspoon calls “dynamic symmetry” (p. 51).

Obviously the Navajo are concerned with form and shape in their art. How does this symmetrical form
support the meaning of the text? Are there examples of this in Western popular music?

� Length of 250 words minimum
� Relevance to assigned discussion topic(s)
� Depth, originality, thoroughness, writing quality

Surname 2


Dynamic symmetry by Gary Witherson has been used for many years by painters. It is the
natural design methodology based on nature’s growth spiral. The importance of Gary’s dynamic
principles continues to reign up to this time. Therefore, this paper engages in reviewing issues
around this ideology. The paper, while aware of how the Navajos were deeply concerned with
the shape in their art, discusses how asymmetrical form supports the meaning of their text.


The asymmetrical form supports Navajo’s texts by improvising their quality. This was
enhanced by usage of the dynamic symmetry in all their texts (Titon et al. 34). Dynamic
symmetry urged every painter or writer to mark his or her surface before beginning his or her
drawings, or applying a paint of canvas. The symmetry also gives a provision of different
methods of both natural and creative worlds. Navajo, being immersed deeply in his arts, was
greatly supported by the symmetrical form (Titon et al. 35) Dynamic symmetry is all about
spirals, proportions, and rectangles. This form beautifies texts or paintings (Titon et al. 34).
Nevaja found out that the asymmetrical form made his work pretty. Asymmetrical forms
supporting texts in Western popular music, take the style of music terms and concepts. For
instance, contour means the shape in the rising and falling of a melody. Another concept related
to rhythm is mixed meters, which exhaustively means shifting between meters. Another concept
commonly used in Western popular music is polytonality, which implies the simultaneous use of
two or more key areas.


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In conclusion, Nevaja arts are highly impacted by asymmetrical forms. These enable him
complete his texts in a more presentable way. The paper has found that asymmetrical forms have
massive effects on Western popular music by capitalizing on musical terms and concepts.

Works Cited

Titon, Jeff T, Timothy J. Cooley, David Locke, Anne K. Rasmussen, John M. Schechter,
Jonathan P. J. Stock, David P. McAllester, and David B. Reck. Worlds of Music: An
Introduction to the Music of the World’s Peoples. Belmont, Calif.: Schirmer/Cengage
Learning, 2009. Print.

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