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Organization’s Business Strategy

If �HR strategy� is the system of policies, procedures and practices that implement the HR function for
an organisation, how will HR leaders ensure that this system is both internally consistent and aligned with
the business strategy?
As you are learning through the required resources, an organisation�s �realised strategy� can be very
different from its �strategic intent� when the strategy as implemented is different from what was
planned. To help an organisation move in the intended direction, it is imperative that the HR functional
strategies and policies serve the higher business strategy, which requires the alignment of HR policy with
HR strategy and business strategy.

Approaches That HR Leaders Could Use In Organizations
The primary notion of HRM has a stronger theoretical base that leans on several theories
that involve motivation and commitment derived from different organizational behaviour fields.
The HRM theories therefore play an integral role in ensuring organizational commitment. The

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main approaches that I would use as a HR leader in the organization I intend to work with
The Motivational Theory
As a HR leader, the inclusion of the motivational theory within an organization I intend
to work in would involve the explanation of the key factors that impact goal-directed behaviours,
a factor that would influence the methods utilized in HRM (Armstrong, 2014, pp.13). This
approach will be directed towards enhancing the work place engagements, a situation that
ensures that the employees are committed in their work and have the capacity to meet their goals.
As a result of this, the organization will be in a motivated state in achieving a high-levelled
The Resource-Based Approach
In initiating a resource-based approach within the organization, my primary focus will be
in initiating the organization’s competitive advantage (Creelman, 2015, pp.16). This would be
achieved through an approach that would ensure the organization’s resources are rare in kind,
valuable and costly in imitating. The primary objective of implementing this approach would be
to ensure that the organization’s human resources meet this theory.
The Organizational Behaviour Theory:
The application of this approach within the organization in which I anticipate working
would involve the consideration of how employees within groups or individually act and the
manner in which the organization functions in light of its culture, structure and business
processes (Guest, & Woodrow, 2012, pp.112). The significance of using this approach is to
ensure appropriate measures are in place that influences HRM approaches within an

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organizations design through an approach that enhances the capability of the organization in
order to achieve its desired goals.

Organization’s Business Strategy

In laying an organization’s business strategy in a clear and concise way, it is significant
to understand the alignment of the strategy to an organizations vision and the considerable
impacts of these strategies on the business success (Marchington, & Suter, 2012, pp.286). It is
additionally crucial to mention that these strategies also need to be aligned to an organizations
HR policies that ensure adequate support is placed on the organization’s operations and
In addressing an organization HR policies that are imposed from within the organization
and some from other entities, it is essential to ensure that HR systems impact a business’s
function through the implementation of HR policies that support the operations of an
organizations initiatives (Marchington, & Suter, 2012, pp.286). This would be achieved through
the inclusion of the horizontal alignment approach in which the HR policies are consistent and
coherent across the function of the organization that provides a consistent message to the
In order to identify HR policies that support the business strategy of an organization, it is
vital that a HR leader consider the employment regulations and laws and the legal requirements
(Ostroff, & Bowen, 2016, pp.197). On the other hand, the engagement of an organization with
trade unions and other workers representative bodies would also enable the HR practitioners in
identifying effective HR policies that support an organizations business strategy.

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Lastly, it is also essential to note that the element of poor implementation and the lack of
competitive priorities from the line managers on HR issues may pose as challenges and issues
that may face an organization in aligning its business strategy, HR policy and HR strategy.

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Armstrong, M. 2014, ‘Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice’, 13th ed.
London: Kogan Page.pp.12-45, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost.
Creelman, D 2015, ‘HR in the Middle (Hot) Seat: Implementing the Right Talent Management
System’, Workforce Solutions Review, 6, 5, pp. 15-18, Business Source Complete,
EBSCOhost, viewed 9 June 2016.
Guest, D.E. & Woodrow, C. 2012, ‘Exploring the boundaries of human resource managers’
responsibilities’, Journal of Business Ethics, 111 (1), pp.109-119.
Marchington, M. & Suter, J. 2012, “Where informality really matters: Patterns of employee
involvement and participation in a non-union firm” Industrial Relations 52 (1) pp. 284-
Ostroff, C, & Bowen, D 2016, ‘Reflections On The 2014 Decade Award: Is There Strength In
The Construct Of Hr System Strength?’, Academy Of Management Review, 41, 2, pp.
196-214, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 9 June 2016.

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