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World History

World History

Write a paper on the evolution and cumulative impacts of the various forms of social control, economics
and political systems and conflicts over resources. ALL FOUR OF THESE ELEMENTS MUST BE IN THE
PAPER. The paper should include examples from at least three points in history that we have studied.

Items studied such as World War I and II, French Revolutionary War

great Depression, etc.(This is world history)

This document should clearly lead the reader through the times and events that are used as examples
and reference points. The paper should have two primary or secondary sources.
The grade of the project will be based on the strength and presentation of the students arguments for

each point.

Attribution will be given with a works cited page at the end of your paper and quotation and citation within
the paper itself. Use the following site for details. We will use the Notes and bibliography method

http://www.chicagomanualof style.org/tools_citationguide.html for details
font size 12, times New Roman, 1″ margins and double spaced


World History

In the history of the world, studies have identified that the several forms of economic and
political systems, social control, and conflicts over resources underwent significant evolution
alongside having profound impacts (Zaromb, 2014). Some of these events included the World
War I and II, and the French revolutionary war. In relation to this, the various forms of economic
and political systems, social control and struggle over resources has significant evolutionary and
cumulative effects. adequate historical data exists to support the evolution and cumulative
impacts of these three events.
Social control refers to the methods in which individuals feelings, thoughts, behavior and
appearance are regulated or controlled in the social systems. One of the mechanisms used to
facilitate this course is coercion. As an element of social control, economic and political system,
the World War I was subject to evolution and cumulative effects (Zaromb, 2014). World War I
was subject to evolution as it began with mobilization and demobilization techniques with
specific local adjustments. Furthermore, this War began as a slow start in relation to its effects on
the non-combatants. Consequently, the war went through a series of increasing privation and
hardships to a brief post-war period, which was characterized by inflation facilitated by pent-up
customer spending. Moreover, the war proceeded to involve enforced movement of populations,
boundary changes and emergence of novel political forces that were radical in nature.

World War I resulted into significant cumulative effects. This fighting happened over
several sections of the Fertile Crescent during the four-year course of the war. The war then was
marked by episode of on in the form of foreign intrusion and armed resistance in places such as
Iran and other Arab provinces. Eventually enormous populations were entangled into the
cumulative effects of this war in that they were subjected to several forms of mobilizations in
relation to their sons, husbands, crops, animals and labor. Besides, a many individuals suffered
from various forms of deprivations as in the case of the Armenians, Geeks and Assyrians and
Anatolian among others (Cohen-Pfister, 2014). These groups were forcefully removed from their
lands and they experienced massacres and diseases as a result of World War I. in addition, this
war’s cumulative effects were witnessed in nations such as England, U.S. France and Germany
among others. In England, the war led to the decline of England as the core of the British Empire
due to the increased nationalist demands for freedom across the non-European world. Moreover,
the economic power of England was affected adversely, which made England heavily indebted to
the U.S. As a result the financial power of the world was shifted from UK to the U.S. In addition,
World War I resulted into women gaining the right to vote in England and other European
nations. This war also led to both the working class individuals and women gaining full
employment. As such, income distribution transformed in favor of the poor people. Furthermore,
the Aristocracy status was diminished and the emergence of the Labor Party was witnessed. The
U.S’ economy was stimulated by the war. As a result, this country witnessed high increase in
wages and employment, which led to immense profits in the industry. In France, enormous
losses in manpower were witnessed. Studies reveal that France fell behind England and Germany
in populations in the 19 th century era (Zaromb, 2014). Besides, this nation suffered from the
damages of property since most of the fighting on the western front occurred on the French soil.

On the other hand Germany experienced adverse economic difficulties, hardship and despair,
which made its future uncertain.
As a form of social control, economic and political system, World War II was
accompanied by various cumulative effects and transformations in the world. Women were
forced to handle the responsibilities of men who went to war. Moreover, the war led to the
growth of the world’s aircraft and munitions industries. Consequently, various nations began to
emphasize on food production, which led to large-scale production of food. Furthermore, this
war led to the shortage of workers, which resulted from the schedule of protected occupations.
This schedule hindered the call-up of the core employees to the armed forces. Besides, the
essential order of 1941 permitted the government conscript individuals of certain jobs (Cohen-
Pfister, 2014). When the World War II was over, all men returned home, and this led to further
disruption of employment. In the U.S, the government was forced to control of its economy in
terms of regulating shipping, trade, banking and railways among others. Besides, this nation was
faced by enormous debts as in the case of the lend-lease. In addition, this war led to destruction
of machines and factories. For instance, in Britain, a loss of 12% was witnessed in productivity
capacity (Zaromb, 2014). Property destructions from bombings called for the reconstruction of
the damaged buildings. Moreover, Britain suffered from poor quality of management and
workmanship. This suffering was caused by the disruption, which was caused by the war, of the
hiring and training processes. On the other side, several scientific advances were emerged. Some
of these scientific developments included mass production of antibiotics and computers among
others. Furthermore, trade unions and strikes were also launched after the war. As a result,
workers were not willing to tolerate unfavorable working conditions and low wages. Thus, they
used strikes and trade unions in negotiating for better wages and working conditions. This war

also led to the establishment of the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944, which was meant to
develop the International Monetary Fund so that the world could be protected from economic
depression (Zaromb, 2014).
The French Revolutionary War was a perfect epitome of the struggle for resources, social
control, political and economic system. This war was characterized by significant evolutions and
cumulative effects as was in the case of World War I and II. Although this revolution seemed
futile in 1799 and appeared powerless in 1815, its cumulative effects were far-reaching (Dwyer,
2009). In France, the landowning classes and bourgeois emerged as dominant powers in terms of
resource control or wealth. Besides, the aspect of feudalism died. On the other hand, contractual
relations and social order were merged by the Code Napoleon. This revolution unified France
and facilitated the authority of the national state. Moreover, the Napoleonic and revolutionary
wars tore down the ancient European structure, launched the period of modern warfare and
hastened the nationalism advent. In addition, the revolution played a significant role in
developing the precedents of democratic institutions such as representative governments,
elections and constitutions (Hayworth, 2014). On the contrary, the failed efforts of the urban
lower and middle-classes to secure political and economic gains overshadowed the class
conflicts, which were experienced in the 19 century. As such, the French Revolution had a
significant effect in the establishment of the modern world.
In conclusion, the various form of social controls, struggle over resources, economic, and
political systems had significant evolutionary and cumulative effects. These observations are
evident in the events that followed the World War I, World War II and the French Revolutionary



Cohen-Pfister, L. (2014). Claiming the Second World War and its Lost Generation: Unsere
Mutter, Unsere Vater and the Politics of Emotion, A Journal of Germanic Studies, 50(1)
Dwyer, C. (2009). It Still Makes Me Shudder: Memories of Massacres and Atrocities During the
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. War in History, 16(4) 381-405
Hayworth , R. (2014). Evolution or Revolution on the Battlefield? The Army of the Sambre and
Meuse in 1794, War in History, 21(2) 170-192
Zaromb, F; Butler, A; Agarwal, P; Roediger, H. (2014). Collective Memories of Three Wars in
United States History in Younger and Older Adults, Memory & Cognition, 42(3) 383-399

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