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Why School?

Remember to spend 15�minutes�reading the Introduction of Mike Rose’s book Why School?

  1. Write 3�sentences of what you feel Rose is saying in that chapter.
    Then spend 15�minutes reading the Conclusion of the book.
  2. Write 3�sentences of what you feel Rose is saying in that chapter.
    Then compare the sentences and write your opinion:

Rose Ch.5

Rose uses this chapter to explore the skills needed in the world of work compared to the educational

programs that are supposed to prepare students for work.

  1. List: When we think of blue collar and white collar work, what are opposites we associate with them?
  2. Cause/Effect: What is the effect of these opposites?
  3. List: List traits of the new worker for the information age.
  4. List: List economic developments of the information age.
  5. Comparison: How is industrial work compared to new work?
  6. Examples: Rose uses three examples:
  7. What intellectual skills are used by the carpenter? Waitress? Hair stylist?
  8. Comparison: How does Rose contrast academic and vocational education?
  9. Cause/Effect: What are the effects of this contrast?


  1. Comparison: What contrast does Rose list between what education is and what it should be?

Why School?

What is Rose saying in the Introduction Chapter?

In this chapter, Rose argues that every individual has a great role to play in his/her
success in life. A person’s success according to Rose depends on the effort one puts into the
things they do in their life. Secondly, Rose argues that many people believe that acquiring
education leads to many educational opportunities. Education helps people to advance in their
carriers according to Rose and provides new opportunities for people to venture in. Thirdly, in

Rose’s opinion policies made within any country are determined by both education and the
beliefs held by people about education.

What is Rose saying in the Conclusion Chapter?

In this chapter, Rose argues that policies put in place in America are used in defining
profiles of students in America. To Rose, the policies define students as people who are being
equipped with knowledge of improving the world. Secondly, Rose argues that, from the
twentieth century to the present time, schools have directed their focus to attend to the needs of
students, which includes preparing students for the job market as well as helping students
observe their hygiene. Thirdly, Rose notes that today, society relies on school, when solving
urgent societal matters.

Was the introduction Chapter leading one to the expectation of the Conclusion


The introduction chapter by Rose was leading one to an expectation of what Rose talks
about in her conclusion chapter.

What do people think about blue collar jobs and white collar jobs?

  1. When people talk about blue collar jobs, they are mostly referring to jobs in the
    informal sector,
  2. People also assume that in blue collar jobs no office is required by an employee.
  3. The term white collar job is used to refer to jobs in the formal sector.


  1. People believe that a white collar job involves an employee working from an
    Effects from thoughts about blue collar jobs and white collar jobs
    Consequently, blue collar jobs are considered as hand work jobs according to Rose, while
    white collar jobs are considered as brain work.
    Traits of workers from the age of information
  2. Workers from the age of information employ their own intelligence.
  3. Workers develop by themselves skills for carrying out their routines.
  4. Workers focus on efficiency and maximizing their energy.
    Economic developments in the age of information
  5. The new economy takes into account, service work.
  6. Blue collar jobs now involve training.
  7. People now acknowledge the use of brain work in blue collar jobs.
    Comparison of industrial work to the new form of work
    According to Rose, in the past industrial work was viewed as hand work, however, the
    new work also involves brain work. People believed in doing what was asked of them during
    industrial work. However, the new form of work involves innovative skills by employees.
    Examples used by Rose

The first example presented by Rose is of a carpenter. In the second example, Rose
presents the case of a waitress working in a restaurant. In the third example, Rose presents the
case of a hair stylist.
Intellectual skills
The carpenter
The carpenter assembles a door by the use of visual operations.
The Waitress
To Rose, the waitress is mandated with managing work, receiving and monitoring orders,
as well as, making fast decisions.
The Hair stylist
Rose argues that a hair stylist is expected to have enough biological awareness about hair.
In addition, a hair stylist should also have skills in communication, and making correct
Contrast made by Rose between academic form of education and vocational form of
Rose argues, many people, view academic education as the root for intelligence. While
people who have under gone vocational education are viewed lower in society.
Effects of contrast between academic form of education and vocational form of

Due to the contrast, people who have acquired academic education speak with a language
that is considered superior. Hence, people who have undergone academic training are mandated
with high positions in society, including making education policies.
Contrast by Rose on how education is now and the way Rose thinks it ought to be
To Rose, education has been narrowed down to limiting creative thinking. In Roses’s
view education should encourage innovation. Therefore vocational training should also be part of
academic education.

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