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Rewarding Relation

The discussion between union and management is to align the primary aims for fastcat�s. They hold
many meetings to find the suitable and related objective to the strategy. Also, aligning the compensation
for the new rewarding system to make both sides win equally.Rewarding Relation

Rewarding Relation

1.4 Strategy 

The discussion between union and management is to align the primary aims for Fastcat’s. They
hold many meetings to find the suitable and related objective to the strategy as well as aligning
the compensation for the new rewarding system to make both sides win equally.

1.4.1 Objectives

Fastcat has aligned their objective based on their strategy, so the discussed hold between two
parties was to clarify what the objective desires express through of structures terms. Management
wants to influence the outcome and cover the cost of the past two years. Therefore, Union is


investigated how their employee feel involve in word place. Both sides want the new system to
benefit all employees and make the company more revenue.

The following will be the objective caritas for the fastcat:

• Maintain business strategy:

The important thing is to support Fastcat strategy which the both management and union agree
on that.

• Increase employee moral through reward

There are major changes in the internal culture since the New CEO take place. May argument
that, the morale has substantially decreased. It was agreed by both union and management
improve and specific accomplishment need for the new reward system. Moreover, they had
common interesting to built the trust that can be achieved throughout the whole business to
improve relations between employees. 

The employees have surface knowledge about the structure of the organization will be hierarchy
opposite the aims of the company. Thus, they concerning about teamwork in a hierarchical
stricter this argument difficult to communicate and collaborate between different departments. 

Both the management and union could not come to the agreement on the specific structural
direction required to achieve the best results favourable for the business performance and the
relation between employees within FastCat. Hence, the union will be particularly careful because
management chose the hierarchy this argument suggest that union insistence to put creativity in


rewarding system. At the same time, the management agrees because this objective will support
structure and employee. 

• Increase competitive advantage

The new culture of FastCat has a bureaucratic inclination. It restrains the employees and prevents
them from working in a traditional manner. As a result, employees are thinking about unstable
future of the company, may argument that, staffs are not very flexible about innovations. The
unions and management claimed market competitiveness inside the organization by putting
creativity on of the objective of the rewarding system. In addition, they came to the agreement
that it is vital to support the employees’ enthusiasm when they want to be creative and promote
the favourable environment that leads to innovation. 

• Increase the intrinsic 

The management and the union came to the agreement that it was prudent to provide more
intrinsic rewards to increase the level of employee satisfaction. The level the management of
Fastcat target is high-range. This will ensure that employees remain motivated and committed to
the objectives of Fastcat. The four intrinsic rewards that I felt were very important to provide
include. Sense of choice whereby employees are made to feel free to make decisions concerning
the ways they wanted to accomplish their work. The second is the sense of meaningless, where
the reward will involve the importance of benefits of the purpose of trying to fulfill the duties
assigned. The last two are the sense of progress and competence. Employees must have a feeling
that they are performing to the standards that exceeds their personal standards. The employees as


well require encouragement and motivation for the contributions they are making to the

1.4.2 Alignment

The parties welcomed the idea of alignment as they reached consensus on three points they
deemed were essential for the company. The points would help the company accrue some
benefits from the reward system. These points included:

• Support career Growth

Supporting growth of career of some of the talents members of the staffs was going to help
FastCat achieve its goals, aims, and objectives. Through career support, these members would
get more skills and knowledge that would be of great value to the development and prosperity of
the organization. To ensure that the opportunity remain competitive, both the existing and the
potential staffs will have to showcase their creativity and innovative skills and prowess.

• Jobs Evaluated on compensable factors

The reason for evaluating jobs based on compensable factors is to provide an opportunity for the
employees to test and assess their own abilities. This knowledge will give these employees a
basis upon which to seek for opportunities such as promotion. In addition, the method is
appropriate, as it will increase new job within the current structure that will be of value to the
organization in future. Members engaged in a constructive debate on these compensable factors
in the context of job evaluate but not conclusion was reached. Using this technique as well


enables employees to identify, skills, knowledge and experiences required to develop, progress
or get a promotion.

