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The Brand Strategy Report-Royal Flying Doctor Service

The Brand Strategy Report-Royal Flying Doctor Service

Description of 2 x theories to be used (gained from academic journal articles relevant
to your particular brand � e.g., celebrity branding academic literature for those
working on George Clooney; per perhaps not-for-profit branding for those working on

NSW CC etc.)

a. Overview of �broader body of theory� you are using (just an overview of the

broad theory)

b. More detailed review of the particular key strand from this �broader� body of

theory you are using

c. Repeat stages (5a) and (5b) for the 2nd theory you have selected

Introduction to the case study brand you�re researching (George Clooney, NSW CC,

Manly Council etc.)

a. Overview of the case study brand using relevant information from your brand

audit task

b. Detailed description of the 2 x brand strategies (select 2 x actual micro-events,


examples, instances of your brand�s strategies. E.g., describe the elements of
George Clooney as a brand ambassador in his work for Nespresso in the 1st
strategy, and maybe describe his �brand identity� that enables him to star in
certain film genres etc. for the 2nd strategy. Focus on only one example for
each brand strategy to keep your analysis focused and tight. You may include
visuals of print ads / YouTube screen shots or other evidence etc. to enhance
the descriptive elements of �the what,� �the when,� and �the how� of your

brand�s strategy)
i. Brand strategy 1
ii. Brand strategy 2

The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS, is best known to be one of the largest
flying doctors in the whole globe. This RFDS is most comprehensive aeromedical organizations
in the whole world due to its reputable actions that are very outstanding in matters of saving lives
in Australia. This is a reputable RFDS in the global community due to its ability of providing
emergency and primary health care services to all the propel who are in need of their services
within the Australian community. This RFDS provides health care to people who cannot access a
hospital maybe due to its inaccessibility or due to lack of trust with doctors in the nearby health

center (Tan et al, 2013). The Royal flying doctor service of Australia comprises is also effective
since, it has an Education Program, that is very good when it comes to providing pole with the
required knowledge of saving lives of those in need. This type of education provided by RFDS is
highly useful due to the fact that it’s attributed as a resource that is very determined in impacting
knowledge to people. It as well focuses on the some seven general capabilities that are addressed
in the Australian Curriculum designed to fit this focus of RFDS also very useful to the whole
community. These general capabilities are inclusive of literacy, numeracy that is employed in
educating, critical and creative thinking to make things work in the right way. Intercultural
understanding are all examples of the capabilities of all the resources that have to be included in
the education program of the royal flying doctor service in Australia. Branding can take several
different forms, which are of high use and need to various royal flying doctor service across the
globe (Skull, Krause, Dalton & Roberts, 1999). The appearance of a celebrity in advertisements
in all flying doctor service or charity is all that is required for the organization to move forward.
The most popular forms of celebrity brand lines that are currently known in the current world are
those evidences in the brand strategy of the royal flying doctor service and all aspects of life in
saving lives of many. In most cases, singers, models, and film stars are a brand in themselves and
this is the reason as to why they can help the royal flying doctors to become a brand. People are
more impressed by what has been endorsed by celebrities that what has been endorsed with
unrecognized persons.

Detailed description of the royal flying doctor service of Australia

Giving vital health awareness to the Outback was the aim of Flying Doctor author, the Rev.
John Flynn. Right around a century back he spearheaded the potential outcomes of airplane and
radio interchanges to spare lives in the immense inland of Australia and fought to discover the

