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Small Business

• To explore the benefits of a launch event on the development of small business;
• To explore the benefits by evaluating a current case of Me by May wedding dresses
 To evaluate the influences of these benefits for the business’s future development

The rationale for this study is underlined by the growth of launch event. A wedding dress
business such as Me By May might benefit by executing a launch event. So it is useful to
examine the benefits that might be compared to small businesses. Also, this is an area that has
received little research. As a result, this study has the potential to contribute academically.


A launch event may be described as introducing something (Bowdin, et al, 2012) and is
usually placed in the context of event marketing. As Chaturvedi (2012) explains, “the preferred
ways of launching products” or for that matter services”, is through interactive events” (p. 14).


Events might be exhibitions, festivals, made a mentor or one-off occurrences (Getz, 1997; Hede
& Kellett, 2008). After providing a definition of what event marketing is in the first section, the
rest of the literature will then go on to trace the history of event marketing, locate its theoretical
framework and assess the outcomes of event marketing.


Wood (2009) observes there is little research in the area of event marketing. Most of the
academic research is conducted and other fields like public relations, marketing communications,
lifestyle marketing or experiential marketing. Usually, however, the idea is that events are meant
to market a particular product or service, communicate to a specific target audience and unfolds
as a wide occurrence with an audience (Getz, 2012). It is for this reason that event marketing
might be described as a ‘live event in which the potential target audience has the chance to
interact with the brand in a face-to-face context’ (Wood, 2009). So in this work event marketing
and experiential marketing are used to refer to the same thing. This is because both are marketing
strategies that are designed to change the physical environment for customers to have a unique
experience (Yi-Hua, et al, 2008).
The table below demonstrates examples of marketing event.

Incentives/Rewards Product launches Invite employees, local


Conferences Product sampling Publicity event, usually
designed to gain the most media


Created Events Roadshows Press conferences, inviting the
press to talk about something
newsworthy related to the brand


Exhibition Examples of these might
include competition, like the
Red Bull competitions or
Adidas Predator Cup for

Charity fundraisers Exhibition

Source Wood, 2009

The above shows some of the events that organisations can use in order to achieve whatever
marketing objectives that they have established. For small businesses, using this approach might
be far more effective than traditional media forms, often of which are very costly, especially
television advertisement, and can reach out to the broader community, and small businesses
often have difficulties accessing capital.


Event marketing or experiential marketing is relatively new. Some trace it back to around
the 1980s (Wohlfeil & Whelan, 2008), though it is not completely clear when it first began. It
seems to be a general consensus (Crowther & Donlan, 2011) however that experiential marketing
is an appropriate alternative to traditional forms of marketing, which take place usually through


traditional media channels like television, though billboards. Others (Wohlfeil & Whelan,
2008) critique overreliance of marketers using these methods. Since then, some companies have
abandoned this as a means in which to differentiate their promotional strategy from the
competition. Wood (2009) also points to the need of consumers have novelty and the desire of
consumers to build an emotional attachment with brands. As a result, event or experiential
marketing has become an attractive alternative. This brings the discussion appropriately to the
theoretical context of the marketing.


Event marketing is usually classified as a form of ‘experiential consumption’ (Wohlfeil
& Whelan, 2008). This is because of the attributes of events, which have been identified as being
experiential, interactive and relational (Crowther & Donlan, 2011). The growth experiential
consumption is due to, on the one hand, is due to the fact that goods have gone beyond functional
purposes (if they were really ever only thought of as such). Hirschman and Holbrook (1982)
were the first to point out ‘hedonic consumption’, or that which relates to the fantasy and emotion
aspects that occur with the experience of products or services. Fair this reason, the event
marketing might be an aesthetic experience ( Cluley, 2009).
As well, scholars (Ponsonby‐Mccabe & Boyle, 2006) have argued that secondhand
experiences, i.e. the hyperreal, are more influential in experiencing the consumer’s idea of reality.
This idea draws from what Wohlfeil and Whelan (2005) referred to as the “romantic ethic of
consumption” (p. 3). Life is conceptualized to exist in experiences, in the senses of the mind,
and the act of consumption also draws heavily on the consumer’s imagination (Martin, 2004). So,
consumers are encouraged by corporations to ‘live the brand’ as an active participant.


