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Memorandum Margaret Johnson, a resident of Charleston, South Carolina, is a 65 year old African American womanwho is retired and living comfortably in a house that she has owned for almost twenty years. MEMORANDUM 2 Memorandum Was the confiscation of Margaret’s $50,000 dollars justified under Florida’s ContrabandForfeiture Act? If the cash forfeiture was illegal, can […]

The Use and Abuse of Technology and Media

Paper : Presenting Proposals: The Problem/Solution ArgumentThe uses and abuses of technology andmedia�from smart phones to social networks�seem to be on everyone�s mind. Write a proposalargument about some pressing dilemma caused by the digital age that is changing (ruining?) our lives.The majority of the paper should focus on the specific solutions you propose to solve […]

The difference between modernity, modernism, and postmodernism

The difference between modernity, modernism, and postmodernism Clarify as best as you can, the difference between modernity, modernism and postmodernism, accordingto Mary Klages’s definitions and the other items posted in the course. Write at least 600 words. QuoteBRIEFLY from her essay throughout your posting. Most of the writing should be your own words. Theratio of […]

God and everyman

Reflect upon “Everyman” and share how this literary piece can be used as a Christian witness orsalvific tool to fulfil the Great Commission. Identify the title and character(s)this piece and begin with a cogent thesis statement; offer detailedsupport and show control over the topic. REFLECTION UPON 2 Reflection Upon The main characters are the messenger […]

Broadening ideas

Directions for the paper: �Using the information regarding Field Independence and Field Sensitivity,Learning Styles, and Multiple Intelligences, describe yourself as a teacher.�PART 2: ?What do you think are the implications of your teaching style on your classroom of diverselearners?�PART 3: ?Take the Multiple Intelligence Quiz and respond to the following questions:��What were the results of […]


In planning alliances, top management teams often overlook critical issues. This is especially true inthe area of information technology. Many alliances fail because the computer systems or internalinformation reporting systems are not well matched. For each type of alliance structure described inthe text, what issues do you believe would be critical in planning for the […]

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