individuals and the money related backing to make and manage his fantasy. Inside of the first
year of operations, RFDs made many flight that were geared in saving lives thus, turning into the
first extensive air emergency vehicle benefit on the planet. The administration persevered
through some extremely extreme initial couple of years, managing after war in Australia that
existed in the 1930s. Amid its initial couple of decades the administration depended intensely on
group gathering pledges, volunteer backing and gifts. These days, the administration of RFDS is
upheld by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments, yet depends intensely on
gathering pledges and gifts from the group to buy and medicinally prepare its airplane, and to
fund other significant capital activities. Until the 1960s the administration prevalently employed
airplane, pilots and administration experts from builders in their services. It was dated that this
was the point at which the RFDS went on to obtaining its own particular hardware and utilizing
its own particular pilots and mechanics who could be used in the provision of services. The
RFDS is made up of several legitimate substances that are incorporated into the national office,
focal operations, and Queensland area, South Eastern Section of Australia and all the Western
Operations that are done in Australia. The RFDS works in a unified structure and each of all
involved substances work well under a board that is managed to the benefit of the sick and the
service providers. The Flying Doctor works from many bases that are 21 in number, whereby
five are wellbeing offices and 10 different offices (counting promoting, gathering pledges and
advertising and also the national office) crosswise over Australia. The RFDS gives social
insurance in three fundamental ways: running normal essential medicinal services centers with
medical attendants and other associated health awareness suppliers; giving GPs prepared in the
difficulties of remote solution and got to either through facilities or by telephone (remote
conferences) and through crisis departures and patient exchanges.


Critical analysis applying relevant theory
Private label branding theory

Shockingly better than only adjusting to an expert brand situating, some private mark marks
really mix positive value and great relationship into the private label branding that affiliates the
retail brand that might not have all alone been successful. For a considerable length of time the
private branding theory employed for use by RFDS has enabled it to buy the best experienced
and extremely favorable recognitions in the range of client administration. The procurement and
storewide sending of the private label brand helped RFDS to enhance its client administration
levels, and at the same time enhance its general image observation in the face of Australian
community. The private label brand has been of great use to RFDS in its operations where it was
able to save a lot of live in Australian community.
Following the time when, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) has tried to convey the
best conceivable health awareness administrations to Australians living in provincial and remote
regions. They used the private label branding to reliably look at the advancement in assembling
benefits and enhancing wellbeing results to help guarantee that individuals are not restoratively
hindered by where they live, work or travel in getting their services. With an expanding
requirement RFDS administrations, development remains an essential figure to the
manageability of the RFDS, SE Section. A major new improvement this year was the ‘multi-part’
inside flying machine setup, which is known to take into account a much more noteworthy
adaptability of administrations, will both conveying quicker therapeutic backing over a wide
range of human services and expansion of the life span of their airplane. RFDS are pleased to
keep on enhancing medicinal services in the Outback, year by year; since, they accept that
everybody ought to have equivalent access to social insurance, regardless of where they live.

Discussion of the current Branding strategies used by Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)
on brand management theory
The RFDS key marking methodology is a private mark that is likewise based around giving
convenient, open and suitable health awareness to the whole Australia country and remote
groups for the individuals who live, work or go there. RFDS work to guarantee that their
administrations best meet the necessities of the groups they serve and routinely survey how they
give every support of guarantee that they can meet an expanding need and enhance
administration conveyance. Since administrations can extend from a crisis departure whenever of
the day or night to giving normal medicinal services centers in remote areas, the vehicle stage
utilized relies on upon a scope of elements very crucial to RFDS operations. These incorporate
the clinical necessities of the administration, the patients’ and groups’ requirements and the need
to give a safe operational environment to patients and staff. The vital arrangement likewise sets
down the objective of the RFDS, SE Section turning into the favored supplier of aeromedical
transport benefits in south eastern Australia. This objective means they must comprehend and be
receptive to patient transport needs inside the more extensive wellbeing framework.
Derived branding strategy
The other key marking system is the inferred marking procedure that regardless of the critical
number of studies tending to the derived brand augmentations, the greater part of them
concentrate on full name brand expansions like on account of RFDS. Scholastics give careful
consideration to different sorts of naming methodologies when propelling the derived brand
augmentations as it is of high utilize and need to RFDS, similar to sub-marking or determined
brand expansions the RFDS studies consider the sub-marking expansion system through the
utilization of this hypothesis, RFDS anticipate accomplish an institutionalized settled wing