The above perspective draws from the idea of postmodernism. Although there is no
single definition of postmodernism, the idea emphasizes consumption is not an end in itself but a
production of meanings and codes (Wohlfeil & Whelan, 2008). This is meant in part to confer
and conform to whatever self -image the consumer has (a self which is not fixed but fluid). But
also, critical theory (Baudrillard, 1994) would add corporations exploit the desire consumers
demonstrate towards fantasy and escape and they exploit this their desire through glitz and
glamour (Sherry, et al, 2001) so that the ‘real is no longer real’.
From the postmodern perspective, then, the traditional marketing techniques are seen as
outdated strategies and tools that help businesses succeed in a previous age, and that today’s one
is “much more complicated” (Yi-Hua, et al, 2008, p. 390), making traditional marketing
techniques that to be the most appropriate or desirable. The differences between the traditional
marketing perspectives versus the experiential marketing can be seen below.

Source: Schmitt, 1999, p. 55, 59

Some scholars (Mascarenhas, et al, 2006) such as have referred to this as a part of
delivering the total customer experience in which emphasizes connecting real emotional
experience of customers and providing the opportunity to create memories.


Moreover, the theory of dramaturgy would emphasize the consumer experiences similar
to a theater. So there is thought to be a “higher degree of activation among consumers” (Wohlfeil
& Whelan, 2006, p. 646). This is because, in part, of the pleasure and intrinsic happiness that
occurs when consumers decide to engage in an experience for excitement or fun. But the
marketer is in complete control of the way in which the consumer feels and experiences the
brand in the event since he/she is the designer, the crafter of the experience.


The literature regarding empirical outcomes of event marketing is surprisingly very
sparse. A lot of attention has been given to event planning and management (Soteriades &
Dimou, 2011) rather than outcomes. This is quite odd considering that experiential marketing
seems to be, when taking the theoretical context into consideration, far more powerful than
traditional forms of marketing. However, there are certain themes that can be extracted from the
literature, of which are reviewed here, and among these include enhancing customer acquisition,
delivering positive emotion and increasing customer satisfaction.

Usually for the outcomes to occur, which are evaluated more in depth in the sections that
follow, it does require creativity among the marketing team and a very good understanding
regarding the needs and desires of customers (Wood, 2009). What this contributes to is an
overall ‘event image construct’ that mediates the relationship between the event and the positive
emotions or negative emotions that develop, and thus determines satisfaction and behavioral
intention. A related dimension Chang and Horng (2010) discussed that might support the event


image concept refers to the importance of ‘experience quality’ that in turn will mediate the extent
to which positive outcome.
As for the variables that contribute to event image, there are three. One is known as
‘event inventiveness’, which is defined as the “customers reception of creativity and originality
of [the organization’s] event” (Leischnig, et al, 2011p. 621). Consumers might not just assess the
inventiveness of the event but also the ‘event appropriateness’. This is defined as the “perceptions
of the degree to which the event is considered to be a suitable tool for promotional purposes”
(Leischnig, et al, 2011, p. 622). Finally, Leischnig, et al (2011) considers ‘event adequacy’, or
how well the events to align with the brand as playing an overall role in the broader event image
construct. So before leading to satisfaction, or any of the variables that are discussed below, the
event image please keep our in determining the effectiveness of the campaign.

On the one hand, events may generate financial outcomes. This might result from the
ability to improve customer retention or acquisition rates (Chang & Horng, 2010). A launch
event has the potential to do this because of its ability to expand the faces of marketing beyond
traditional sites, like advertising on television and billboards to the everyday as potential branded
spaces (Moor, 2003) to elicit positive emotions, which is discussed more in depth in the next
section. Arguably, increasing customer retention and acquisition is one of the core goals of
corporations, because it costs more to acquire new customers than to keep existing ones.
Also, with higher rates of retention, it is far more likely for the firm to remain a loyal
customer. Although loyalty has been viewed in different terms, such is attitudinal or behavioural
commitment (word of mouth, repeat purchases) (McMullan & Gilmore, 2008), the goal is an


important one for all organisations, regardless of their size. Studies (Wang & Wu, 2011) have
found that were loyalties exists, it increases the overall relationship quality and moderates
relationship length. Over time, this could be lead to both economic and social benefits, such as
contributing to the development of the small business and promoting overall growth. This is
important considering that small businesses compromise a large portion of economic GDP in
nations all around the world.