Emphasis collaboration

No member had contrary views or opinion on the need to collaborate, the members agreed that
indeed this was key success factor of Fastcat . The company was in deed of collaboration
between its employees, partners, departments, and even job roles. The benefit of collaboration
was that it barriers were going to be easily removed and this would promote free communication
flow. Therefore, this would lead to increased motivation and moral as well as involvement in
staffs’ performance.

1.4.3 Competitive position

Maintaining competitive position of the company was very important point of discussion.
Therefore, both the union and the management deliberated on their current market position in
length. Some of the issues discussed include, desired place in the market, future goals and
priorities that reward system can over and the strategies to help them achieve the position

The members placed more emphasis on the market job value – how it determines consideration
pay gross opportunity to exceed market pay

They thought it would be beneficial to bring its costs to same level as market share rate since
management strategy aimed to expand Fastcat for new market. However, the view of the union
was that it could be appropriate if employees were given the opportunities to earn above this


level in case they exceeded the necessary requirements. This decision would help make
employees remain in the company. Furthermore, it is a motivation strategy even though word-of-
mouth that would improve the reputation of Fastcat.

• Learning and Development

The issue of learning and development was so critical, hence was debated at length. For this to
be achieved, reward system of Fastcat was put under scrutiny to guide in reaching a decision. For
that matter, in case the reward system placed more weight on hierarchy then it meant that there
would be levels between employees ability that would made balance in the hierarchy as
management view. However, the view of the union was that the rights of employees would be
granted so that that it is developed in lower standard areas in their performance to enable them
have the feeling of being part of the company. The management furthermore, believes that
following this approach, it will make employees more loyal.

1.4.4 Performance

Both union and management deliberated on the intension of the company to reward performance.
The discussion included:

• Team success reward

The members unanimously said that project needs teams to be completed in time. Based on this,
the decision was made to focus on teams. Rewarding teams would help trigger positive
performance. Teams are also effective when the environment is difficult and the structure is
hierarchical hence, it contributes to highly standard competition.


• Reward for innovation

Research has indicated that innovation is very important to retain and attract new customers.
The members agreed that Fastcat has the potential to remain competitive because of its good
innovation potential. The staffs are motivated and therefore, are eligible for the reward. All
departments stand a chance to get rewards for their success and positive contribution. Creativity
is therefore the overriding factor. The management as well in unison agreed that indeed creative
innovation in rewarding system is to help increase the performance level as well as competitive

• Customer focus

Customers are important for any company success. Companies reap profits because of the
customers they get. Fastcat management aims at creating cordial relationship with the customers
by ensuring that they satisfy their needs. In addition, the company will also encourage all the
departments to focus on customers. Employees that care more about customers will as well be
compensated to feel encouraged. The importance of job role will also be other areas of focus.

1.4.5 Execution

The strategies or the stages should be effective to ensure that Fastcat is able to successfully apply
the new system of reward. These were the outcomes:

• Guarantee Job security for all current employees

• Openness and trust


Openness and trust allows people to be at liberty to express their views. It is important that the
company culture change to ensure that employees participate in the decision-making. Changing
from top-down to down-top management will help increase the level of trust and openness.
Implementing regular meetings or open discussion will make employees feel a sense of
belonging and understanding.

 More voice for employees

Union felt that it was prudent for employees to have more voice in the process of decision-
making that relates to reward system. The management agreed it was indeed important to do so
to enable them increase openness and trust between various parties
 Clear structure

Decision-making and justification in terms of reward and pay will be made easier if the structure
is clear and simple.
1.5 Strategic Map
The table below shows Fastcat’s strategy to use for the new reward system. The system will be
incorporated in Fastcat’s business objectives.

Important 

Dimension 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Objectives  Support Business strategy
 Attract and Retain employees
 Change Current Internal Culture


 Increase potential for innovation
Alignment  Support Career Growth

 Jobs Evaluated on compensable factors
 Emphasise Calibration


 Market job value determines
consideration pay gross opportunity to
be above the market pay.
 Learning and development
Performance  Team success reward
 Reward for innovation
 Customer focus
Execution  Openness and trust

 More voice for the employees
 Clear structure



Holston, C., & Kleiner, B. (2015). Excellence In Reward Systems. Franklin Business & Law
Journal, 2015(3), 29-40.

Thomas, K. (2009). The Four Intrinsic Rewards that Drive Employee Engagement.

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