aeromedical armada, conveying a typical patient experience over its segment through the use of
the derived brand. Also RFDS is dead set in guaranteeing that as interest for their administrations
develops, so does the quantity of future wellbeing proficient readied and accessible to meet the
difficulties of giving remote medicinal services using the derived branding strategy. Thus, RFDS
work nearly with various associations crosswise over Australia, incorporating colleges which
have practical experience in country and remote prescription. RFDS is focused to accomplish
associations to help convey incorporated administrations tending to unmet requests over all
patients through the utilization of the determined marking methodology (Abeyratne, 2008).
RFDS are determined living up to expectations with state and Commonwealth governments to
build up a reasonable subsidizing model joining Commonwealth, state and benefactor reserves.
Region and state government subsidizing backings RFDS essential health awareness facilities
and aeromedical departures while state government financing additionally underpins the Rural
Aerial Health Service, operations and dental administrations from Broken Hill Base (Hall, 2007).
Incomplete financing for capital costs, for example, air ship originates from the Commonwealth
and state governments while the Commonwealth Government likewise gives fractional
subsidizing to structures. Gifts from the group are a fundamental piece of our financing model
and contribute highly required trusts towards empowering wellbeing administrations, including
the buy of flying machine, gear and operational base.
Doug Holt Theory of Iconic Brands
Douglas Hold is the person who brought the concept of how to build an Iconic brand as a
powerful tool that champions the ideology that resonates well with marketing and the strategy of
the royal flying doctor service. Since, people care about the important components of their
identities, they would like to use brands in their everyday lives and those, which can save live

like the flying doctor services. Doug Holt reasons that Iconic brands plays an important aspect in
people’s lives and have strong, durable brand loyalty among millions of people; since the flying
doctor service brand. According to Holt, the flying doctor service brands become better simply
due to their ability to provide better marketing and branding strategies and mousetraps to their
consumers. Moreover, Holt argues that Iconic brands are cultural innovators and this innovation
is what keeps them moving to date. Despite every marketer dreaming of building Iconic brands,
only a few of them like the royal flying doctor service are able to succeed by and become an
established brand for centuries.

Muniz and O’Guinn’s theory of brand community

The two main theoretical concepts of Muniz and O’Guinn’s brand communities presented
by evident managerial and practical implications that are used in the royal flying doctor strategic
brand management and this is very crucial in making things work out as required in saving lives
of many. This theory is very competent in drawing all the marketing strategy that have to be
employed for use in the flying doctor service, management tactics of the service, and consumer
behavior literature that is what is mainly focused on in ensuring that the attention of the
consumers is captured by making them know that this is the best method of saving lives to those
in critical conditions. However, the this theory have put high importance in understanding the
mechanisms and dynamics of consumption in today’s postmodern era thus; they get to know the
right strategy that has to be used in the royal flying doctors service and that which will capture
the attention of consumers in their branding process. There has been a proposal on a typology of
consumption practices, which go beyond utilitarian benefits and give high returns in business,
according to Muniz and O’Guinn’s theory of brand community. They use the consuming as
experience to play a good role in their industry where they are applicable as well as better

integration so the services provided by the flying doctors are all classified to benefit the brand
strategy and its clients. This creates a respective identity for them to be valued in the industry as
well as in the market where people are in high need of them. The brand work to ensure that the
royal flying doctor service is identified by the services they give to their customers and the
product constellations that surround the whole strategy as this is all what is needed by the sick.
This theory indicates that the breakdown of traditional forms of community is highly useful in
what is called the coupling of the increased industrialization in this era where the sick are
impressed by what they see more than what they hear about concerning the services offered by
the flying doctors services. This symbolic consumption is very inevitable as it now leads to the
emergence of new forms of community that are very much interested in the consumption of the
flying doctor services brand in the market. Muniz and O’Guinn’s theory is conglomeration of an
increasingly materialistic capitalist society due to the brand of royal flying doctors that is now
released in the market to help the sick and the people in critical conditions.