The reason why retention or acquisition may occur due to an event is because the event
itself molds and shapes positive attitudes and beliefs about the brand (Wood, 2009). This is a
perspective that emphasizes the linear nature of consumer behavior (McMullan & Gilmore,
2006), where positive emotions lead to behavioral intention. For instance, Tsaur, et al (2007)
found that the use of experiential marketing had a positive effect on the motion, which in turn
triggers behavioral intention to the variable of satisfaction. Similar effects have been found
online (Lou, et al, 2011), where experiential promotion effects influence the motives of
consumers and forge stronger emotional attachment.
Because event marketing is an experience, there can be the potential or the firm to create
in such a way that is unforgettable for the customer. This is usually done by increasing the
emotional significant for the interaction. The goal is to create a flow state (Csikszentmihalyi,
1988) so the consumer becomes immensed in what is happening. To create a state of flow, it
might involve an element of surprise, delay or challenge.
Marketers may also enhance effectiveness of the event through the ‘seven I’ perspective.
This emphasizes interaction, immersion, intensity, individuality, innovation, integration and


involvement (Wood, 2009). Practically, this does not seem to be an idea that is well developed to
demonstrate examples of how organisations might operationalize the theoretical constructs. But
certain experiences have been found to be elicited from these kinds of events. These are then
placed in a typology based on two axes, passive/active and absorption/immersion (Yi-Hua, et al,
2008). The result can be seen in the box below.

entertainment (passive/absorption) educational (active)

aesthetic (passive/immersion) absorption), escapist (active/immersion)

Source: Yi-Hua, et al, 2008

Apart from the above typology the experience the customer has might be classified into five
different types. These include affecting or feeling experiences, cognitive or thinking experiences,
lifestyle or acting experiences and social identity or relating experiences (Tao, 2013). In fact, it is
for this reason why some (Tsaur , et al, 2007) have referred to experiential consumption as sense,
feel, think, act and relate marketing (Schmit, 1999). Relation as possible, because there is an
event a congregation of people together, which is said to generate that sense of community that
‘heightens’ the experience (Crowther & Donlan, 2011).
So overall, the research seems to be in theoretical agreement that experiential forms of
marketing, like a launch event, can have the potential to elicit these kinds of emotions and
experiences. As mentioned before, these branded pieces are means in which to get customers to
co-develop and co-create the experience together:


“The event space provides a setting rich in potential to transcend the customary
parameters that define connections between parties. Through innovative design
the event space can provide a fusion of the sacred and profane (Belk et al.,
1989) and in so doing embed much richer opportunities for value creation relating to
social connections, enjoyment, and new experiences” (Crowther & Donlan, 2011, p.
Case studies on small businesses are very difficult, if not impossible to come by, as the author
examines a range of different databases (e.g. JSTOR, Emerald, Taylor and Francis) to determine
if there are any and found only a handful of studies on large organisations (Sherry, et al, 2001)
and some on other market places like flea markets (Sherry, 1990) but none of these were in
relation to small organisations.

Regardless of whatever typology may apply, the end result is that it enhances the value
that the customer associates with the brand. Scholars (Kotler & Keller, 2011) have long asserted
in the strategy and marketing field that delivering value is necessary in order to maintain a
competitive advantage. In the context of event, the value might be experiential, related to the
“customer’s perception of the products or services through direct user observation” (p. 392), such
as what happened during an event.

Satisfaction may also be increased due to the positive emotions elicited from the event
(Wood, 2009). There are numerous definitions of satisfaction. The transaction oriented one refers


assessment of the way the organization meets or did not meet the customer’s expectations.
However, there is also a ‘key militant asset’ perspective of satisfaction. This perspective
emphasizes the overall measurement of not just purchasing but consuming experiences.

