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Social Security

Informative Speech

Informative Speech. In this speech your goal is to inform your audience as to the details of the
topic suggestion below. Being an Informative Speech you are not asked to discuss the merits of the
program. Your task, as is consistent with an informative speech, is to provide your audience the details
(information) as to the proposed topic below:

Social Security is a debated topic in every Presidential Election and one gaining increasing attention as
more and more baby boomers retire. For this speech students should research the history and functioning
of the current Social Security System. From this research you are to present an informative speech on
Social Security. Topics may include: A brief history of the social security system; how to apply for benefits
and how one qualifies; the pros and cons of delaying benefits; how to afford to live off of the benefits
received from Social Security; strategies to adopt while you are young to be able to afford to retire . .

Informative Speech on Social Security

Social security

“My fellow American, lately there has been lots of discussions about social security
programs and most people are saying that the application of the social security benefits is too
long and tiresome. Many people do not know whether to delay their benefits payments. Today I


Informative Speech

am going to have it straight with you. Fist, I am going to tell you a brief history of the social
security system. Next, I will provide you with the information that will make you understand
your eligibility to receive the social security benefits and how to apply for the benefit. Finally, I
will give you the advantages and disadvantages of delaying your benefits using various
History of Social Security System
Today, recipients of Social Security benefits are not just retirees but also disabled
workers. The previous social security Act of 1935 had retirement benefits for retired workers
who became legible for the benefits at the age of 65. The Congress passes amendments in 1939
to include spouses and minor children of deceased or retired workers to the benefits. There was
an arrival of the disability insurance in 1954 that expanded o cover families of a disabled worker.
The Congress enacted amendments in 1977 to deal with the impending financial problems by
increasing payroll tax, increasing the amount legible for taxation in the payroll, and reduced the
benefits slightly. The amendment solved temporary issues until 1980. Currently, the Congress
does offer not only a solution to immediate financial problems but also have a goal to create a
surplus over the next decades in anticipation of the inevitable financial drain from te baby
boomer retirement.

How to qualify and apply for the social security benefits
For an individual to qualify for social disability benefits, the individual must have worked
in jobs covered by the Social Security and have medical conditions that meet the definition of
disability by social security. Benefits of social security in disability continue until the individual
can work again on a regular basis, work incentives provides continued benefits and health care


Informative Speech

coverage to such individuals in making transitions back to work. If an individual still receives
his/her disability benefits but reaches the retirement age, the benefits changes to retirement
benefit but the amount remains the same. There is an online application for retirement, spouse,
Medicare and disabilities benefits, but there are alternatives to those not willing to apply online.
All American citizens are free to call the Social Security Offices through a toll free telephone
line, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or visit the local social security office.
Pro and cons of delaying benefits
There is no a ‘one-age-fits-all’ in determining when an individual need to retire or when
he/she need to begin receiving the social benefits. Every individual must consider the advantages
and disadvantages of delaying his benefits as a planning strategy by doing research and get
professional help.
The pros: when you delay your retirement beyond your normal retirement age, there may
be an increase of up to 8% of your benefits every year until you reach the age of 70 with tax
exempted benefits. This strategy should be broad when you are married since if you start
receiving your benefits early, your spouse may outlive you and would be legible to receive the
full benefits from your records.
The Cons: the disadvantage of delaying social security benefits until the age of 70 means
that an individual will miss out benefits for eight years. Though some people can’t afford to wait
there are some individuals who live long enough to see the worthwhile.
For the younger generation, we should be optimistic about the prospects for a
comfortable retirement that will come from the decision that we make on our retirement benefits.
We have to understand that the social security system is a complex program that is more than
insurance for retired workers. For individuals reaching the retirement age, it is important to


Informative Speech

finance your additional savings when you start receiving early retirement benefits. Remember to
leave a bequest to your children by increasing your savings. We can make it work”.
Works Cited
History of the SSA, 2008. SSA History. Social Security Administration, Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
Social Security Online. 2003. Social Security Online – The Official Website of the U.S. Social
Security Administration. Social Security Agency, Web. 28 Dec. 2015.

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