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Standardizing Our System

Have we standardized our system?
Based on this week�s required studies, consider the arguments for standardized curriculum in public
education. Write a response to the following:

  1. Is the current public education system in America standardized completely or in some capacity (think
    about curriculum, content standards, and state testing)?
    o Explain why or why not.
  2. Regardless of whether the education system is standardized, should this be the goal of American
    education moving forward? More specifically, should students be required to demonstrate a universal skill
    set upon completion of public schooling?
    o If so, what should they be required to demonstrate?
    o If not, how should educators differentiate the American educational experience?



Have We Standardized Our System?

Despite ongoing advocacy towards the standardization of the current public education
system in America, the system is yet to be standardized completely. This is mostly attributable to
the resistance that standardization has faced in its implementation.

According to corestandards.org, standardization is surrounded by myths that prevent its effective
adoption. One of the most common myths is that common standard adoption will lower the
standards of states to the bottom most denominator, such that states with higher standards will be
making backward steps. There is also a belief that the standards are not benchmarked
internationally and that the standards do not recognize content knowledge. Such misconceptions
have played a significant role in the slow adoption of core standards.

Standardization should not be the goal of the American education system. This is because
limiting states to particular standards not only limits student capabilities but it also limits the
number of skills that could be useful in the American economy. A standardized curriculum
consists of a one-size-fits all program, which to a great extent limits students’ learning
opportunities (NCTE, 2014). Secondly, it impacts on teacher professionalism by restricting
professional judgment, skill, and experience, to fit the curriculum script. Also, it affects the
teaching profession by focusing more on content coverage than a deep understanding of content.
Standardized assessments also lead to greater focus on test success at the expense of skill
acquisition, thus making the test the ultimate goal of learning (NCTE, 2014).

To differentiate the American educational experience, educators need to focus on developing
student skills based on their strengths and capabilities. A needs-based curriculum that ensures
individual students can have their academic needs met would ensure that the education system is
capable of developing different skills. Educators should also focus on teaching skills that are
compatible with current education and job environment, taking the time to incorporate life skills
into the curriculum (Conley, 2017).



Conley, D.T. (2007).Toward a comprehensive conception of college readiness. Eugene, Oregon:

Educational Policy Improvement Center.

Corestandards.org. Myths v. Facts About the Common Core Standards.


National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). (2014). How Standardized Tests Shape— and

Limit—Student Learning.

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