When positive emotions and attitudes form, the result could be improving overall brand
equity (Crowther & Donlan, 2011). Brand equity is a multidimensional concept (Aaker, 2011).
There is no agreement on the definition. Some of the dimensions of the constructs that have been
revealed include brand awareness, image and personality. The general goal of organisations is to
enhance equity, because this increases the intangible asset of the company and leads to financial
growth (Shankar, et al, 2008). Yoo et al’s (2000) conceptual framework shows how for instance,
marketing efforts translate into improvements in the various dimensions of brand equity, which
increases that equity and delivers value to not only the firm that the customer, too. Other research
(Buil, et al, 2013) has associated improvements in brand equity with increasing brand preference,
purchase intention and allowing organisations to command a price premium. As a related,
reputation building might result. Another important aspect of enhancing brand equity is that it
discourages customers from switching to competing brand, which in the context of a wedding
business may be low, since there are many other alternatives that are available.


Overall, event marketing, as part of a launch event, shows that it is quite different from
the traditional form of marketing and might be a very powerful way in which to reach out to
consumers, especially if the event image construct is perceived appropriate, inventive and


adequate for the purpose. When this happens, the theory at all research shows the outcomes of
satisfaction, positive emotions result and possibly loyalty and brand equity might eat generated.
However, the research that has been produced to date shows that it is an area that is under
studied, with attention being directed to more towards traditional forms of marketing even as
today’s environment is classified as a postmodern condition. As a result, this study is being
executed to help contribute to the research in the area and determine what outcomes result from
event marketing, which may present practical recommendations for small business enterprises.
3.0 Methodology
To be able to achieve the objectives of the study, it is important to ensure that the best methods
are used. These methods should be aimed at ensuring that the best data is gathered which is
likely \going to give helpful information regarding the wedding business. It is also important t for
the company to ensure that the sources of information relied upon is quite reliable.

Quality and validity of data is one thing which is very important in the process of coming up
with reliable information. This should be helped by coming up with reliable instruments of
handling data so as to ensure that it is transferred to the data collected. It is good to note that
proper planning and understanding of the whole process is important fr the purpose of coming up
with quality results.
One of the most useful ways of obtaining the necessary information is carrying out interviews. It
is important to carry out interviews about the value of launch event on Be My May. The
interviews should be carried out by asking the sample of the population what they think would be
the value of a launch event on Be My May Being a wedding business.


Secondly, Be My May can consider coming up with questionnaires which are capable of
collecting the needed information. It is important to note that a questionnaire has been identified
as one of the easiest ways of gathering information. This should be a factor to make Be My May
rely on this data collection method in finding out the value of event launch for Be My May.
While going for the questionnaires, it is important to note that good questionnaires are arrived at
with a lot of difficulties. The process of coming up with a good questionnaire is usually very
difficult. It requires a lot of dedication to come up with a good questionnaire. Every person
involved in the process should ensure that this effort is put so as to come up with a good
questionnaire. This is because whenever bad questionnaires are developed, the process of study
or evaluation will be completely misled. Firstly, when a bad questionnaire is created, the process
of analyzing it will be very hard. It is usually very hard to analyze bad questionnaires. This is
because they give information which cannot be relied up on. While coming up with
questionnaires, everyone should put it in mind that there are several difficulties which exist.
These difficulties exist mostly in the process of coming up with the quations. It has been found
that it is difficult to design a questionnaire because of various reasons. Some of the reasons for
difficulty in questionnaire design is brought about by the fact that;
 Each question is supposed to give a valid and reliable measure
 Each question should be able to give information regarding the purpose of the study to
the respondents
 Each question should be in synchrony with the others for the purpose of coming up with a
questionnaire with a good flow. This is important for the purpose of ensuring that the
respondent feels motivated and interested in handling the questionnaire.


