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Studying and Testing

identify a context for learning

where you can apply these ideas.

Studying and Testing

The book “How We Learn” has a number of surprising facts and different concepts. This
paper intends to discuss concepts found in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the book “How
We Learn” which was written in 2014 by Carey.
Chapter 3 of the book “How we learn” reveals that a person can be able to remember the
things that play in their headphones through definitions provided in class. This form of learning
is known as the use of autobiographical memory (Carey, 2014). This method can be used in
investigating the number sense. Notably, through autobiographical memory students can be able
to learn easily addition or subtraction (Carey, 2014). In Chapter 4 of the book, Carey talks of
reconstructing the geometric proof by futzing in order to get the triangles of a pyramid right
(Carey, 2014). Thus, the ideas presented in the book can be used in investigating multiplication
along with division when learning mathematics (Carey, 2014).
In Chapter 5 of the book, Carey recommends the use of patterns in learning the English
language, which will influence the brain of the student in remembering and understanding the
information given (Carey, 2014). Thus, the idea of patterns can be used in helping students to
understand clearly when studying fractions or decimals. Furthermore, the idea of patterns can be
used in helping students to study percentages (Carey, 2014).

Learning is based on different concepts. Thus, the essay above has discussed surprising
facts found in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of the book “How We Learn” along with
various concepts relating to the ideas presented by the book, which was written in 2014 by
Carey. The essay reveals that use of autobiographical memory and the use of patterns help on
clearly understanding percentages, decimals, fractions, addition, and subtraction.



Carey, B. (2014) How we learn: The surprising truth about when, where, and why it happens.
New York, NY: Random House.

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