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8th grade mathematics

write a scholarly paper based on best instructional practices. Frame your paper focused on a
specific context (8th grade mathematics) so you can generate ideas for application as you write your


Within this paper you will address the following areas (please remember to stay focused on your chosen

context of 8th grade mathematics):

Describe your context (8th grade / mathematics, description of student population, etc.)

� How learning occurs


The efficient and effective acquisition of education knowledge in the contemporary world
critically dependent on the best learning instructional practices by instructors or educators
keeping into considerations the national standards set. Under the context of eighth-grade
mathematics, three levels of mathematics prevail, and the underlying disparity between the three
tiers is the intensity, duration, pacing as well as the approach (Graf, 2015). Each and every
learner is allowed to do a course based on what the seventh-grade instructor recommended. It’s,
however, free to change levels either up or down depending on the students’ needs and
In the first level (Math 411), the population of the students falling under this category is
the majority students who finalized Math 7-1 course. Under this level, students pursue some
integrated topics in algebra as well as geometry (Graf, 2015). However, they will acquire skills
done in math classes that were previously done. Under the second level (math 412), the majority
population of students at these level are those who successfully finalized with math 7-2,
however, at this level, topics taught are more complex. It is a course that is recommended for
students who demonstrate firm ability in mathematics.

The final level (math8-3), is a course meant for students who exhibit excellent abilities in
math it, however, it introduces learners to more abstract ideas and proceeds at the faster pace.
Educators teach topics of greater depth and students are expected to evaluate and analyses more
complex problem (Graf, 2015). Learning occurs when teachers of mathematics utilize the
standards of scientific practices, for example, using the expertise of mathematical proficiency,
conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts, and operations among others. For learning
to occur, educators critically use the learning practices as suggested by various learning theorists
(Khalil, 2016). I believe that effective learning takes place in stages as viewed in grade eight
mathematics.It critically aligns with Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development which states
that infants can progress through four stages simply because it takes children a series of steps
during learning from one level to another. Learning can also occur when parents contribute in
developing real personalities among their children hence resulting in active learning since
students with good personalities like disciplines progress well in learning (Khalil, 2016).
Erikson’s psychological theory of development goes hand in hand with this concept apparently
because the theory suggests that the child develops trust, confidence, and optimism if well taken
cared during infancy stage meaning that good care contributes to the acquisition of valuable
qualities that facilitate learning to occur.
Learning can also occur when a student portrays good morals for instance honesty,
fairness, and respect that are vital for learning. It aligns with Gilligan’s theory of moral
development, which states that moral development involves pro-social behaviors among
individuals. Gilligan also suggested about caring about the personal relationship. Such concept
for instance if the relationship between the educator and the student is adequately maintained,
then learning will be achieved (Khalil, 2016). Learning occurs when there is the collaboration

between the teacher and the student to ensure meaning construction in students. The student,
however, transmits information in the form of knowledge and skills to the student through active
interaction and discussions or explanation of mathematical problems
. The idea aligns directly with Vygotsky’s theory of social development which suggests
that internationalization of tools like writing and speech results in higher learning capabilities
among children hence facilitating active learning of grade eight mathematics (Khalil, 2016)
several best practices result in attainment of active learning in eighth-grade math and involve
teaching and learning strategies, cognitive science among other. Effective teaching strategies and
learning in eighth-grade mathematics constitutes various best practices that result in efficient and
effective learning. The application of group problem-solving technique apparently stimulates
learner to put their skills on mathematical skill into practices effectively (Blinne, 2013).
Teamwork approach enables students of varied mathematical skills to interact with bone another
hence resulting in both support and challenge to one another strategic thinking skills. Instructors
do promote and enhance strategic competence specifically via essential problem-solving
Another learning strategy is the method of giving most challenging and exciting
questions to students. To facilitate this, the instructor poses scientific issues that result in high
stimulation of learner’s innate curiosity to steer the student to do the investigation on the
problem further. The practice will lead to creativity and ease of solving mathematical problems.
The strategy of using multiple representations for the presentation of mathematical ideas is also
vital in the enhancement of learning in the eighth-grade mathematics. It involves scientific
communication of ideas via drawings, writing and other instruments (Blinne, 2013).

The utilization of manipulation is another learning strategy, which includes the use of
accurate models that will facilitate the learner a perfect way of bridging the concrete
understanding of mathematics and the conceptual understanding of algebra in the eighth-grade
math course. The educators, therefore, teach students on how to utilize manipulation that results
in effective, meaningful and efficient problem solving regarding the objectives of the lesson.
Instructors can also give out assignments, asking questions, integration of literary activities and
the use of continuous assessment tests as learning strategies (Blinne, 2013).
Cognitive science plays a significant role as an education practice since teachers have to
study the minds of the students to determine whether the instructional method used is working.
Teachers always consider each and every student’s mind to determine the learning needs have
required efficiently. Different students exhibit varied reasoning capacities resulting in varied
approaches towards solving the mathematical problem.
In the context of eighth grade mathematics, different learners from different families
display diverse needs; therefore, prompting educators to develop learning strategies that seek to
meet such needs. Different students involve learners from ethnically, racially, and linguistically
varied families as well as communities viewed to be of lower social status. Teachers should,
therefore, portray positive attitudes as well as skills to facilitate effective learning of grade eight
mathematics by believing that all students can effectively succeed (Blinne, 2013). They should,
however, treat all students equally; for instance, no student should be discriminated during the
assessment at eighth-grade mathematics.
Students and family background have enhanced on how learning occurs from my
practical education through the following examples. Firstly is that it is critically revealed that
students from highly educated parents exhibit better language skills as compared to students

from less educated parents. Learners from highly educated parents’ present complex speech and
good vocabulary that is vital in learning at eighth grade mathematics. Such students are well
motivated to excel similarly to their parents, and hence motivated students can easily embark on
learning to occur (Blinne, 2013). Finally, students who encounter aggressive behaviors will
result in the relationship with high levels of conflict and less support. Such relationships create
challenges in facilitating learning of eighth-grade mathematics to occur.
To sum up, facilitation of learning in eighth grade mathematics involves applications of
good learning strategies developed. Such plans are mostly acquired from knowledge and various
learning theorists suggest information.


Blinne, K. C. (2013). Start With the Syllabus: HELPing Learners Learn Through Class Content
Collaboration. College Teaching, 61(2), 41-43.
Graf, E. A., & Arieli-Attali, M. (2015). Designing and Developing Assessments of Complex
Thinking in Mathematics for the Middle Grades. Theory Into Practice, 54(3), 195-202.

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