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Sales potential of outboard Engines

Sales potential of outboard Engines

Outboard Engines sales largely depend on the specifications of the purchaser. Some
buyers prefer large and powerful engines while others prefer outboard Engines that have low
emissions and which are less noisy. The sales at times are seasonal i.e. during summer time they
are more activities at the seaside than during winter.
Research objective
The major objective of this research sturdy is to determine the sales potential of the outboard
engines. The initial hypotheses that densely populated areas attract more sales apply to some
extent in urban areas and are restricted to areas where the upper and the middle class citizens are
residing. (Scheaffer, Mendenhal, and Lyman, 1996)

Sales potential of outboard Engines 2
Procedure. To produce results which are unbiased the use of probability sampling was under
taken i.e. to ensure that each household referred here in as unit has an equal chance of being
selected and the probability is determined precisely and accurately. These method produces
estimates that are unbiased by weighting each sample according to its selection probability. To
estimate the sales opportunity and potential of each household, the level of income per household
had to be above $10000 per month and has taken at least two vacations or holidays in parts of the
country’s beaches or abroad in the last five years. Once these households have been identified
and selected, a random number is allocated per unit (household. The numbers range from 0 to 1
and the unit with the highest number is then selected and the owners together with their
dependents are then interviewed. This design is known as self weighting as the sampled units are
normally given similar weights and they have equal probability of selection (EPS). (Stuart,
Questionnaire. The participants taking part in the research exercise were requested to record
their all their answers on a questionnaire that was standardized. The questionnaire started by
asking the participants whether they owned an outboard engine and if not if they were thinking
of purchasing one. Secondly, if any of them owned a boat and if they would consider installing
an outboard engine. (Scheaffer, Mendenhal, and Lyman, 1996)
Sample. The total units that took part in the exercise were 200 units. From the 200 units sampled,
only 100 units qualified under the probability test and all of them had qualified for the income
bracket and the number of holidays taken. Approximately 50% of the interviewees owned an
outboard engine while 70% had at least a boat or a water sporting device or equipment

Sales potential of outboard Engines


such as a kayak or water surfing board.
Sales potential of outboard engines

Questionnaires No. of

% of
Units that own outboard Engines 50 50%
Own at least a boat or other water sports equip 70 70%
Units that don’t own outboard Engines 50 50%
Units that don’t own outboard Engines or any w/ sports equip 30 30%
Units that would like to purchase outboard Engines 49 49%
Units not interested in any water sports or outboard engines 2 2%

Sales potential of outboard Engines (200 units sample)


Units that own outboard Engines
Own at least a boat or other water sports equip
Units that don’t own outboard Engines
Units that don’t own outboard Engines or any w/ sports equip

No. of units

Sales potential in urban and coastal regions.

Sales potential of outboard Engines 4
Questionnaires units in urban

Units at the

Units that own outboard Engines 30% 70%
Own at least a boat or other water sports equip 10% 90%
Units that don’t own outboard Engines 90% 10%
Units that don’t own outboard Engines or any w/ sports equip 99% 1%
Units that would like to purchase outboard Engines 50% 50%
Units not interested in any water sports or outboard engines 30% 0.50%
Data analysis. In urban centers, only 30% of the sampled units own outboard Engines while the
rest are at the coastal region. 10% of those who own at least an outboard engine or other water
sports equipment or device reside in urban center while 90% reside at the coast. 0.5% of those
who reside at the coast are not interested in waters ports or outboard engines while in urban the
number increases to 30%. 99% of those who don’t own outboard Engines or any water sports
equipment or devices reside in urban centers only 1% of the total sample resides at the coast.
50% of the samples of those who are interested in purchasing outboard Engine are from the coast
as well from the urban centers.
The company should advertise its products aggressively especially at the coast where Outboard
Engines enjoys a massive market compared to urban centers. Also the marketing campaign
should concentrate on marketing most of its products in areas where the products can infiltrate
the market and established its own presence in some urban areas that have a potential of
promoting its sales. Outboard Engines are very common at the coast where they are popularly
used in connection with surfing gear and in other water competitions as enhancement to other
propeller engines on motor boats.

Sales potential of outboard Engines

The sales of Outboard Engines can be improved greatly by effective advertising in coastal
regions and parts of urban centers. The income of the units determines the nature and spending
habits of the households and the density of the population plays a minor role in determination of
sales. Water craft management need to concentrate on improving the quality of their product to
induce their reliability and efficiency in the market which will automatically translate into more

Scheaffer, R., Mendenhal, W., and Lyman, R. (1996) Elementary survey sampling, Fifth
Belmont: Duxbury Press.
Stuart, A. (1962) Basic’s Ideas of Scientific Sampling, New York. Hafner Publishing

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