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The Transformation of MECK Insurance

The Transformation of MECK Insurance

  1. To define organizational development tools as they relate to the process of altering, accelerating, and

sustaining changes in corporate culture.

  1. To illustrate through multiple examples the importance of active and enthusiastic involvement of

leadership through out the cultural shift.


The Transformation of MECK Insurance

Organizational transformation involves changing an organization into a very proactive
institution. This reduces costs and does away with duplication and non-value adding processes,
hence, improving product and service delivery (Anderson & Ackerman-Anderson, 2010). In this
regard, organization development tools enable an entity to adopt better to the fast changing
external environment of new markets, regulations, and technologies. This could be done through
altering, accelerating, and sustaining changes in corporate culture (Tate, 2009).
Changing the culture of a corporate is a slow and tricky process since it entails convincing
the employees about the reason behind alteration of the current culture. The employees have to
be cognizant with the way the changes are being proposed. The resources have to be moved from
one activity to the other for the sake of change. In addition, the employees have to be motivated
in order to make them buy into the reforms. The management, afterwards, needs to deal with the
organizational politics by getting the people on board especially those with greatest influence
(Klewes, & Langen, 2008).
Corporate culture change can be accelerated through carrying out culture survey. This
survey’s main goal is to reveal cultural strengths, dangers, and any opportunities. This enables
the leadership to know how to align the strategy, leadership and culture. The road map ought to
be very clear to ensure that resources are allocated promptly to leadership and the goals of the


culture. In addition, there should be support from the leaders to ensure cohesion, conviction and
capability from all the employees (Dawson, 2010).
Ensuring that the change stands the test of time is very important in any organization.
This is simply because, this approach improves the organization’s brand image, the company
gains upper hand in competiveness, the employees get more satisfied, the risks are easily
managed, and there is enhanced stakeholder relations (Anderson & Ackerman-Anderson, 2010).
Apparently, these benefits can only be realized through sustainable management of change. The
changes ought to be defined especially on how different they are from any other change, there
should be a strategic plan on how to implement those changes, and the top management has to
implement the changes through rewards and incentives. In addition, the corporate has to get
seasonal employees and develop a system where employees get to embrace the culture.
Moreover, the performance of those reforms has to be monitored always (Howard-Grenville,
To achieve all thsse reforms, the leadership has to be actively involved in cultural shift.
However, the leader can only manage and bring change in an organization if he/she is competent.
Leadership that can be relied upon is very relevant for the success of an institution. (Klewes, &
Langen, 2008). The leaders always look for change through people towards the set down
objectives. Kono & Clegg (1998) insisted that leadership was a procedure that not only
influenced employees, but leaders as well, to accomplish the goals of the organization through
change. Leadership revolves around the leaders and the employees, influence, organizational
objectives, change, and people. Leadership involves giving people directions. In order to be a
good leader, one must be a good servant (Anderson & Ackerman-Anderson, 2010). Active
involvement of the leaders will ensure that increased technological advancement is incorporated


in the organization. Also high expectation from clients and rapid change in the markets will be
managed and controlled (Tate, 2009). The leaders, therefore, are able to examine their
performance so that they can adopt and implement changes in an institution. Moreover, active
involvement of the leadership ensures that the leadership always remains keen in the process of
evolution of an organization in order to realize its desirable shape, hence, address the issues of
organizational change appropriately.



Anderson, D., & Ackerman-Anderson, L. S. (2010). Beyond change management: How to
achieve breakthrough results through conscious change leadership. San Francisso:
Dawson, C. S. (2010). Leading culture change: What every CEO needs to know. Stanford, Calif:
Stanford Business Books.
Howard-Grenville, J. A. (2007). Corporate culture and environmental practice: Making change
at a high-technology manufacturer. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Klewes, J., & Langen, R. (2008). Change 2.0: Beyond organisational transformation. Berlin:
Kono, T., & Clegg, S. (1998). Transformations of corporate culture: Experiences of Japanese
enterprises. Berlin ; New York: de Gruyter.
Tate, W. (2009). The search for leadership: An organisational perspective. Axminster: Triarchy

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