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Essential Components of Reading

After reading the article, “English Language Learners and the Five Essential Components of ReadingInstruction� choose two of the essential components and create an instructional activity that will assessthese components. The activity should be developed for an ELL with a language classification of A1/A2.The activity should also promote their language development. Esol Essential Components of Reading […]

Diagnostic Assessment

Part1Using the benchmarks that you identified in Week 3, create a word-processed diagnostic assessment(pretest, survey, questionnaire, anticipation guide) that will provide you information about your students�content readiness.Benchmarks: for part 1 of this assignment. LAFS.4.RL.1.2 The student will determine the theme of astory, drama, or poem from details in the text; and will be able to […]

Construct an argument influenced by Marxists criticism in the story

Construct an argument influenced by Marxists criticism in the story, Daniel Orozco’s �Orientation.�The short story “Orientation” by Daniel Orozco is a story, which is exciting and appreciative.The story begins by giving the reader the impression of a man being introduced to something asthe title indicates. Orozco develops the narration interestingly in that neither the narrator […]

Classroom Management and Communication with Parents

Classroom Management and Communication with Parents While there is the global change of culture, Krasnoff (2016) pointed out that there is achange in the classroom. A lot of what learners relate to culture is from one another in theclassroom. As such, educators of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students should CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION WITH […]

Rhetorical Analysis Paper

identify 2-3 rhetorical devices and include a minimum of TWO (2) quotes as support. Finish up with a conclusion that includes a reflection and evaluation. MLA format guidelines by Purdue Article: A message from magic to science: seeing how the brain can be tricked may strengthen our thinking Rhetorical Analysis Paper Österblom, Scheffer, Esso, Miller, […]

Why Facts Don’t Matter

Why Facts Don’t Matter The author argues that individuals only support the ideas that favor their reasoning.Conversely, people oppose ideas that are contrary to their views. Individuals baseperception on others according to the description of confirmation bias. People believe that anidea is correct based on their perceived belief towards the idea. Additionally, people believe thatwhat […]

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