For Be My May, it is important to put great effort in coming up with a good questionnaire. This
will be important for the purpose of ensuring that it gives the respondents the zeal to co-operate
and be genuine.
It is also important to note that the population and sample should be handled in a good way. This
is important since the sampling process also determines the results of a study. For the purpose of
this study, the population is xxxxxxxx( TO DEFINE)

Sampling is method of data collection in which a few representatives of a statistical population
are chosen to estimate the characteristics of the whole population. In sampling it is assumed that
the whole population has the same characteristics with the chosen sample individuals. For
instance, the chosen sample in this case will be assumed that their view on weddings represent
the views of the whole population.

Sampling for this study

In this study, a sample of ten individuals is chosen. The individuals have been married in a
wedding and they are supposed to give the satisfaction they achieved from the wedding planners
as concerns the efficiency and price charged by the wedding planners.

Individual Remark on efficiency of wedding


Remark on price charged by the planner of the
1 Dissatisfied Satisfied


2 Satisfied Dissatisfied
3 Satisfied Dissatisfied
4 Satisfied Dissatisfied
5 Satisfied Dissatisfied
6 Satisfied Satisfied
7 Dissatisfied Satisfied
8 Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
9 Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
10 Satisfied Satisfied

From the above sample, it can be noted that most of the wedding planners who satisfied their
clients in terms of efficiency did not satisfy them in terms of the charges they charged them for
planning the wedding. Similarly, those who had satisfying prices on their clients were inefficient
in most cases while there are those who did not satisfy their clients wholly.

This sample is chosen to help the ‘Be My May’ wedding business to balance between the quality
of their services and the charges that they will charge their clients. This will help them to have a
competitive advantage over their competitors.

Moreover, this sample is aimed at helping the wedding business come up with unique features of
their business that will help it have a goodwill over their customer as this will maximize their
market share, profitability and as well strengthen its going concern.
 Definition
 Sampling for this study


 Reasons for choosing this sample
 Benefits of using a questionnaire
A questionnaire is very suitable for use in carrying out various surveys such as the one for Be
My May wedding business. This is because it comes with various benefits which are hard to find
in other research instruments. One of the advantages that be my may would be able to enjoy from
the use of a questionnaire in this study is that it targets a large number of people. Since a launch
event is about telling people of the presence of a given product in the market, it is important to
get views from various people in the market. This is important since it ensures that the views and
opinions of the public are pout in to consideration when coming up with such decisions. It is
important to note that the large number of people reached through the questionnaires is able to
generate sufficient information which is able to guide everyone on the process of coming up with
solid decisions. In the process of reaching the large number of people, it is also able to create a
certain level of awareness in the market regarding the presence of a given product or business.
This means that Be My May will be able to enjoy such advantage. The second advantage that Be
My May will be able to enjoy from the use of a questionnaire is that a questionnaire is useful
when it comes to comparing, describing and explaining. This means that the questionnaire can be
designed in a way which compares, describes and explains various aspects of the study question
with the relevant factors in the market. This is necessary for be My May since it will ensure that
only the best decision is made after carrying out the study with regard to the value of a launch
event for the wedding business. This means that the value of a launch event will be compared,
described and explained against other possible promotional tools. This will be able to bring out
the need to have the launch event over the other useful tools, not by selection but facts. The other


benefit of relying on a questionnaire is that it enables an individual to collect data which is
qualitative. This means that a questionnaire gives the person carrying out the study an
opportunity to collect data which can be counted or measured. It is worth noting that having
information that can be counted or measured gives confidence that the decision to be made
would be the best in the scenario. This is because such countable and measurable data is usually
reliable meaning that it does not mislead the users. Additionally, a questionnaire is known to be a
very useful data collection tool where behaviour, knowledge, attitudes, and preferences of
individuals are needed for the purpose of making a particular decision. It is important for Be My
May to come up with a questionnaire for the study since it will be possible to come up with a
good understanding regarding these important aspects of human beings. This will be able to give
the research good information with regard to what the people feel about carrying out the event
launch for a wedding business.
To achieve the objectives of the study by Be My May, below is a questionnaire used
Questionnaire for Be My May in the study of the value of a launch event for a wedding
(To insert questionnaire for Be My May)
An interview can be defined as a conversation between two people in which one person known
as the interviewer aims at extracting certain information from the other person known as the
interviewee. However, it is not a compulsory condition that an interview must be between only
two people but it can be between more than two people provided that one side of the involved
parties aims at getting some specific information from the other party. Thus, an interview can be
in the following forms from which Be My May can choose from.


