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The ESOL Identification and Monitoring Process

In a word-processed document, Analyze the steps in the ESOL Identification and Monitoring Process
below. In your opinion, which two steps in the process are most essential? Explain why.
ESOL Identification and Monitoring Process:
� Identification
� Placement
� Progress monitoring
� Programmatic assessment
� Exit procedures
Choose identification and progress monitoring as the two steps that are important

Steps in the ESOL Identification and Monitoring Process

As detailed, a considerable amount of evidence clearly indicate the methodologies
involved during the monitoring of progress among students in my ELL class with the aim of
establishing an effective classroom interaction approach that is consistent with the response of
the students(Gersten, Baker, Shanahan, Linan-Thompson, Collins, & Scarcella, 2012). It is
therefore vital to establish that ELL is primarily served for bilingual learners who take English as
a second language in an ESL program in my class. The process of identification and progress
monitoring remain essential in enhancing the process of learning among these students.


In this phase, ELL’s are taken through a screening process to establish their English
proficiency, letter knowledge, phonological awareness including word and text reading. This
process therefore aids in determining the ELL’s proficiency in English and the instructional areas

that need to be considered for the students who present low levels of proficiency in English
(Gersten, et.al.2012). On the other hand, once the ELL’s levels are identified, instructional
support is provided with the aim of supporting the ELL’s in reading and oral language skills
primarily on the areas that they portray weakness, with these developments directed towards
addressing their literacy in English.

Progress Monitoring

Monitoring the progress of ELL’s is considered same as that of other students, an element
that is conducted three times in a year depending on the level of the student’s proficiency in the
language. However, students who depict a lower ability in the language may be considered for a
more rigorous progress monitoring approach that runs six times in a year (Gersten, et.al.2012). In
monitoring the progress of ELL’s, a tutor is in a position to establish their pronunciations and
ascents when detailing English measures and establish appropriate interpretation when a word is
mispronounced. The progress monitoring phase therefore ensures the ELL’s are acquiring the
required fluency in English.



Gersten, R., Baker, S. K., Shanahan, T., Linan-Thompson, S., Collins, P., & Scarcella, R. (2012).
Effective literacy and English language instruction for English learners in the elementary
grades: A practice guide (NCEE 2007-4011).

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