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Apple and Samsung Smart Competition

Apple and Samsung Smart Competition

This is a group assignment so i m take part in Q1

on the product categories we will choose phone and we mainly focus on apple and samsung

Markets � what does the competitive landscape for your product look like?

  • What are the main Product market segments
  • Who are the major competitors and what are their products
  • What are the trends in the types of products being developed and launched


In the Australian market, ‘the game of phones’ has apparently transformed into a
serious and a fierce rivalry between Samsung and Apple. Despite this battle, Apple has remained
on top of the throne substantially dominating the market with consumers about 45% of all
smartphone users in the country. This is according to the statistical data from 2014 and 2015.
According to the various research studies, Australians are very loyal mobile consumers when it

Running Head: Apple and Samsung Smart Competition 2
comes to their smartphones, and there is a significant indication that 46% of their consumers
would stick with their current brands (Deloitte 2015).

The Competitive Landscape for Samsung and Apple

A complex array of forces, the emergence of new technologies, changing
demographics, the global economy and the emergence of other brands of devices have apparently
led to the creation of a new and stiff competitive landscape. By 2017, Apple smartphones
continue to lead with Samsung being second ranked. Samsung has, over the recent past years,
mounted some real and significant competition to Apple smartphone devices. Some of Samsung
offerings include magnificent and appealing designs, affordable premium prices as well as
limited customization options, unlike Apple smartphones. Samsung also leads in the field of
android software interface as it offers a range of premium hardware and software and better
compatibility with other computer devices (Blustain et al. 2017).

Main Product Market Segments of Apple and Samsung Smartphones

Traditional and nontraditional markets have different potential to grow and make
profits. The Samsung and Apple smartphone companies mostly target a certain age group as their
target market for their respective products. The market segmentation often involves looking at
the demographics, which include age, gender, level of education and lifestyle. Customer’s
behavior is also a significant aspect that is considered in the manufacture and marketing
distribution of the smartphones. In some markets, some significant number of customers prefers
voice calls to data usage (Hamka et al. 2014).

Samsung and Apple as the Major Market Competitors

Running Head: Apple and Samsung Smart Competition 3
According to Deloitte, in 2014 and 2015 both Samsung and Apple had a combined
smartphones market share of about 70% of the market with Apple leading the rivalry by about
8%. The other brands of phones combined for less than 10% of the smartphones consumers.
Most Apple and Samsung consumers tend to be driven by their respective brand loyalties hence
making them occupy the largest share of the smartphone mobile consumer market. The other
competitors include Nokia, HTC, and Sony among others. The following picture portrays the

(Deloitte 2015)

Trends in Features of Samsung and Apple Smart Phones

Both brands of Samsung and Apple are apparently keen on improving their respect
smartphone features to win their consumers’ loyalty, satisfaction and maintain their respective

Running Head: Apple and Samsung Smart Competition 4
market shares. Faster mobile Internets, high HD cameras, recovery security systems, and larger
phone memory and quality designs are some of the trends and features that these companies
focus on. Increased Internet speeds will enable consumers to communicate and access
information more easily and faster which is the primary function of phones hence the firms’
tendency to focus on this particular feature. Recovery security features are also elements that
most consumers would prefer to have on their phones. No company would miss a High HD
camera on its phone as it comes in handy of attracting young people to purchase their respective
products (Looveren 2015)

Reference List

Blustain, H., Goldstein, P., Lozier, G., (2017). Assessing the New Competitive
Landscape.  Jossey-Bass Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, California. USA.

Running Head: Apple and Samsung Smart Competition 5
Deloitte, 2015. Mobile Consumer Survey (2015): Australian Cut Life Matters than You Think.
Deloitte. Sydney, NSW. Australia
Hamka, F., Bouwman, H., Reuver, M., Kroesen, M., (2014). Mobile Customer Segmentation
Based On Smartphone Measurement. Telematics and informatics. Elsevier. Delft,
Looveren Van. Y., (2015). Samsung Present Technology Trends for 2016: RetailDetail. Durban.
South Africa.

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