Individual interview is one of the forms of interview which can be used by Be My May in getting
the necessary information regarding the value of launch event for a wedding business. Where
there is a face to face communication between the interviewer and the interviewee. In this type
interview there is only one interviewer and one interviewee. The interviewer is capable of getting
the non-verbal communication from the interviewee since there is an opportunity to study body
movement and expressions. The interviewer is also provided with an opportunity to seek
clarification of some points that may not be clear from the interviewee and hence this enables
them to get full information about the capability of the interviewee or full information about the
subject under consideration. This is advantageous to the interviewer since they are capable of
getting the basic details as they are in a position to study such aspects as the courage of the
interviewee. However, to the interviewee this type of interview may prove to be biased on their
side as they may not have the courage to face the interviewer and hence they may end up
delivering less than they are capable of delivering under normal circumstances.
Panel interviews whereby a group of interviewers are gathered to extract information from a
single candidate (interviewee). Each interviewer asks questions depending on their areas of
specialization and hence at the end they are capable of getting information that is all around from
the candidate. This is advantageous as substantive information is gathered from the interviewee
as questions cover wide areas from experts in the respective areas. On the other hand this type of
interview may be scaring to the candidate and hence he/she may be unable to tackle the questions
posed to them freely and competently as they would do under normal circumstances.
Features of good interviewing process


For an interview to be successful in that the interviewer obtains his/her desired information and
the interviewee delivers all the information to the best of their knowledge and potential, the
following features should be put into consideration;
Depending on the information the interviewer is interested in extracting from the candidates,
they should plan on which questions to ask so that they remain focused to the topic under study
and as well remain relevant so that they can get the right information as concerns the topic under
study. For instance, in the case of ‘Be My May’ wedding business, they should plan on the
questions that they would ask so that the feedback they will only be relevant to help them make
decisions about wedding business. It would be irrelevant in this case if an interviewer in this case
asks the candidates about their capability of delivering in certain job since this interview is not
meant for job recruitment purposes.
The interviewer should also plan on how to pose their questions to the interviewees so that they
ensure that the questions are easily understood by their candidates and as well to ensure that they
do not sound rude to the candidates but rather friendly. This gives candidates a feeling to be free
and to give information to the best of their knowledge as they are not afraid that information they
give can be used against them in future circumstance. For instance, in this case the interview is
more of research from the public as opposed to interview conducted for employment recruitment
purposes and thus a candidate may be afraid to be free to disclose information as per their
knowledge since they may fail to understand what will occur afterwards. Thus, it is upon the
interviewer to ensure that they remain polite and encouraging before the candidates so that the


candidates may be assured that any information that would give is not going to work against their
own good and wellbeing in a future incidence.
The interviewing environment
This will constitute of the relationship between the interviewer and the candidate as well as the
physical environment in which the interviewed is conducted. It is worth noting that it is human
nature to fear for their lives and to feel that they should be assured of their security. Any
interviewer who is hostile to candidate is more likely that he/she will not get the right
information from the candidate since the candidate will be unable to deliver freely or even to
disclose some information that may be useful. This is even more relevant in setting whereby an
interview is being conducted for research purposes.
A good interview process is also characterized by nature of questions that are posed to the
interviewee. A candidate will be violated if they are asked to disclose information that they may
that it is private and confidential. In the case of this business, a candidate will be offended if the
interviewer doing the research will go into asking the candidates personal marriage issues. In
summary the following features will make a successful interview;
Prepare questions that are relevant to the topic under study and write them down on a note that
will be used during the interview. It should be ensured that each question is answered during the
interview so that there is no important information that is left out.
During the interview the answers given by the candidates should be put down on a note book by
the interviewer and they should as brief as possible so that the candidate do not keep waiting for