Application of Holt theory

Holt theory is used as a social network that was applied in the Coles supermarket
advertisements in Australia. The theory has been applied in the supermarkets on across all food
production through adverts that makes people know more about the productions of the
supermarket. High food varieties now produced in the supermarket that is very fast growing in
Australia for having implemented the use of Holt theory on the side of social networking
(Brown, McDonagh & Shultz, 2012). The supermarket has really grown through the
advertisement that it has made through the use of Holts theory. This has led to the establishment
of two substantial cherry growers inclusive of the raspberry growers who have consolidated and
gone to Woolworths to sell their products (Cova, Pace & Park, 2007). Coles being one of the

biggest retailer in Australia, had to employ the use of this theory in advertising its products to
increase sales and returns thus improving its profits in the industry. Australia is the other country
in the world has as large a percentage of its dry grocery market and this is the reason as to why
through the use of this theory as a social network, the Coles supermarket were successful.

Application of Muniz theory

Muniz hypothesis can be connected in observational system drawn from memory
duplicates of no doubt understood photographs seen in the daily papers and on TV, similar to the
execution of a Saigon laborer by a gun shot through the head. At the point when drawings had
started to adequately take after the photographic generations, Muniz captured them and acquired
a silver-salt print of around 30 x 36cm. The Vietnamese young lady from Tran Bang running
stripped along the street with her skin smoldered by napalm or the Chinese understudy in Tian A
Main Square who restricted the administration’s tanks with his own body could have been helped
by the flying specialists to get treated on a prompt impact (Hélène & Brace-Govan, 2007). Muniz
went for confirming what hints of well-known photos stayed in the brain when they were not a
single longer there in sight and they attempted to advise individuals to utilize the regal flying
specialist benefits as they can be of extraordinary use in times of mishap event and when
prescription is immediately required in Australia. These are all pictures that have so moved
general feeling as to be urged the aggregate memory as they contemplate on the administrations
that are offered by the flying specialist brand. With a specific end goal to make the subject much
more conspicuous, amid the printing procedure Muniz utilized the same halftone that we
normally see in daily papers with a wide flow and this gave an impression of how the brand of
imperial flying specialist administration was exceptionally valuable.
Comparing the effectiveness of two theories

Muniz and O’ Guinn discovered proof of the royal doctor service brand group in both up
close, personal and the thing that they have been in utilizing as a part of making their brands
work out for the hood and for the purpose of their clients to get medication immediately. This
has been clear in many interceded situations and this is the place these two speculations have
been proven to be effective as they advertise the royal flying doctor branding service very
effectively (Cova, Pace & Park, 2007). They have been very valuable to the royal flying doctors
brand that they have shown signs of utilizing them through the use of a right strategy to prove
that they are effective. Their ethnographic study distinguished that their vicinity, making it a
reason concerning why the three customary markers of group where these speculations are
pertinent and presently extremely helpful to the royal flying doctor service brand that is utilizing
the two hypotheses as a part of dominating the industry. Inside the royal flying doctor service
brand group, the two theories are extremely effective and this is the reason regarding why they
are comparable in meta-examination recognized gatherings of practice. This has made the two
hypotheses that are all that much appropriate in marking the royal flying doctor services that are
exceptionally clear in the two speculations (Fulton, Furman & Finlay, 2014).
Taking advantage of the capabilities of both services of royal flying doctors brand and
society needs is another method that has made the two theories to be effective. The Theories
have made several companies using social networking sites to support the creation and
development of the royal flying doctor service brand, thus proving to be effective for use in
Australia. Brands such as Jeep with famous royal flying doctor service brand tries to connect
with their clients and enhance their branding services on such social networking sites as My
Space and Facebook thus making the royal flying doctor service to be more effective (Christ &
Anderson, 2011). However, despite research on royal flying doctor service brand, especially the

