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Acquire new skills and knowledge

�Reflect on how learning theory can be applied in the context of the design and delivery of
organisational learning.


Learning takes place in our lives in different ways. It is through this learning that people
get to acquire new skills and knowledge that translates to improved performance in the
organization. Various theories of learning provide insights on the process of learning. These

theories categorized in different paradigms such as cognitivism, behaviorism, humanism,
constructivism, design based, and 21 st century skills provides insights on the learning process.
The discussion is about how learning theory can be applied in the context of the design and
delivery of organizational learning.
Design and delivery of organizational learning is better understood through different
learning theories. Different organizations designs and deliver their organizational learning
differently to enable them achieve their goals and aims. One of the theories classified, as
humanism paradigm is the Kolb’s learning style. According to Kolb’s learning style, the design
and delivery of organizational learning should have four areas of preferences (James Cook
University, (JCU), 2015). This theory helps organization to understand individual learning styles
and provide an explanation of a cycle of experiential leaning applicable to all learners.
Therefore, in design of learning plan, it is important to consider various learning styles
of individuals. Employees level of understanding vary as well as there preferred style of learning.
Some learn through observing, reading or through feeling among other ways. Understanding this
will help an organization to design appropriate learning styles to meet the needs of learners.
According to Kolb’s learning theory, the four stages in experiential learning are concrete
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (JCU, 2015).
People learning takes time as they move through immediate experiences that make them to
observe and reflect on the experiences. The reflections are absorbed as individual’s links them
with the previous knowledge translating the same into abstract concepts or theories that make
them to adjust to experiences that can easily be tested and explored further (Clark & White,

Kolb’s concept can therefore, be applied in the design and delivery of organizational
learning context if the focus is to foster internal growth and discovery. Employees require
exploring their capabilities to help come up with innovations and creativity to impact positively
on the organization. Therefore, in the event that the organization wants to explore potential and
capabilities of employees, then applying Kolb’s learning theory in the design is very important
(Hirsh, 2005). This kind of learning requires the focus to be on the learner to open possibilities.
It is also important to help employees gain experience on-the-job. Organizations can therefore
provide on-the-job training to ensure that individual develop knowledge, emotions, skills through
performing various tasks. This kind of training or learning is also cost effective hence;
appropriate if the organization is aiming at reducing the cost of training.
In a setting where there is need to achieve flexible outcomes, it is prudent for such
organization to adopt this learning approach. Experiential learning is individually directed and is
not time bound hence, giving learners a wide opportunity to explore and come up with
appropriate solutions to various problems that organizations experience (Harrison, 2009).
In conclusion, it is evident that various learning theory are important in design and
delivery of organization learning. Learning theories such as Kolb’s experiential leaning styles
clearly indicates how the theory acts as a framework and a guide when designing an organization
learning strategy. It is important to understand the reason for instituting learning, the learning
styles of individual, and the overall process or cycles that leads to effective learning process.
This ensures that suitable learning methods and strategies are adopted and delivered using
appropriate methods.


Reference list

Clark, J, & White, G 2010, ‘Experiential Learning: A Definitive Edge In The Job Market’,
American Journal Of Business Education, vol. 3 no. 2, pp. 115-118.

Harrison, R. (2009). Chapter 4: Understanding Learning and the Learners.

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