the next question as the interviewer is writing. These notes are important for analysis purposes
after the interview.
The interviewer should review the question prior to the interview to ensure that they are relevant
and they will be useful in extracting the information needed. It is at this stage that the interviewer
should plan the average time each question will take and hence plan on how long the interview
will take.
The interviewer should seek clarity of the questions given by the candidates if he/she does not
comprehend them. Similarly, the interviewer should ensure that the candidate is free to seek
clarity if they do not understand the questions posed to them. This creates a friendly environment
and hence there is free flow of information. This makes the interview effective.
It is prudent for the interviewer to appreciate diversity in that they should try to know the culture
of the background from which the candidate originates. This helps to ensure that the candidate is
not offended in course of the interview.
Requirements of an interview
The following requirements should be met for an interview;
The interviewer should have the knowledge of the culture from which the candidates originates.
In this case, the interviewer should the religion of the candidate, their take on the wedding
ceremony as concerns marriage and as well he/she should know what normally occurs during
weddings in the culture of the candidates. This will help ensure good relationship and friendly
environment as the candidates this way is not likely to be offended.


The interviewer should also have a notebook to note the answers given by the candidate for
analysis and reference purposes.
There should be a medium of communication for an interview to take place which can be face to
face, over the phone or even through text messages. The medium of communication should be
selected based on how critical the information wanted is.
Benefits of using interviews for data collection
Interviews are useful to obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and
opinions. This is because the interviewer is able to read the body movements and expressions of
the candidates. These movements may communicate information that the candidate may not
disclose verbally or even through writing.
Interviews allow more detailed questions to be asked as the candidates can seek clarity of the
asked questions from the interviewer provided there is a friendly environment. Similarly, the
interviewer can seek clarity of the answers given by the candidates.

Interviews are prone to achieving a high response rate as compared to other methods of data
collection such use of questionnaires.

In interviews respondents’ own words are recorded and hence the information collected is first-
hand information and hence there are minimal chances of distorting the information collected
during the interviews.


During interviews precise wording can be tailored to the candidate and the exact meaning of
complex words and questions clarified, for example; students with English as a Second

As opposed to such other methods of data collection as questionnaires, in interviews
interviewees are not influenced by others in the group and hence they give information that is
dependent on their own understanding. Thus, diversified data can be collected as information
from each candidate is unique and this can increase the usefulness of the collected data in
decision making.

Interview population and sampling for ‘Be My May’

In this section some sample questions that the ‘Be My May’ would ask during the data collection
interview are highlighted and thereafter the reasons for the sample questions chosen.

Sample questions and reasons for the sample questions

Did you get satisfied by the wedding planner of your wedding? If yes, what made you get
satisfied and if not what was the reason?

This question is aimed at knowing the weaknesses and strengths of other operators in the same
business type. This will help this business to know where to improve and strategies to place in
order to have a competitive advantage over other operators in the same field.

Did the charges you encountered with your wedding planner feel appropriate to you? This is
aimed knowing how the business can rate its charges in order to fit in the wedding business.


What are some of the characteristics would you want your wedding planner to have?

This will help the business to know the wish of their customers in the wedding business.

The first two sample questions should be asked to people who are married and they got married
in form of a wedding. The questions are chosen because the business would to know what
opportunities are there in form of the weaknesses of their competitors in the field of wedding
business. The sample questions also help the business to determine price rates that will give it a
competitive advantage and at the same time help the business meet its breakeven point and as far
as possible maximize the margin of safety in its operations.

The interviews should be carried in regions with different cultures and religions so that the
business fits in every environment. This way the business will be able to maximize its
contribution margin by maximizing sales in form of a large market share.