new phenomenon of social media based on royal doctor service brand, thus making the Muniz
and O’ Guinn theories to be more effective. Since the royal flying doctor service brand is
becoming more important and prevalent, it’s then proving to be more effective, though he two
theories as they make more insights about it (Bulmer & Buchanan-Oliver, 2010).
Because of the quick development of online networking and the inspiration of the royal
fling doctor brand proprietors, they have decided to take an interest in online networking, the
theories and motivation to ensure people use their services. The theories have been out to
investigate if there the strategy employed for use has been to investigate whether brand groups in
light of social networking have constructive outcomes. This should be on the principle group
components and on group esteem creation rehearses, and on brand faithfulness as this will
increase the effectiveness of their working (Leight, Chan & Krasnodebska, 2011).

The preferred theory

The Holts theory can provide a better fit for the royal flying doctor service brand; since,
its objective is to first build up a neurological system of connections between brand group
markers and esteemed creation practices, brand trust, and brand devotion. The theory also tests
the system and speculations quantitatively by assessing a basic comparison of the model utilizing
study information, example, and online networking site clients. It also creates and accept new
scales to gauge some group related builds, like the shared cognizance, customs, conventions and
commitments to society, through are very helpful in leading future overview based brand group
studies in Australia (O’Connor, 2014). The Holts theory works on all the upsides of social
networking with interfacing organizations to ensure straightforwardly, in an opportune way and
requiring little to no effort, in impacting client recognitions; hence the best to fit for an overall
royal flying doctor service brand. The royal flying doctor service conducts and unifies all diverse

similarities and interested individuals that are very reputable in distinctive commercial
enterprises. The other side of the theory is much more elevated on the amount an interest in
social networking sites will take shield whereby, most of customers are found in order to be
successful through this theory (Shaw, 2007). The use of this theory is more significant as
compared to the other theories because most of commercial enterprises attempt to get advantage
from social networking as they can be utilized to create a methodology and in acknowledging
their brands in dealing with others’ method or tail others’ headings that prove to be competitive
in the Australian branding industry.


I would recommend for the use of Holts theory as it more effective in branding as
compared to other types of theories. The Royal flying doctors should select one of the high
profile celebrities and use him or her as the brand manager to help create a good reputation for
the organization. Holt’s theory would enable the royal flying doctors to have a wide social
network that would ensue that people know their offers, eventually making it a brand.


Muniz and O’Guinn’s theories are very effective; since, discovered proof of brand groups
in both up close, personal and that is the thing that they have been in utilizing as a part of making
their brands work out for the hood for the purpose of their clients. This has been clear in many
interceded situations and this is the place these two speculations have been proven to be
effective. They have very valuable to the brands that they were utilized and this is a strategy to
prove that they are effective. The Holts theory works on all the upsides of social networking with

interfacing organizations to end-buyers straightforwardly, in an opportune way and requiring
little to no effort, in impacting client recognitions; hence the best to fit for an overall brand.



Abeyratne, R. (2008). The fear of flying and air rage–some legal issues. Journal of
Transportation Security, 1(1), 45-66

Brown, S., McDonagh, P., & Shultz, C. (2012). Dark marketing: Ghost in the machine or
skeleton in the cupboard? European Business Review, 24(3), 196-215

Bulmer, S., & Buchanan-Oliver, M. (2010). Experiences of brands and national identity.
Australasian Marketing Journal, 18(4), 199-205

Christ, P., & Anderson, R. (2011). The impact of technology on evolving roles of salespeople.
Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 3(2), 173-193

Cova, B., Pace, S., & Park, D. J. (2007). Global brand communities across borders: The
warhammer case. International Marketing Review, 24(3), 313-329

Fulton, D., Furman, D., & Finlay, N. (2014). A longitudinal study of the middle class: Growth,
size and marketing strategies. Research in Business and Economics Journal, 10, 1-20

Hall, S. (2007). Flying squad. Occupational Health, 59(9), 17-18

Hélène, d. B., & Brace-Govan, J. (2007). We do not live to buy. The International Journal of
Sociology and Social Policy, 27(5), 193-207

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