Questionnaire On Be My May Wedding Dresses Business              
Instructions for filling the questionnaire  
You can use the ratings provided below to answer the Questions  

  1. very satisfactory  
  2. Satisfactory  
  3. Average  
  4. Bad  
  5. Worse  


Or you can use either Yes or NO. Please apply whichever is  
Please tick in the spaces provided. Do not write on the yellow sections  
Where the questions require structured answers be very brief and straight to the point
All the forms must be returned whether filled or not. Postage stamps have been provided
together with self addressed envelope.  
Personal Details  
Questions Yes NO 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Have ever bought any wedding dresses before?              
  2. How many years ago? 1yr 2yrs 3yrs 4yrs 5yrs and more              
  3. Did it cost more than $1000 US dollars?              
  4. Did you buy the wedding dress in the US market              
  5. Which designer do you admire?              
  6. Are you married?              
  7. If yes did you have a wedding?              
  8. If not, are you planning to have a wedding?              
  9. Do you earn more than $50,000 annually              
  10. Do you earn less than $50,000 annually          
  11. How many weddings have you attended these year              
    1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 or more.              
  12. Which brand of clothes do you buy?      
  13. Have ever attended any business launch?              
  14. Are you happy with the outcome of the launch              
  15. How did you find out about the launch?              
  16. Why did you attend the launch?              
  17. Did you achieve what your objective?              
  18. what is your income              
  19. Can you recommend someone in future to attend              
  20. Will you return to the launch in future              


4.0 Findings

    Details Frequency Percentage Valid

N  1 Very

500 3.3 3.3 3.3
Valid 2 Satisfactory 1,104 7.3 7.3 10.6
15133  3 Average 2,664 17.6 17.6 28.2
   4 Bad 3,312 21.9 21.9 50.1
   5 worse 2,572 17 17 67.1
   6 Yes 1,798 11.9 11.9 79
   7 No 3,183 21 21 100
    Total 15,133 100 100  

Most of the respondents have attended several launches, that’s 63% of the respondents have
attended fashion shows. The rest never responded to the questions or their answers are missing.
Most of the people who responded positively were men and account for almost 65% of the total
respondents. The people between the ages 35 to 49 years account for 51% of the people of those
who respondent positively. This group is followed by the age group between 50 to 59 years who
account for 25% of the visitors whose response was positive.
The positive and negative comments and sentinents expressed by the respondents have been
summarized and classified into three groups, those who agreed with the views that the launch
provided good service, the fashions were fabulous and their prices are fair were classified on the
Agree group while those who were dissatisfied with literally most of the issues touching on the
launch like the fashions and the prices were grouped in one group as Disagree while those who
were undecided or neutral were classified and grouped as Neutral. The following diagram depict
the findings.


Summary of the Study


Return Visit

Definitely will not
Will Not Return
Might not return
Might return
Will return
Will Definitely return



Not Recommend
May not Recommend
May recommend
Will Recommend
Definitely recommend

5.0 Recommendation
Be My May should be encouraged to go for methods of getting the best information regarding
the value of launch event for wedding business. This would ensure that the information obtained
is able to guide the business towards the possibility of making the best decision regarding the
launch event issue.
It is also important for Be My May to come up with another study that will be able to get
information through the use of alternative instruments of data collection. This is important since
it will give a good basis for settling on whether to go for launch event. The second study with
alternative instruments of data collection will act as a good control for tying any loose ends when
it comes to getting an analysis of a launch event for a wedding business.
6.0 Conclusion
The process of ensuring that a business succeeds requires proper planning and great effort. This
should be done through ensuring that all the necessary processes are carried out to ensure that
they put the business ahead when it comes to good performance. Promotional efforts and
strategies have been identified to be one of the best tools for steering a business towards good


performance. Under the promotional tools, event launch is one of the components. The best
event launch should be carried out to ensure that the life of the business or products in the market
is given more strength.
From the onset, it is important to note that for data to be valid and of quality, the instruments of
data collection should be of high quality.
Interviews should always be controlled. This is important since it ensures that the results of the
interview process are valid and capable of leading to positive impact in decision making. The
fact that Be My May has been able to put proper control of the interview process has been able to
gather information which can be relied in making sound decisions. Through ensuring that the
questions are posed in the right way, Be My May Has been able to get information from the
interviewees with confidence that they are well understood. Posing the questions well ensures
that the interviewers understand them and answer accordingly. This means that the answers
obtained from the interview process are from a firm position of the interviewees. This also
ensures that the interviewees do not get intimidated from as a result of the questions been poorly



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